Waterside Local Community Plan Final V1
This Waterside Local Community Plan concentrates on those issues which are specific to the Waterside DEA. During the community consultation and engagement some issues were highlighted which have influenced and are best addressed by the Strategic Community Plan. These are outlined on pages two to five. They will be delivered by the Council and partners in the statutory, community and private sectors. This delivery will be overseen by the Community Planning Partnership Board which includes the interim chairs from the eight Local Community Plan areas.
The issues specific to the Waterside DEA are presented under the eight themes of the Strategic Community Plan on pages six to twelve. Within each theme this Plan presents the outcomes for the Waterside which all partners will work together to achieve. A menu of actions for each theme is detailed and it is envisaged that this will evolve during the lifetime of the Local Community Plan as new opportunities or resources emerge.
A Local Community Planning Group will be established to take forward the Waterside DEA Plan. The Council will facilitate the setting up of the Group which will include representatives of the statutory, business, community and voluntary sectors in the area.
Strategic-wide Actions on Waterside DEA Issues
Local Issues of Wider Strategic Impact
/Strategic Community Plan Level Actions
Community Development
Improve partnership working and provide development support for Local Community Plan. / Derry City and Strabane District Council will facilitate a Local Community Plan Group, designate a Community Development Officer to advise and support plan delivery and develop co-design and co-production working.Map and review funding for community development support in the area from all sources. / Council will: review its grant allocation procedures; work with partners to scope current funding and opportunities for collaboration.
Identify any areas of weak community infrastructure. / Council and Local Plan Group will together identify gaps and actions to address these.
Audit existing community facilities and identify gaps and opportunities for development improvements and promotion. / Council will undertake an audit and make recommendations to the Local Plan Group. Council will also develop a community asset strategy.
Improve Community Relations and strengthen cohesion within and between communities of place and of interest. / DCSDC Good Relations will work with Local Plan Group to identify and resource actions.
Our Community and Voluntary sector is more resilient and sustainable increase the number of local volunteers / Empower communities to make the most of their assets throughdeveloping a community asset strategy.
Reduced levels of crime and the fear of crime / Develop community and statutory agency partnerships toreduce crime, disorder and interface and contested spaces issues toidentify and reduce inter-community tensions.
Health and Wellbeing
Support provision of community health and wellbeing initiatives (eg walking groups, nutrition, fitness and mobility; and social prescribing). / Health literacy programme focused on developing the capabilities of individuals to take control of their own health.Review usage of walkways and green spaces identifying areas for programme development and links to features and areas with historic interest.
Deliver programmes to promote the benefits of Breast Feeding.
Promotion of positive mental health and wellbeing.
Deliver a sports development programme to promote greater activity by people with a disability, women, girls, older people and those living in areas of high social need.
Support provision of programmes to counteract childhood obesitywith Breast feeding as a core component.
Consider initiatives to support family and individual mental health.
Review provision of outdoor sports facilities. / Expansion programme of play areas, parks, open spaces and greenway/cycling network.
Health inequalities are reduced. / A strong focus on mental health and wellbeing across the life-course of our people based on models of prevention, early intervention and pathways to recovery.
Plan services on a rights based approach and achieve internationallyrecognised status in an age friendly and child friendly city and district.
Develop services and programmes to facilitate long-term care support. / Proactive and ongoing health and social care service planning to implement measures to facilitate independent living.
Deliver a Compassionate Communities programme which recognises that end of life care is a social as well as a medical issue, builds capacity within communities to support those with life limiting illness to remain living independently in their own homes, makes a reality of a public health approach to end of life care and enables all of our citizens to age well.
Children and Young People
Waterside Local Community Plan area should benefit from a successful EYC bid. / DCSDC will engage with all areas in both development of bid and in enabling all young people to engage with and benefit from a successful bid.Strengthen youth involvement (eg a youth forum) and ensure young people are included in consultation on this. / Establish local structures to allow children and young people to be involved in decisions (eg a Youth Council).
Improved educational and behavioural outcomes for children and young people / Provide positive opportunities for children and young people to take
part in play, recreation and sport which contribute to healthy growthand development at home, school and in the community.
Enterprise and Economy
Need to support localWaterside DEA business growth and development in private and social enterprise sectors. / Strategic Community Plan will target programmes for social economy and intensive mentoring and start up/development for both sectors focused on areas high of high economy inactivity and rural start up areas.Education and Skills
Ensure equitable access to: numeracy, literacy and family support; careers advice; technical learning pathways for youth; STEAM initiatives; pilot programmes. / Implement a STEM action plan in primary and post primary schools.Support community and parental engagement pilot programmes focusing on numeracy, literacy and family support.
Programmes to promote academic, professional and technical learning for 16-18 year olds.
Increased number of residents with formal educational and employability qualifications. / Continue the implementation of Skills Action Plan by enablingEmployment –Tackling Worklessness, Developing Workforce Capacity,Developing Management & Leadership Capacity and Planning FutureSkills
Tourism and Culture
Link with Council’s tourism strategy to: develop rural tourism; connect to urban context and residents; market the area’s products and offerings; develop trails, tours and cultural breaks with tour companies.Develop tourism packages linking attractions, festivals accommodation, campervan site, food and carriers.
Assess feasibility of attracting high level competitions (eg European dance).
Examine opportunities for social economy tourism initiatives. / Develop comprehensive tourism strategy and action plan.
Establish Tourism Delivery Partnership to oversee strategy and act as industry voice and lobby group.
Secure events of international appeal.
Develop a vibrant social economy through targeted support.
Capitalise on heritage attractions including plantation Ebrington and historic houses. / Develop and promote our heritage areas.
Promote participation in civic and cultural events. / Develop clear Festival and Events Strategy, maintain existing programme, develop capacity and capability.
Physical and Environmental Regeneration
Implement North West Greenways report and improve cycle and walkways and green spaces. / Progress implementation of North West Greenways to improve connectivity.Improved quality and accessibility of play provision and green spaces in the Waterside / Progress the development of a number of key strategic parks projectsto maximise their recreational potential
Waterside DEA rivers and fisheries to be included in Strategic Masterplan. Participate in conservation planning. / Masterplan for the District’s primary rivers and waterways to encourage access, activities, conserve heritage and promote sustainable development opportunities.
Support local communities’ participation in environmental improvements and conservation. Deliver rural anti-litter and dumping campaign. Implement legislation on dog control. Deliver clean-up of litter and dumping on lanes and roads. / Develop community-led regeneration initiatives to promote environmental stewardship – the responsible use and protection of the environment.
Scope potential sites for social and supported housing.Reduced number of derelict properties and land / Map under-utilised and/or derelict and suitable vacant properties to address current social housing demand.
A planning function that will help shape the long-term future of our district / Develop co-design and co-production ways of working.
Water and sewage is more effectively managed. / A new waste management plan based on the circular economyapproach.Improved access to public transport and Improved traffic management / Develop a multi modal transport hub to promote the increased use of public and sustainable transport.
Community Development
Key Issue: Need to increase cross-community and inter-community working.Need to increase accessibility to community-based facilities and programmes.
Communication with residents.
Outcome- Improved community relations across the Waterside
Actions to achieve this outcome
Develop programme and activity bides for DCSDC Peace IV Action Plan (to include cultural, leisure, recreational and educational programmes).
Deliver a calendar of Festivals that celebrate cultural diversity and encourages cross-community and inter-community working.
Support communities and groups to develop strategies to manage bonfires and provide alternatives.
Engage with ethnic minority groups and develop joint working projects.
Deliver on DC&SDC Peace IV Plan (Subject to funding)
Continue to build meaningful relationships and develop joint working projects with other DEAs.
Outcome - Reduced and removed physical and psychological interface barriers and increase in movement of residents
Actions to achieve this outcome
Support interface communities to develop programmes and access funding to improve community cohesion.
Seek funding for delivery of iconic shared space projects in the Waterside.
Outcome - Development of new and improvement of existing community venues and spaces
Actions to achieve this outcome
Review and deliver actions identified in DCSDC Community Centre Review 2014 and update 2016.
Explore the possibility of using local schools for community projects and activities.
Audit community based programmes and identify gaps in service delivery, accessibility and resources.
Support local groups/organisations to work in partnership with statutory agencies and other stakeholders to progress projects.
Develop and seek funding for Community Growing Spaces/allotments and other environmental projects.
Review previously identified projects and update the legacy Council’s Pitches Strategy
OutcomeImproved range of activities and services to meet the needs of the community
Actions to achieve this outcome
Explore opportunities for partnership working in relation to service delivery to reduce duplication
Review opening times and current provision.
OutcomeResidents are more aware of community-based programmes and activities
Actions to achieve this outcome
Development and implementation of a Waterside Communications Strategy
Local Community Planning Group to work with the Council’s Good Relations team to annually scope and deliver a relevant initiative which promotes Good Relations between people of different religion, race and political opinion and which builds a united community within the DEA.
Promote awareness of and encourage participation in initiatives under Council’s Peace IV programme covering Children and Young People, Shared spaces and Services and Building Positive Relations.
Key Issue: Lack of local people involved in volunteering.Lack of young people involved in community life.
Need to ensure sustainability of an active community and voluntary sector through maximised use of existing local facilities.
OutcomeIncrease in the number of local people who volunteer
Actions to achieve this outcome
Develop a Volunteer Strategy to support community groups to promote volunteering opportunities and recruit and manage volunteers.
Increase partnership working with established volunteer providers.
Outcome- Reduced levels of crime and the fear of crime and Increase awareness of Road Safety
Actions to achieve this outcome
Increase participation and raise awareness of the Waterside Community Safety Forum.
Explore opportunities for developing a model of Restorative Justice in the Waterside.
Explore opportunities for the increase in Neighbourhood Watch
Increase partnership working and information sharing in relation to anti-social behaviour and neighbourhood disputes including public events
Delivery programmes that rises awareness of how to report and what response is required from statutory agencies.
Deliver a Waterside wide campaign highlighting the link between alcohol use and the crime/anti-social behaviour.
Increase partnership working to reduce crime
Develop and deliver programme to address road safety in the Waterside area.
Deliver initiatives that reduce the fear of crime.
Create diversionary activities that will divert youth form crime using alternative routes and models
Deliver programmes to build positive relationships between youth and emergency services
Health and Wellbeing
Key Issue: Lack of community health infrastructure, poor physical and mental health, lower than average age expectancyOutcome–Reduced gap in health inequalities in the Waterside to improve the health and wellbeing of residents and increased awareness of health programmes services and support in the Waterside
Actions to achieve this outcome
Increase membership of the Waterside Health Forum (to include community, statutory, health professionals and others)
Scope the need for a Waterside Healthy Living Centre and possible neutral venues.
Hold themed healthier lifestyle events and campaigns (to include reducing harm of alcohol, drugs and smoking, healthy eating and sexual health)
Identify funding for health development workers in DEA and support for preventative Health Programmes.
Organise activities to improve mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Develop programmes that use arts, culture, heritage and leisure to improve poor physical and mental health.
Seek out potential funding and development opportunities for Prehen Boathouse to make the facility accessible for outdoor active recreational activities
Develop community capacity to support residents at ‘end of life’
Address Social isolation in the Waterside
Utilise sports as a tool for health
Promote Active Aging and encourage organisations to seek Age Friendly Accreditation.
Deliver programmes to improve health of older people and establish a befriending programme.
Promote and encourage use of all sport and leisure clubs and facilities.
Design, develop and seek funding for a Waterside Virtual Health, information and promotion hub.
Scope the needs for 24 hour mental health and addiction services.
Develop a support programme for Carers.
Develop programmes/initiatives that will promote the benefits of Breast Feeding
Development of an Early Intervention Zone
Dissemination of information regarding health messages, service access and use in formats and language relevant to targeted audience.
Support for health care provider staff to promote client engagement and to improve practitioner communication with service user.
Development of co-design of new services – service improvements.
Proactive and ongoing health and social care service planning to implement measures to facilitate independent living.
Deliver a Compassionate Communities programme which recognises that end of life care is a social as well as a medical issue, builds capacity within communities to support those with life limiting illness to remain living independently in their own homes, makes a reality of a public health approach to end of life care and enables all of our citizens to age well.
Children and Young People
Key Issue: Need to increase access to family support services and to enhance parental capacityOutcome- Improved educational and behavioural outcomes for children and young people
Young people from the local area have access to and participate in EYC opportunities and events
Actions to achieve this outcome
Identify gaps in current youth provision and develop programmes and resources to meet gaps.
Lobby for universal delivery of Sure Start
Develop literacy/language programmes for pre-school children
Deliver a youth focused alcohol/drug campaign in schools and youth clubs.
Increase youth provision for young people who are not currently attending youth clubs.
Design and seek funding for informal education programmes for disengaged and under-achieving young people.
Work in partnership with schools to link children and families to support services.
Work in partnership with the Waterside Family Support Hub to provide a holistic approach to family support and enhance parental capacity, confidence and knowledge in managing their children’s behaviour.
Design, develop and seek funding for community based family support and parenting programmes
Enterprise and Economy
Key Issue: Low numbers of business start-ups in the WatersideOutcome - Increased number of business start-ups and social economy enterprises in the Waterside
Actions to achieve this outcome
Develop a Strategic Economic Regeneration Plan for the Waterside.
Promote and encourage participation in the Council’s Business Support Programme.
Work in partnership with relevant agencies to support local people to start their own businesses.
Encourage and support local groups to consider developing social enterprise activities
Education and Skills
Key Issue: The number of young people leaving school without 5 GCSE’s including English and MathsLack of support at transition stages (preschool – working stages)
Outcome- Reduced number of young people leaving school without 5 GCSE’s including English and Maths