LEAD Home Visit Folder Contents

1)  Forms

·  Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program “File Summary Sheet” (1) (Left side – stapled)

·  Steuben County Public Health BOOKMARK (1)

·  Steuben County Public Health Agency Bill of Rights and Services (1)

·  Lead Referral/Insurance Authorization

·  Order – “Home visit for investigation of an elevated lead level”

i)  Evaluated for case management letter to PCP

·  Lead Poisoning Prevention Patient Plan of Care/Orders

i)  Admitted to case management letter to PCP

·  Notice of Privacy (HIPAA) (1)

·  Admission/Input Form (index) (1)

·  Steuben County Public Health Billing Rates (1)

·  Communication for Care and Services Form (1)

·  Lead Investigation “Home Visit Report” (1)

·  24 Hour Dietary Recall (1)

·  Progress Notes (2-sided) (1)

·  Ages & Stages Questionnaire (1) (Not included, nurse will get appropriate form for age of child on home visit)

·  Early Intervention/Child Find Referral Form (1)

·  WIC Referral Form (1)

·  Combined Steuben County Public Health (EI/Child Find, WIC, CPS, blank) (1)

·  Community Health Advocates Insurance Referral forms (1) (Not included, nurse will get Family Resources pertinent to family situation (Healthy Families, TASA, SHAPE, etc.)

2)  Educational Fact Sheets (1 each)

Note: Initial mailing (x1) to all lead levels 5 and greater. (Terry sends)

·  Lead Magnet

·  Nutrition and Children/Lead Poisoning Prevention and Nutrition (2-sided) (1)

·  Lead and a Healthy Diet/ A Healthy Diet Can Help (2-sided) (1)

[Source: EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)]

·  What Your Child’s Blood Lead Test Means (1)

LEAD Home Visit Educational Packet Contents

1)  Product Samples:

·  Lead outlet covers (6) “Test at One and Two” (if available)
(NOT contained in packet, need to grab before home visit)

·  Sippy cups (1) “Test at One and Two” (if available)

·  Radon Kit (1) (if available)

2)  Educational Pamphlets: (1 each)

·  Poison Proof Your Home
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 6/09 - #3111) / ·  SCPH Business Card
(Source: O:drive)
·  LEAD on the job A Guide for Workers
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 04/15 - #2543) / ·  Sticker: Get Ahead of Lead (w/skater)
(Source: NYSDOH)
·  What Home Owners Need to Know…Get Ahead of Lead!
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 4/08 - #2502) / ·  Sticker: Get Ahead of Lead “Suds Up”
(Source: NYSDOH)
(Source: EPA/rev. 9/11 – EPA-740-K-10-001) / ·  Steuben County Children’s Services Directory
·  Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home
(Source: EPA/June 2003 – #EPA747-K-99-001) / ·  Lead Poisoning is a Danger…
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 6/12 - #2594)
·  Lead Paint Can Poison: Learn the Facts
(Source: HUD) / ·  Lead Poisoning is a Danger for every baby…
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 6/12 - #2594)
·  Lead Safe Cleaning (Three Bucket Method)
(Source: O:drive) / ·  Are you Pregnant?
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 7/15 - #2593)
·  Lead Paint Can Poison: Is Your Family at Risk?
(Source: HUD) / ·  Leo The Little Lion Learns…storybook
(Source: NYSDOH//rev. 5/15 - #2533)
·  Poster: At One And Two, Testing for Lead is What to Do.
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 7/00 - #2547) / ·  Fight Lead Poisoning with a Health Diet
(Source: EPA/rev. 11/01 - #EPA-747-F-01-004)
·  Poster: Wash Lead Out!
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 6/01 - #2548 / ·  Eat Healthy to Prevent Lead Poisoning-Steuben
(Source: O:Drive May 2016)
·  Coloring Book: Leo The Little Lion Learns…
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 6/07 - #2528) / ·  Lead and a Healthy Diet
(Source: EPA)
·  Protect Your Family from Radon
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 12/11 - #3168) / ·  SCPH Nutrition and Children
(Source: O:drive)
·  A Citizen’s Guide to Radon
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 11/11 - #3153) / ·  Cultural Products Flyer-Steuben
(Source: O:drive rev 9/11/17)
·  Radon Detector Order Form
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 1/15 - #2247) / ·  What Your Child’s Blood Lead Test Means
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 7/15 - #2526)
·  Radon Test Kit Instructions
(Source: O:Drive/rev. 1/17) / ·  Nutrition Poster
(Source: NYSDOH/rev. 2/04 - #2524)

O:\Policies\Lead Policies (SAY)\Contents LEAD Home Visit Folder_Home Visit Educational Packet Contents.doc Rev. 10/05/2017