Schools Forum Bullet Point Notes of Wednesday 2 December 2009

Item 1. Chairs Opening Remarks: The Chair welcomed:

Cllr Ray Gooding, substituting for Cllr Peter Martin, Megan Jenkins, substituting for Peter Malcolm, Jenny Moore, substituting for Vic Goddard, Bruce Clements, Neil Songer

Apologies from: Cllr Stephen Castle, John Crane, Claire Cross, Harriet Hill, Gary Pocock

Item 2. Budget 2010-11 – additional Budget and initial CEL proposals: The paper set out the likely budget for 2010-11. It highlighted the likely extent of the breach of the CEL, which results from:

o  Impact of Academies;

o  The effect of earlier support offered by the Forum for 2008-09 and 2009-10 budgets and their ongoing effects;

o  In-year support for the Tree Inspection proposal at 14 October meeting;

o  The proposal to support the Educational visits approach at Agenda Item 5; and

o  The Independent Special School pressure identified at paragraph 4.3.

The DCSF now need the LA to confirm final DSG for 2009-10.

Schools Forum agreed the approach which recognises a likely breach to the CEL; (The Schools Forum will need to formally support the budget impact on CEL once final numbers are known, in April); to support an increase to the Independent Special Schools Budget (£1 million) plus a contingency increase of £450,000; and noted the final 2009-10 DSG of £762.095m

Item 3. LA Benchmarking (2009-2010 S52 Budgets): The report covers the DCSF benchmarking report for 2009-10. Schools Forum noted the report.

Item 4. Amendment to the Balance Control Mechanism Scheme. This report gave the Schools Forum a full analysis of school balances at 31st March 2009 and made proposals for changes to the BCM Scheme for 2009-2010 and future years. Schools Forum noted the make-up of balances and the clawback position, and supported the changes to the Balance Control Mechanism Scheme as set out below. Schools Forum requested that these changes be publicised to schools as soon as possible (and these are now on Essex Schools Infolink through a Newsline and a News Alert).

2008-2009 / 2009-2010 / Future years
Balances limited to / Balances limited to / Balances limited to
8% (Primary and Special) / 5% (Secondary) of School Budget Share and Schools Standards Grant. / 8% (Primary and Special) / 5% (Secondary) of School Budget Share. / 8% (Primary and Special) / 5% (Secondary) of School Budget Share.
£30k lump sum / £30k lump sum / £30k lump sum
Excepted items: / Excepted items: / Excepted items:
Unspent Standards Funds / Unspent Standards Funds to a maximum of one third of allocation.
Transferred Orders
Revenue Contributions to Capital Projects / Subject to being notified to and accepted by the authority by 31/03/10, accompanied by secure overall financing plans and supported by robust documentation, e.g. architect’s plans or planning permission / Any residual contributions, subject to 2009-2010 conditions
Consortium/Cluster Funds / Consortium/Cluster Funds / Consortium/Cluster Funds

Schools Forum was informed of the recent decisions of the Clawback Appeals Panel. The Panel turned down the appeals of Tabor Science College and Church Langley Primary School. Schools Forum endorsed this decision.

Item 5. Educational Visits: The report proposed that the Schools Forum support the LAs educational visits team by the creation of a budget of £126,000 (with an annual budget uplift in line with RPI) from within the Schools Budget. Schools Forum agreed to the provision of an Educational Visits budget of £126,000 within the Policy Line: Licences and Subscriptions.

Item 6. Schools Forum Business/ issues through Associations: No issues raised.

Item 7. Minutes of 14th October 2009: Matters Arising: Early Years Funding - Information packs to go to schools next week and a series of workshops are planned for January. Concern expressed by Schools Forum on potential staffing issues, the impact on budgets and the narrow timeline for transition. Schools Forum approved the Minutes.

Item 8. Minutes of the Formula Review Sub-Group: The report set out the progress to date in reviewing the outcomes of the Single Funding Formula (Early Years), identifying areas to be covered by a future review, and the appointment of consultants to support the process. Schools Forum noted the report.

Item 9. PFI/BSF update. The report brought the Schools Forum up to date with Wave 4 progress, highlighted current market conditions and their impact on Wave 4 affordability and identified the make-up of and prospects for Wave 5. A further report will be presented to Schools Forum in the New Year. The Wave 5 Outline Business Case will need to be explicit about Schools Forum support for any affordability gap. Schools Forum noted the report.

Item 10. Standards Funds Consultation Group The report updated the Forum on the meeting of 11 November, which included a review of Standards Funds budgets and spend, a discussion on the Terms of Reference of the Schools Forum and a review of detailed reports from a number of LA Lead Officers. Schools Forum noted the report.

Item 11. Budget 2009-10 – Decisions of Schools Forum 4th February 2009 update: The report updated the Forum on progress against the Business Cases submitted in February. Schools Forum noted the report and agreed that the frequency of reporting progress would be termly with an annual report on outcomes.

Item 12.Chairs Closing Remarks and Future Meeting Dates: The chair thanked all for their attendance. The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 3rd February 2010, at Hylands House, Chelmsford.

Dates for next years meetings were agreed as 5th May 2010, 7th July 2010, 13th October 2010, 1st December 2010 and 2nd February 2011