Nakia McDonald <> / Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:43 AM

The American Student Government Association is conducting research on the nature of Student Government on your campus on behalf of one of our members.
Please answer the following questions and return to or by fax to 352-373-8120.
At the conclusion of this study, ASGA will provide the results to all of those who complete the survey.
Thank you!
1. What types of Student Government associations do you have on your campus? (please circle one or more)
  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate
  • Evening/Part-time
2. What written statements exist that define the relationship between the Student Government and the University’s Administration, the Board of Trustees?(Please provide examples of these documents).
> Our organization is the Continuing education Student Government. We have a constitution, which establishes our authority to function as an organization.
>Our campus also has traditional students. The traditional student’s government is the Traditional Senate. My answers from here forward will only concern the Center for Continuing Education, Student Government Association (CCE/SGA). We represent adult students, who generally attend evening and part-time.
3. Who bestows the authority for the Student Government to exist? What language is used to do this? Where is this language contained?
>The Office of the President of the College. It is stated in our constitution that our organization “gets it’s authority from the President of the College”.
4. Is the Student Government autonomous or are they responsible to another University entity? If so, what is that entity (Board, specific office, etc.)?
>We are autonomous. The SGA President has the power to spend budgeted funds, enter into contracts for products and services, and has general oversight of all SGA funds. The entire SGA board makes most decisions by consensus. We only hold a vote if there is a large differing of opinion. However, the President has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the board in the event a majority of the board cannot be reached to consider a given concern.
5. How is the Student Government structured – leadership, representation, advisor?
>President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Publicity Director, Activities Director, five Student Representatives, a faculty advisor, and a administrative advisor.
6. How is the Student Activity fee set? By whom?
>The Board of Trustees set the fee during the school’s budget process.
7. How is the Student Activity fee allocated? To whom? What oversight exists and by whom?
> The school’s Board of Trustees allocates activities fees to the CCE/SGA. The fees are the sole funding for the SGA’s budget. The SGA President is responsible for the oversight of the budget.
8. What is the University’s responsibility for oversight of the allocation? How is this defined?
>The Dean of CCE verifies all expenditures. The Dean does this by signing every requisition to spend funds from SGA budget.
9. Are there differences in procedures for undergraduate and graduate student government organizations if there is more than one SG? Graduate students vs. undergraduates, part-time vs. full-time.
>Yes, however, I am not familiar enough with the Traditional Senate’s procedures to elaborate.