Applying Descriptive Data
PP 41-47
Your Goals for Today:
· Apply the concept of FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION
· Develop a HISTOGRAM from given data sets
· Determine the 3 Measures of Central Tendency (MEAN, MEDIAN, MODE) to given data and their impact on evaluating data
· Calculate RANGE
· Understand the influence of STANDARD DEVIATION in terms of variability of data.
Situation 1: Mrs. K gives a 10-point test to 101 students. Ultimately, she would like to know how students did overall, utilizing Mean, Median and Mode. The raw data is listed below:
Points Scored / # of Students10 / 4
9 / 11
8 / 32
7 / 19
6 / 9
5 / 5
4 / 7
3 / 6
2 / 5
1 / 2
0 / 1
1. Which column contains the frequency distribution? ______
2. Create a histogram for the above data. The y-axis (vertical) should indicate the frequency distribution. The x-axis (horizontal) should indicate the Number of Points Scored.
3. Mean= total points scored /Number of Students who took the test. Calculate the mean for the above data.
4. Median= the middle score. Find the median score from the above data.
5. Mode= most frequently occurring score. Find the mode score from the above data.
6. Which measure of central tendency makes Mrs. K look the best?______Worst?______Which is most accurate?______Why?______
7. Range= difference between highest and lowest scores. Find the Range from the above data
8. What would a high variability in these scores indicate to Mrs. K? ______A low variability? ______
Situation 2: Coach Bob has tracked the number of homerun hits his players have hit this season. He has 22 baseball players on his team. Ultimately, he would like to know how his team did overall, utilizing Mean, Median and Mode. The raw data is listed below:
Homeruns / # of Players17 / 1
9 / 1
6 / 1
5 / 1
3 / 2
2 / 3
1 / 5
0 / 8
9. Which column contains the frequency distribution? ______
10. Create a histogram for the above data. The y-axis (vertical) should indicate the frequency distribution. The x-axis (horizontal) should indicate the Number of Homeruns Hit.
11. Mean= total homeruns hit /Number of Players on the team. Calculate the mean for the above data.
12. Median= the middle score. Find the median score from the above data.
13. Mode= most frequently occurring score. Find the mode score from the above data.
14. Which measure of central tendency makes Coach Bob look the best?______Worst?______Which is most accurate?______Why?______
15. Range= difference between highest and lowest homerun hits. Find the Range from the above data.
16. What would a high variability in these scores indicate to Coach Bob? ______A low variability? ______