Student Level Review
LEP Students
Ector County ISD: 068901 ESC Region 18
STUDENTMath Example Student PEIMS ID TEACHERMath Teacher SUBJECTGeometry
Accountability Groups: African American Hispanic x White Eco Dis x Special Programs: At-Risk x SPED BE ESL x CTEx
TAKS Scale Scores: Reading 1950 Writing Science 2000 Social Studies 2100 Mathematics1947
*Required exit criteria for LEP students: OLPT score 4+; TELPAS Writing Advanced High where TAKS Writing not given; TAKS ELA/Reading
Data Source:2008 TAKS / Student Expectations (SE) NOT MET:
8.6B, 8.7C, A.1C, A.3C, 8.16A / TELPAS LANGUAGE LEVELS: READING Advanced WRITING Intermediate SPEAKING Intermediate LISTENING Advanced High
LIKES/DISLIKESLikes sitting at the front of the class, likes demonstrating knowledge through modeling; likes using a calculator; dislikes showing work;dislikes lengthy assignments
STRENGTHS/WEAKNESS strengths: simple computations weakness: geometry skills
Goal/Specific Skill / SE / Strategy / Interval
__ to __ / Progress Check / Recommendation / Date Reviewed / Monitor Signature and Title Required
Practice graphing dilations, reflections, and translations on a coordinate plane. / 8.6B / Use models and pictures to demonstrate reflections, dilations and reflections. Before moving to grid, make sure students have clear understanding of the words and have them demonstrate understanding in pairs or groups. / 9/8 / 10/5 / Unit Test / After-school tutoring; Saturday school; continued use of visuals to help describe vocabulary words; modeling
Use pictures and models to demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem. / 8.7C / Use manipulatives to build right triangles and allow students to discover side lengths of perfect triangles before extending into formula. Example: 3,4,5 triangle and 6,8,10 triangle. / 9/8 / 10/5 / Unit Test / After-school tutoring; Saturday school; continued use of manipulatives; modeling
Write equations or
inequalities to answer questions arising from the situations. / A.1C / Begin with simple equations and build from the basic equation. Clarify vocabulary words needed for equations. Use algebra tiles and balances for students to understand the equality. / 9/8 / 10/5 / Unit Test / After-school tutoring; Saturday school; reteachingvocab; refer to vocab notebook and words weekly