/ Russian Raptor Research and Conservation Network (RRRCN),
MME/Birdlife Hungary.
Koltzov Institute of Developmental Biology of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University
Shukshin Altai State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University,
Darwin State Nature Reserve,
Russian Bird Conservation Union
with the support of
Trust for Mutual Understanding, The Altai Project,European Union’s LIFE Nature Fund (Pannoneagle LIFE Project LIFE15NAT/HU/000902)and Sibecocenter LLC

are holding

an II International Scientific and Practical Conference

"Eagles of Palearctic: Study and Conservation"

7–10September 2018

All Eurasian species of eagles are more or less rare, so saving them requires the combined efforts of countries where the birds breed, migrate and winter. Planning protective actions requires studying the status of the bird populations, as well as negative factors affecting them.

The aim of the Conference is to discuss the current situation, negative factors and methods of study and protection of eagles, as well as to propose a strategy of protecting the most endangered of them.

This Conference was first held in Russiain 2013 (Elabuga, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia), when Steppe Eagle experts from around the world gathered to discuss that raptor’s plight and the event resulted in IUCN’s listing of the Steppe Eagle as “Endangered” in the IUCN Red Book and the development of a Russian national conservation strategy. The focus of the 2018 Conference will be discussion of a Global Action Plan for protecting Imperial Eagle: One day of the Conference will be dedicated to the 8th International Workshop on the Conservation of the Imperial Eagle. Imperial Eagle experts have gathered in Central Europe seven times since 1990, in order to discuss the latest research, develop conservation strategies, and generate reports and studies. For the first time such a meeting will be held in Russia – in the place of the highest density of nesting Imperial Eagles in the World.

Species of the Сonference: Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), Eastern Imperial Eagle (A. heliaca), Steppe Eagle (A. nipalensis), Tawny Eagle (A. rapax),Bonelli’s Eagle (A. fasciata), Greater and Lesser Spotted Eagles (A. clanga, A. pomarina), Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus),Mountain Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus nipalensis), White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), Steller’s Sea-Eagle (H. pelagicus), Pallas’s Fish-Eagle (H. leucoryphus), Short-Toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus), Osprey (Pandion haliaetus).

The Key topics of the Conference:

- populations of eagles – current status and trends,

- threats – human persecution, poisoning, electrocution and collisions,

- conservation – approaches and techniques, international collaboration and cooperation,

- methods and techniques for studying eagles,

- breeding biology, ecology,

- movements – dispersal, habitat use and migration studies, including by means of ringing and transmitters,

- genetics, evolution, phylogeny and phylogeography of eagles, taxonomy,

- climate change – potential influences and impacts,

- breeding in captivity and sustainable use,

- eagles as ecological indicators.

The conference will consist of several plenary sessions with presentations on key aspects of the study and conservation of eagles in Eurasia, a poster session, workshops on current issues in the conservation of species. At the end of the conference a resolution will be adopted and recommendations for further programs for the study and conservation of eagles and their populations will be developed.

During the Conference, there will be a side-trip to Altai’s Kan river basin (Ust’-Kan region), known to contain the world’s highest density of raptor nesting sites. All 5 Siberian eagle species are active in the area in September, and participants will share expertise on eagle identification and identifying nesting sites. Also, after the Conference, participants will be offered guided tours of Altai’s interesting from the ornithological point of view areas – Katun (rafting), Teletskoye Lake in the Altai State Nature Reserve and Sailyugemsky National Park and its surroundings.

We invite all those whose work is related to this field to participate in the conference with presentations (plenary – 20 min., sectional – up to 15 min.) or poster presentations, as well as to suggest topics for discussions at the workshops.


Park-Hotel “Lake Aya”, address: Nagornaya str., 1, Katun vill., Altay Kray, Russia, 659635, geographical coordinates: N 51.906649, E 85.856183.

Work languages

Russian and English (simultaneous translation will be provided).

Important dates:

Proposals for workshop discussions should be sent before the March 1, 2018.

Registration Deadline with a Visa support – June 1, 2018, without a Visa support – 1 August, 2018.

The deadline for submission of abstracts – September 1, 2018.

The deadline for submission of manuscripts for publication – November 1, 2018.


The application form and abstracts should be submitted on-line by clicking the ‘Registration’ > link on a web-site of the Conference, or by sending to the e-mail address of the Conference: . Sending of abstracts is possible after registration through the same registration form on the site, or at the address of the conference.

Abstracts and applications for workshops

Abstracts will be published for participants before the Conference.

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations should be in compliance with the topics of the conference, be in the doc, docs, or rtf formats, should contain no more than 800 words, including a title, authors, their organizations and e-mails (sample of abstracts is attached). The Conference Organizing Committee organizes the translation of theses from Russian into English and from English into Russian, but we request to all participants who speak both languages to try to submit abstracts immediately in Russian and English.

When submitting proposals for discussion at workshops or thematic meetings, please provide a brief summary of the subject and the purpose of discussion.

The organizing committee reserves the right to refuse an application.

Publishing the conference proceedings

Proceedings of the Conference will be published as a special issue of the bilingual scientific journal Raptors Conservation.

Guidelines for the manuscripts are the same as those for contributors of the “Raptors Conservation” journal (see Guidelines). Articles in Russian should be accompanied by an extended English summary and a brief abstract in both languages. Articles in English should be accompanied by a brief abstract in both languages (the translation of the full article into Russian is provided by editors). The contents of tables, and picture captions should be written in both languages. The size of articles is not limited. Related photos are welcome.

Organization fee

Organization fee is 20 USD, provides receiving the collection of abstracts, handouts andcoffee breaks, paid by participants to the Conference. Dinner for wanting will be held in the first day of the Conference – fee 40 USD should be paid to the Conference.

Accommodation and food

Accommodation and meals are paid by participants. Details on accommodation and meals will be published in the second information letter.

The Organizing Committee will consider the possibility to pay to travel for or to provide free accommodation and food to individual speakers if they apply for it.


Transport from raivel-station and airport of Barnaul and Gorno-Altaisk cities, and raivel-station of Biysk city to Park-Hotel “Lake Aya”will be organized on September, 6–7, and back on September, 10–14 for all participants, from airport of Novosibirsk city to Park-Hotel “Lake Aya”will be organized on September, 5–6, and back on September, 10–14 for foreign participants – time of arrival and departure should be agreed with secretary. It is possible to arrive to Novosibirsk and Barnaul by train or plane from Moscow. – If necessary, help could be given for order of tickets.

The Organizing Committee will consider the possibility to pay to travel for or to provide free accommodation and food to individual speakers if they apply for it.

Secretary of the Conference:

Elvira Nikolenko,

Director of the Sibecocenter, LLC


cell phone.: +7-923-150-12-79

We would be very grateful if could share this information with your colleagues!

Registration form for participants of the Second International Conference “Eagles of Palearctic: study and conservation”

* fields marked in bold are required

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Scientific degree
Academic title
Post address
Telephone number
Title of presentation (If oral or poster presentation is not planned, please note “without presentation”)
Format of presentation (oral presentation, poster)
Do you need a visa support?
Do you need a financial support?
Please note the class of hotel room (Econome, Standard, Junior Suite, Suite, De Luxe), type of hotel room (1-, 2-, 3-, 4- bed rooms), number of persons

Please attach the abstracts to the application, or let us know that they will be later.


Second International Scientific and Practical Conference

Eagles of Palearctic: Study and Conservation


GreenG.G. (Place of work, City, Country, e-mail)

WalkerW.W. (Place of work, City, Country, e-mail)*

EdwardsE.E. (Place of work, City, Country, e-mail)

* - please mark with an asterisk the author of the report if he is not the first in the list

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