Pierce College District Number Eleven
Math Professor
WHEREAS, Randy Leifson has submitted written notification, dated August 20, 2012, of hisintent to retire from his tenured position as a full-time professor at Pierce College effective December 13, 2012, and,
WHEREAS, the College administration has acknowledged Mr. Leifson’sintent to retire effective December 13, 2012;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Community College District 11 publicly acknowledges their appreciation for Mr. Leifson’s years of dedicated service to the College, and the MathDepartment. Mr. Leifson has served as a valued full- time faculty member for 15 years and as an employee at Pierce College for 38 years.
Mr. Leifson has been a driving force behind the Mathematics Lab at both the Military sites and on Fort Steilacoom Campus. He has helped countless students prepare for Math courses and life with a patient and constant presence.
Throughout his career he has been a tireless advocate and supporter ofPierce College. He reviewed textbooks for publishers and contributed his earnings to the College Foundation.The work he has done with his students has been most impactful. It was nothing for Mr. Leifson to call a student whose attendance was poor to check on them and offer help.
Mr. Leifson began and has promoted the Roland Weiss World War II lecture series as well as the Outdoor Lecture series. He is a humanitarian pure and simple. His work in the community includes but is not limited to: Paint Tacoma Beautiful, Arab/Jewish forum, and Tacoma’s Arabs Jews and Others for Peace.
Mr. Leifson is a valued member of the College community and the Board commends his undisputed commitment to the field of education, and extends their best wishes for an enjoyable retirement.