Union of Taxation Employees

Kelowna Local 20003

Executive Meeting, February 23, 2006

Perkins Restaurant, 5:30pm

Present: Sarah Redd Susan Yaciw Doug Axelson Lisa Kurulok

Carrie Moojelsky Sue Moser

Regrets: Alex Cook Joy Harrison

Oath of Office – Sarah Redd: Lisa Kurulok was sworn in as Secretary on the Executive.

Minutes from the January 17, 2006 Executive Meeting – Sarah Redd:

Motion the accept the minutes – Doug Axelson

Seconded – Carrie Moojelsky

Motion carried unanimously

Funds from Penticton Local 20026 & Letter dated January 16, 2006 – Sarah Redd:

The letter received from Penticton was read aloud to executive by Lisa Kurulok. In camera discussion. The amount received from Local 20026 was based on the following: 74 employees X 12 months X $4.00 = $3,552.00 less the amount of funds advanced to Local 20003 for the founding AGM held December 2005 in the amount of $463.00. Total received from Penticton: $3,089.00

President Sarah Redd sent a letter to the Penticton Local thanking them for the funds, the support and the show of solidarity.

Treasurer’s Report – Doug Axelson: Royal bank of Canada account was opened. A source and application of Funds statement was provided for the period ending February 22, 2006.

Sources of funding include: Donation from AGM, Funds from Penticton, Cookbook sales, and 50/50 fundraising to total $3,422.61

Expenses included: Mail Box rental, Airfare for Regional President’s meeting, Airfare for regional Grievance Training for two, and Airfare for President’s Conference. All expenses with exception of the Mail Box rental will be reimbursed by UTE National. Net amount of funds available as at Feb 22, 2006 is: $2,104.31

No Petty Cash fund to be established at this time

21 cookbooks remain to be sold. President Sarah Redd committed to selling the remainder of the cookbooks at the Regional President’s meeting, Grievance training, and President’s Conference.

The Treasurer will provide a report at every executive meeting and will produce financial statements quarterly.

Bursary Committee – Sue Moser & Sarah Redd: The Bursary is now part of our budget as per the AGM. The proposal is to continue selling the cookbooks to replenish funds from the current working capital to ensure that the bursary funds are available this year.

The Treasurer will check into purchasing a $1,000.00 GIC for future bursaries.

Sue Moser provided a draft copy of the Bursary guidelines and application. Page 4 was missing and it was agreed that sue would distribute the draft copy to the Executive with approval of draft copy via email.

Deadline for the application to be determined by the Bursary Committee

The Bursary will present the successful applicant to the Executive.

Social Committee Update – Sarah Redd:

Heather Held has agreed to be the chairperson of the committee for the local. An email will be sent by the chair of the committee to all employees in Kelowna for expressions of interest to participate on the Social Committee.

Paul DeShane is holding a silent auction with funds to go to the Social Committee.

Area Council update – Susan Yaciw: Susan Advised that the next Area Council meeting will be on march 17th. She advised that there are 4 candidates running for the position of National President for the PSAC. Robin Benson from U.T.E., Heather Brooker from National Component, John Gordon the current Vice President and another candidate unknown. Patty Ducharme – Regional Executive Vice President Pacific Region for P.S.A.C. is running for National Vice President of the P.S.A.C.

The Alternate R.E.V.P. for BC is Kay Sinclaire. She would take over for Patty should Patty get elected.

On April 29, 2006 Susan will be attending the P.S.A.C Convention in Toronto as a delegate from Area Council. As dues paying members of Area Council, any members of the local wanting to share their wishes as to who they would like to be elected in the national positions or have their wishes known regarding any resolutions should contact Susan Yaciw.

UMC – Sarah Redd: A U.M.C. will be held on March 6, 2006. Agenda items were forwarded by PIPSC and PSAC to SMC. No agenda items were presented by management.

Staffing Course – Sarah Redd: Sarah attended a National Staffing course in September 2005. At that time, she made a commitment to the Regional Vice President to come back from that training and share information with the Executive and membership. Sarah proposed an abbreviated version of this 4-day course that would be open to the Executive and any members of UTE interested.

The expenses were costed; A room at the Sandman Hotel would cost $70 plus tax along with the rental of a multi-media projector for $175/day.

The topics of the session would be an introduction to the employers staffing policy and associated directives and areas of recourse. A tentative date could be April 8/06.

After some discussion it was agreed that this item would be deferred until the next meeting to enable to executive to explore more cost saving alternatives.

P.S.A.C. Health and Safety Course – Susan Yaciw: Susan made a motion to receive $25.00 to enable her to attend the Health & Safety course March 10th and 11th, 2006.

Motion was seconded by Carrie Moojelsky

Motion carried unanimously.

Round Table:

Susan Yaciw – The courts are backing the PSAC crackdown on members who crossed the picket lines in Ontario.

Sarah Redd – Mr. Ken Jaschke retired last week. He asked the union for assistance in obtaining his long service awards and retirement letter etc. Sarah is working with the employer to ensure that these items are given to the member. A retirement party will be held for Ken at Tonics on March 3, 2006 at 4:30pm

Meeting Adjourned at 7:15pm


Letter from Local 20026 dated January 16, 2005

Bursary Information/Application

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