Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture,

Natural Resources and Human Sciences

College BBQ Oct. 7, 2017

Location: TAMUK Football Tailgate Next to the President’s Tent

Undergraduate/Graduate Students/Alumni/Faculty/Staff

SET UP TIME for BBQ pits & Dept. Tent – between 5:00 - 8:00 PM the night before the contest (no cooking until next morning). Depending on if there is a high school game going on.

TEAMS: 3- 5 per team (AGNRHS students/faculty/staff/alumni ONLY)

CHECK IN and START TIME – Teams may check in, set up between 8:00am – 9:00am. Electricity will not be available. Due to limited space, vehicles will park in a designated area. See TAMUK tailgate rules.

ENTRIES PER PIT – Each team will select a Head Cook. The Head Cook is responsible in making sure all team members cook in a sanitary manner. Cooking conditions are subject to inspection by Cook-off Committee (Javier Mendoza, Veronica Salas, Arturo Salas, Dr.Greta Schuster.

HEAD COOK: The person designated by the cooking team to be in charge and responsible for that team. When registering, the team must sign up using the same head cook at each team.

CONTEST MEATS: Contest meats must be raw or uncured pork ribs, half chicken and cooks choice.


·  1:00 – Cooks choice (You may select any type, style of appetizer)

·  2:00 – Chicken

·  3:00 - Pork Ribs

·  4:00 – Announcement of winners

AWARDS: Awards will be given for ALL THREE categories. An “Overall” award will be given by compiling the scores of all 3 categories

Official Rules and Regulations

General BBQ Rules

1. This is an amateur cooking contest

2. ALL team members are required to have a Food Handler permits. Students/staff/faculty – contact Javier Mendoza for campus training.

·  Kleberg County Kingsville-Kleberg City-County Health Unit. 8604 North Armstrong, Kingsville, TX 78363. (361) 592-3324

·  https://www.dshs.texas.gov/food-handlers/training/online.aspx

3. Barbecue, for the purpose of this contest, is defined as raw or uncured meat prepared over a wood or charcoal fire, basted or not, as the cook sees fit.

4. No pre-seasoning or pre-cooking of the meat is allowed until it has been inspected and approved for cook-off use. Any meat found not in compliance with this rule will be disqualified.

5. All entries must be prepared in as sanitary a manner as possible. All applicable local health department rules and regulations must be complied with.

6. All applicable local fire department and Texas A&M University - Kingsville tailgate rules and regulations must be complied with. Fire extinguishers are highly recommended.

7. All fires used to prepare meat in this contest must be of wood or charcoal. No gas or electric cooking equipment will be allowed

8. Fires are not to be built on the ground. Holes or pits will not be allowed except when approved by the contest committee.

9. Absolutely no firearms will be allowed.

Cook/Team Responsibilities

1. Each team is responsible for the maintenance and cleanup of its cooking area. The head cook will be responsible for the conduct and behavior of team members and guests. Any team leaving its space in such a condition that the space requires additional clean-up will be disqualified from participation at future sanctioned events. TAMUK Tailgate rules!

2. Each cooking team will designate one person as head cook

3. Each team should be equipped with a readily available and visible working fire extinguisher.

4. All amplified sound systems should be used in moderation throughout the cook-off. The excessive and/or continued disturbing use of equipment will not be allowed during this time period. Anyone refusing to abide by this rule will be removed from the cook-off site. TAMUK Tailgate rules!

5. The excessive use of alcoholic beverages will be grounds for disqualification.

6. Competing cooks are not allowed to judge and judges are not allowed to cook. Judges must not be associated with any cooking team or team member in any way that would cast suspicion upon the integrity of the judging process. These rules are intended to be fair and equitable to each and every contestant.

Judging Turn-In Requirements

JUDGING TRAYS – A Styrofoam tray with hinged lid and without dividers (if available) will be provided by the Cook-off Committee. A single sheet of aluminum foil will be supplied with each tray. Judging trays shall be clean and free of any markings. Cook-off Chairman will inspect trays at time of turn-in in order to assure compliance with the turn-in criteria. All garnishes and condiments are prohibited.

JUDGING TRAY CONTENTS—Cook-off Chairman will advise all teams of the exact quantity and cuts of meats that will be placed in the judging tray. All garnishes and condiments are prohibited. Meats may be cooked with sauces, but once the cooking is complete, sauces or seasoning cannot be added before the meat is placed in the judging tray.

Trays must be turned in On or Before the designated time.

Failure to meet the time will result in disqualification for awards

A blind judging system is based on a duplicate numbered ticket (e.g. theatre ticket) which will be utilized in all judging categories. Blind judging consists of one-half of the double ticket being enclosed in a small envelope and being secured (usually by duct tape) to the BOTTOM of the turn-in container. The second half of the ticket is placed inside the judging container.

1.  When receiving the judging containers, the head cook prints his name on his half of the ticket in the presence of contest committee personnel.

2.  Any container that appears to have been deliberately marked or altered will be referred to the head judge who will rule on disqualification.

3.  Damaged containers will be replaced by the head judge. Damaged containers and all tickets must be turned in to the head judge at this time in order to receive a new container.

4. All entries will be scored on a scale of 1 through 10 in each of the judging criteria, with 10 being the best.

5. Until announcements are made, the taped envelope should remain attached to the top three category winners' judging containers. At the time winners are announced, the taped envelope will be removed from the container (on stage) and opened by one contest official. A, second official will announce the number. The head cook or team member must present the corresponding half of that ticket to the head judge who will confirm that the numbers match, and announce the head cook's name and team name.

6. There should be no tags remaining on meat after it has been cut and put into containers.

7. If there is a tie, the cook’s choice score will be used to break the tie.

CLEANUP – All teams must clean and remove all garbage from cooking area. BBQ pits and any other cooking apparatus must be removed on the same day.

Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences



Tray Number ______

DIRECTION: Score each criterion below using the following number score. 10=excellent thru 1=bad

Appearance: ______

(overly cook, raw, outer appearance)

Texture: ______

(Meat tender, tough, editable)

Taste Appeal ______

(Taste, seasoning, sauces, and etc.)

Judge’s Appeal ______

(Judges overall appeal

TOTAL ______



# / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5