TITLE AND NUMBER: Line Inspection AL-66


PURPOSE AND USE: To provide a record of personnel equipment inspections

WHEN TO BE COMPLETED: One per sworn employee bi-annually (March and October)

COMPLETION: By assigned personnel conducting inspection

DISPOSITION: Original is maintained and updated in the district office and a copy is to be sent to the Professional Standards Unit at Headquarters. If a follow-up action is required a notification of the action should be sent to Professional Standards within seven calendar days detailing the results of that action. A copy of the memorandum should be maintained with the agent’s line inspection.



NOTES: All items listed should be maintained in the agent’s vehicle and ready for use. Once all the agents of a district are inspected, copies of the line inspection should be sent to the Professional Standards Unit (fax or e-mail) no later than the last day of the inspection month (March and October). If the line inspection indicates correctable conditions of equipment such as dirty vehicles or overdue preventative maintenance, the inspector should schedule a follow-up action. Follow-up actions are only needed if items are not issued, need to be replaced or a correctable action needs to occur. If equipment has been replaced mark the condition box with the appropriate condition code listed below and write the new Fixed Asset System (FAS) or serial number in the appropriate space for that item.

Condition Codes

·  New – New or like new condition, no major defects, scratches, or dents. Item is in good working condition

·  Good – Item is not new but is in good working condition; may have some minor damages due to normal wear and tear

·  Fair – Item is in working condition but has more significant damages due to long-term wear and tear

·  Poor – Item is in need or repair or replacement. When items are marked with P, the inspector should make efforts to contact asset procurement through email to investigate possibilities for a replacement item. A copy of the email request and any response from asset procurement should be printed and maintained with the agent’s line inspection report

·  Replacement – Indicates the item has been replaced

Completion Instructions:

1.  Agent name: Agent whose equipment is being inspected


2.  License Plate #: License plate number assigned to the vehicle

3.  Year: Model year of the vehicle

4.  Make: Make of the vehicle

5.  Model: Model of the vehicle

6.  Color: Color of the vehicle

7.  Current Mileage: Mileage shown on the odometer of the vehicle at the time of inspection

8.  Exterior: Grade the condition of the exterior of the vehicle-New (N), Good (G), Fair (F), or Poor (P). Beside the letter grade, indicate a reason for the grade ex. scratches, dents, paint, etc.

9.  Interior: Grade the condition of the interior of the vehicle-New (N), Good (G), Fair (F), or Poor (P). Beside the letter grade, indicate a reason for the grade (ex. torn seats, burns, spills, etc.)

10.  Lights & Siren: Check the box if all emergency lights and siren are functioning properly. If any equipment is in need of repairs, schedule a follow-up action to re-examine this after giving the agent sufficient time to correct the situation.

11.  PM Compliance (preventative maintenance): Indicate whether the vehicle is on schedule for preventative maintenance such as oil changes, tire rotation, etc per the ALE Policy and Procedure Manual. Write yes if all PM’s are up to date. Write no if one or more are overdue. If no, schedule a follow-up action to re-examine this after giving the agent sufficient time to correct the situation. Indicate the mileage on vehicle at last preventive maintenance service.


12.  Write Yes if the equipment item is present in the vehicle. If the equipment item is not present, document and schedule a follow-up action after allowing sufficient time for the agent to obtain the equipment item for inspection. For equipment with a serial number or other identifying number, see instructions below.

13.  Gas Card: Write last four numbers of the issued gas card.

14.  Ballistic vest: Write serial numbers of front and rear panels of issued ballistic vest.

15.  Binoculars: Write serial number of issued binoculars.

16.  Handheld radio: Write serial number of issued handheld radio.


17.  Serial #: Serial number of the equipment being inspected.

18.  Make: Make of any firearm used by the agent.

19.  Model: Model number of any firearm used by the agent.


20.  If follow-up actions are necessary to achieve desired standards of equipment, print the date of the follow-up action here. Also please list any additional comments, equipment, or other pertinent information as deemed by the inspector or agent.