4 | Page Council Meeting April 4, 2017

REGULAR MEETING THE HENEFER TOWN COUNCIL Council Meeting Room April 4, 2017 150 W Center Street

Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of the Henefer Town Council held April 4, 2017 in the Council Meeting Room at 150 W. Center Street, Henefer, Utah.

Roll Call: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Robert P. Richins, Kay H. Richins, Ryan K. Mosher, Robin K. Riches, Earleen T. Paskett, Joel Riches, Arianna Allen, Kelly Richins, Daniel Richins, Christa Rees, Grant Richins, Courtney Richins

Mayor Ovard opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. Mayor Ovard offered the prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Kelly Richins.

Minutes of the March 7, 2017 meeting were reviewed. No changes were suggested. Brent G. Ovard made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Kay H. Richins seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Kay H. Richins, Ryan K. Mosher, Robin K. Riches NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none

Arianna Allen came before the Council to ask for a business license. Arianna will be starting a nail salon in her home. The business will be called “Nails by Ari”. There would be no impact on the Town as there is off street parking in front of her home, and she would only have one client at a time. Robin K. Riches made a motion to approve a business license for Arianna Allen. Kay H. Richins seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Kay H. Richins, Ryan K. Mosher, Robin K. Riches NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none

Kelly Richins came before the Council to request a business license for Nathan Richins. Nathan will be starting a business renting tubes and kayaks and paddle boards, based at the Pioneer Crossing Camp Ground. Kelly explained that Nathan was in the process of obtaining insurance. There would be no impact on the town as the business is based at the camp ground. Kay H. Richins made a motion to approve a business license for Nathan Richins. Ryan K. Mosher seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Kay H. Richins, Ryan K. Mosher, Robin K. Riches NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none

The Council discussed putting in security flood lights at the town park after the incident with the destruction of the ball diamond. The security cameras were not recording at the time and since have been reprogramed. Cache Valley Electric fixed the lights around the ball diamond and will be contacted for a quote on a security light with a timer for the tennis court and basketball court. Kay H. Richins explained that there are motion sensor lights already in place, but the bulbs will have to be replaced. The Council decided to use what is already in place at this time, and the gate into the ball park will be locked.

The NS Rec league will help to repair the diamond and will bring their own bases as the town’s bases were destroyed. Robin K. Riches felt that the Community should be made aware of the vandalism that has been going on. Mayor Ovard pointed out that some parents will make their children take responsibility for their actions and some will insist their child did not participate in the action. Kay H. Richins and Robin K. Riches will take a look at the lights already in place and see what needs to be done.

The lift station near the river bridge has been fixed again. Ryan K. Mosher pulled the pumps and cleaned them. The Council again went over the options to try to fix the problem over the long term. Brent G. Ovard has done a great deal of research and presented several options. Some of the options are very expensive. The Council is looking to put in a basket that will catch solids before they reach the pumps. It will have to be cleaned daily. One suggestion is that the person working as seasonal help could empty the basket this summer. Kay H. Richins also wants to look into home owner grinders. Kay will look into the cost of that option. The Council feels that all townspeople should be educated about putting wipes into the sewer system. One corner of the sewer ponds is covered in wipes. A flyer will go out with the May billings. Mayor Ovard thanked Brent G. Ovard for all of his work and research. Brent G. Ovard also told the Council that some work will have to be done to the UV lights at the discharge. It is now being held together with bailing wire.

Mayor Ovard excused everyone from the meeting and Ryan K. Mosher made a motion to go into Executive Session in order to interview applicants for the Town Clerk position. Robin K. Riches seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Kay H. Richins, Ryan K. Mosher, Robin K. Riches NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none


Those applicants interviewed were Seana Arbon, Amber Greenwood, and Anna Hone. Each of the applicants had skills that would help them to be able to fill this position, and each had a good resume and did well on the interview. There will be three more interviews tomorrow night (Wednesday, April 5th) and the decision will be made at that time.

Kay H. Richins made a motion to close the Executive Session. Ryan K. Mosher seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Kay H. Richins, Ryan K. Mosher, Robin K. Riches NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none


Robin K. Riches told the Council that she has Big T. Recreation coming up to look at the new playground on April 10, 2017. They will evaluate what is needed and they told Robin that they felt they could upgrade the equipment and playing surface while staying in the budget. Robin also asked about selling the old equipment using a closed bid.

Robin also wanted to send out letters telling people that abandoned cars will need to be moved or they will be towed at the owner’s expense. She would also like to see off street parking enforced especially within thirty feet of the stop signs as this is a safety issue. She would like to approach the problems by appealing to the community for help with these issues. She will draft a letter to send out with the water bills.

Discussion of the 4th of July was tabled until the next meeting. There were some options for entertainment mentioned but no decisions made.

Robin told the Council that the finial balls on the top of the flagpoles at Heritage Park are missing. They will need to be replaced.

Robin also wanted to know when the town cleanup would take place. Mayor Ovard told the Council that it would be in May and we would be doing the coupons again. Brent G. Ovard said we should check with Mr. Radke to make sure the County would support us again this year.

Kay H. Richins and Grant Richins told the Council that they would like to place a Veteran’s Monument (a large US flag) on the hill above Courtney and Jeremy Richin’s homes. They talked about how to light it. Randy will contact Rocky Mountain Power to see if they would have any suggestions and if they would like to help with the project. Kay will look into the cost of the flag and pole.

The next item on the agenda was the discussion of building multi-family dwelling in zone 2 and the concerns about water hook-ups. The Council and Planning Commission are in the process of changing the zoning ordinance and adopting new code. One of the things they are looking at is to change the size of the lot requirement for multi-family dwellings to 30,000 sq. feet. Christa Rees is in the process of selling one of the last available lots where a multi-family dwelling can be built. Courtney Richins and Daniel Richins are interested in buying the lot but only if they can put a seven-plex apartment on it. The Council is very concerned about congestion, parking and water hook-ups. The Council has also discussed opening up RA1 and R1 zones to building multi-family dwellings. In the interest of the Community and making sure that the impact on the community would be positive the Council discussed putting a moratorium on building these types of dwellings until the new ordinance can be looked at and adopted. Courtney Richins and Daniel Richins came in for a conditional use permit but the Planning Commission deals with those permits and will not be meeting until the next week. Robert P. Richins, Town Planner, explained to them that the order of the process is:

1.  Preliminary Plan (Must present to the Planning Commission and be on their agenda)

2.  A Plat Map must be presented

3.  Then a conditional use permit (with all special conditions) will be discussed and either approved or denied.

Both Courtney and Daniel felt that 30,000 sq. feet would be too large and water usage would be increased. The Council felt that more discussion is needed on the 30,000 foot requirement and will turn it over to the Planning Commission. A Public Hearing will be scheduled for June to discuss all the new and changed zoning codes. Another Public Hearing will be scheduled for July and a decision will be made as to whether to adopt the new zoning code.

Courtney Richins and Daniel Richins asked the Council what they could plan on in order to decide whether or not to purchase the property. Christa Rees also has another piece of property that has trailers on it at this time, but there are already water and sewer hookups for that property. Mayor Ovard suggested that they look at this property. The Council told Courtney and Daniel to plan on the changes being suggested but no decision would be made until after the Public Hearings.

Mayor Ovard called for a motion to place a moratorium on building multi-family units for the next six (6) months. Ryan K. Mosher made a motion to place a moratorium on building multi-family units for the next six (6) months. Robin K. Riches seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Kay H. Richins, Ryan K. Mosher, Robin K. Riches NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none

Brent G. Ovard told the Council that the yearly water report is finished and he will get it to Earleen to send out.

Kay H. Richins made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Robin K. Riches seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.

______Earleen T. Paskett Clerk Randy C. Ovard Mayor

BILLS ORDERED PAID: Ace Disposal Inc., $217.21, All West Communications, $201.65, Caselle, $525.00, Christian Northrup, $l10.60, Colonial Flag & Specialty, $602.32, Hoe Hoe Hoe Services, $1,390.00, Kent Trussell, $2,165.00, MVPH, $400.00, Questar Gas, $156.29, Ridley’s, $9.00, Rocky Mountain Power, $1,149.75, Rural Water Association of Utah, $495.00, Summit County Public Health, $45.00, Summit Mercantile, $29.66, Tractor Supply Co., $61.43, Zions Bank Credit Card, $1,634.84, Christian Northrup, $708.00, Arlin S. Ovard, $525.00, Brent G. Ovard, $200.00, Randy C. Ovard, $550.00, Earleen T. Paskett $1,100.00, Kay H. Richins, $200.00, Robin K. Riches, $200.00, Ryan K. Mosher, $200.00, Rozanne F. Staples, $l100.00