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We honour champions for their efforts in protecting, preserving and promoting our heritage.
Nomination Form
PART A (You are not required to return this section when you submit your nomination)
The National Heritage Council (NHC) of South Africa will honour champions who work selflessly to make the country proud of its African heritage. Winners will be selected from public nominations in seven (7) categories. The ceremony will be held during the South African Heritage Month, 20th September 2013.
The closing date for the submission of the nomination is Tuesday, 6 September 2013.
The objective of the awards is to recognise the contribution of individuals, groups, or organisations/academic institutions towardspreserving South African heritage. The award recipients and the projects that reflect best practice in promotion, preservation, conservation and/or interpretation of our heritage will be considered.
Selection criteria
Nominees must meet the following criteria to be considered:
- Individuals, groups or organisations that have made worthwhile contributions to the preservation and promotion of the county’s cultural and natural heritage;
- Nominees (Individuals / organisation / institutions which may include municipalities, management authorities, conservancies, academia, to name but a few) must still be active, or have left an indelible mark within the heritage sector, through promoting and protecting heritage, etc.
- Contribution can be through active physical promotion, preservation and protection of cultural heritage or it could be through financial support;
- Nominees may, or may not be South African citizens however their contribution should be that of promoting, protecting and preserving the South African Heritage.
Seven categories are open for nominations and are described below.
- National Living Treasure
The nominees must have promoted and advocated the significance or revival of Intangible Cultural Heritage over the years. The award recognizes an elder who is highly involved in transferring traditional art forms such as rug weaving, basketry, storytelling, pottery and design, as well as other forms that are considered intangible, to the young generation. The nominees are expected to be persons who promote community events, volunteer time on a regular basis, take on a leadership role and encourage others to get involved. People who qualify for this award shall always be 50 years old and over. They will be known as ‘National Living Treasures’.
2. Local Government Commitment
This category will recognise a municipality that has made outstanding contributions to local, regional or provincial heritage / history through innovative programs that educate, interpret or promote public awareness of their heritage and history (province/municipality)excellence in research, writing or publishing.
3. Preferred Heritage Destination
Nominees of this category can be, for example, a heritage site, museum, leisure facility, interpretation centre, etc. that offers visitors an exceptional experience of heritage and history of South Africa. It will be an added advantage for the ‘Preferred Heritage Destination’ to be an example that demonstratesan ever-evolving, popular and effective tourism product that engages with people of all ages.
4. Young Heritage Activist
Young persons of not older than 35 years can me nominated in this category. The person must have a proven track record of passionately contributing to heritage awareness of a greater community or even nationally. The work of the nominee for which he/she is nominated must make the nation proud of the rich heritage of this country and its people. The person must be an active community activist who is recognised in the area where he/she operates.
5. Heritage Ambassador
Whilst this category welcomes nominees of all ages, a focus shall be on ages between 35 and 50 years in the case of individuals. Organisations are also invited to participate as nominees in this category. The nominee must have achieved remarkable milestones in promoting, protecting, preserving and/or conserving South African heritage in the democratic era. A proven track record of passionately contributing to heritage awareness nationally or even internationally will be required. The work of the nominee for which he/she is nominated must make the nation proud of the rich heritage of this country and its people.
6. Academic Excellence
This award will recognise an academic institution that has initiatives / programmes that promote knowledge production in heritage. The category recognises excellence of research (individual/organisational) conducted on any subject of heritage. The work must be unique and the first to be done in South Africa. All public and private tertiary institutions that offer academic accredited qualifications and are based in South Africa will be considered in this category.
7. Outstanding Community Project
In this category, the NHC shall select one of its beneficiary projects that displayed; a well-executed project that was delivered within the submitted plan and particularly set timeframes. Such a project should contribute in changing lives in the communities it targets, derive economic benefit for communities; contribute towards poverty alleviation and also empower communities with skills for self-sustenance. The project should also contribute towards making such communities aware of their heritage, leads to tangible effects in preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage in South Africa
8. Heritage Leadership
In this category the NHC shall select and award a person, people or institution based on the relevant discourse and occurrences at the time. The Nominees would have a track record of playing a leading role in a matter of heritage.
9. Favourite World Heritage Site
The nominators and nominees will choose one of their favourite sites from a list of 8 World Heritage Sites. The site with the highest vote will be the winner in the category. The sites that receive the second and third highest number of votes will be the runners-up.
Terms and conditions
•Nominations from individuals, organizations, corporations, congregations, institutions, municipalities, and others deemed eligible by the NHC Council will be accepted excluding NHC employees/Councillors and projects of their immediate relatives.
•Candidates should be nominated by a different person than themselves (no self-nominations will be accepted).
•Candidates should be nominated in no more than two categories.
•Nominated projects should have been completed at least within the past three years.
•Each nomination must be accompanied by a fully completed Nomination Form.
•Nominees should be reachable by telephone and cellphone. An email will be an added advantage.
•Should nominees be contacted by the NHC and not answer their phones, a message should be left and the nominee should return the call with 24hours during working hours on weekdays.
•The judges’ decision will be final.
•The NHC reserves the right to make any amendments to the process, procedures.
•No late nominations will be accepted.
•Should you be one of the finalists, the following will be needed: the photograph of the nominee and the nominator, pictures of the work produced, pictures of the nominee at work and an acceptance letter from the nominee.
•You may return only Part B of this form and not Part A
•Completed nominations can be sent to The NHC Golden Shield National Heritage Awards, Domus Building, 57Kasteel Road (corner of KasteelIngersol Road), Lynnwood Glen, South Africa, 0081 or posted to The NHC Golden Shield Heritage Awards, PO Box 74097, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria, South Africa, 0040 or emailed to Enquiries should be directed to The Heritage Unit on Tel: +27 12 348-1663 or on the same email address.
The adjudication
After the closing date for the submission of applications, a special committee will adjudicate the applications. Finalists will be informed and invited to the ceremony that will be held on 20 September 2013. Winners will be announced at the ceremony.
PART B (This section should be fully completed and returned before the closing date)
Choose by ticking the category for which you want to nominate your preferred candidate.
CATEGORY / Tick/cross1 / National Living Treasure
2 / Local Government Commitment
3 / Preferred Heritage Destination
4 / Young Heritage Activist
5 / Heritage Ambassador
6 / Academic Excellence
7 / Outstanding Community Project / Not public*
8 / Heritage Leadership / Not public*
9 / Favourite World Heritage Site / Voted by public
*nominees and winners in these categories will be determined by the NHC
Personal details of the nominee
Cell phone
OPTIONAL: Please complete the information below if you would like to receive regular information about activities and projects of the NHC
Nearest Town/City
Postal address
Personal details of the nominator
Cell phone
OPTIONAL: Please complete the information below if you would like to receive regular information about activities and projects of the NHC
Nearest Town/City
Postal address
Vote for your favourite world Heritage Sites of South Africa from the list below
NAME OF THE SITE / Tick/cross1 / Craddle of Humankind (Sterkfontein caves, Swartkrans, Kromdraai and Environs)
2 / Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape
3 / Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape
4 / Robben Island
5 / Cape Floral Region Protected Areas
6 / iSimangaliso Wetland Park
7 / Vredefort Dome
8 / uKhahlamba / Drakensberg Park(Maloti Drakensberg Transboundary World Heritage Site)
Provide a comprehensive motivation of why the nominee deserves the award. (TIPS: describe what the person or project does and it is relevant to heritage, how many people are reached, what are the benefits, etc)
I (nominee names) …………………………… accept the nomination and confirm that the nominator have provided truthful information.
Signatures: Nominee…………………………………