CV for Ole Jess Olsen

Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change, Roskilde University, DK-4000 Roskilde, +45 4674 2738,

Date of birth: 18 November 1942

MA in Sociology, University of Copenhagen (1969), Doctoral Degree in Public Administration, Roskilde University (1993)

1995- Professor, Dept. of Environment Technology and Social Studies, Roskilde University

1991-94  Research Professor, Nordic Energy Research Programme “Energy and Society”

1980-91 Associate Professor, Dept. of Public Administration, Roskilde University

1975-80  Associate Professor, Dept. of Public Administration, University of Copenhagen

1973-75  Assistant Professor, Dept. of Public Administration, University of Copenhagen

1970-73 Research Fellow, Dept. of Sociology, University of Copenhagen

Administrative Tasks
Member of the Competition Appeal Tribunal.
Member of the Energy Board of Appeal
Member of the scientific committee, Nordic Energy Research Programme, Technical Systems in a Liberalised Electricity Market (until 2003).
Danish Technical University (Social Science), External Examiner.

Aarhus University (Master in Environmental and Energy Law), External Examiner
Member of committee, Swedish Energy Agency Research programme, Energy System Studies (AES) (2000-2005).

Member of the scientific committee, Danish PSO-programme,


Energy Journal

Energy Economics

International Review of Administrative Science

The Research Council of Norway

Danish Energy Agency

Selected projects

“Retail – The Residential Nordic Electricity Markets – How do they work and why?”, The Research Council of Norway, 2006-2008 (participant).

“Assessment of the Danish electricity reform”, Danish Social Science Research Council, 2004-2005 (participant).

“Support, research and development of renewable energy technologies in liberalised markets”, Danish Energy Research Programme, 2001 – 2003 (participant).

"Udredning om grønne certifikater" for the Norwegian Oil and Energy Department, 2001 – 2002 (participant).

“Market imperfections and Danish participation in a competitive market for electricity in Northern Europe”, Danish Energy Research Programme, 1998 – 2000 (project leader).

“Energy tariff project Latvia” for the Danish Energy Research Programme, 1995-96 (participant).

"A Northern European Power Exchange" for the Danish Energy Research Programme, 1996-97 (participant).

“Towards a Single Market in Utilities”, CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels), 1995-96 (rapporteur).

“Danish energy companies in a competitive market” for the Danish Energy Research Programme, 1993-94 (project leader).

Publications (since 1993)

·  A Mixed Nordic Experience: Implementing Competitive Retail Electricity Markets for Household Customers, The Electricity Journal (19) 2006, p. 37-44 (with Tor Arnt Johnsen and Philip Lewis).

·  Regulatory reform of public utilities in a comparative perspective - the case of Denmark, EGPA (European Group of Public Administration) Annual Conference, 6-8 September 2006, Milano, Italy.

·  The impact of CO2 emission quotas on wholesale electricity markets, Proceedings, Annual IAEE (International Association for Energy Economics) International Conference, June 7-10 2006, Potsdam, Germany (with Peter Fristrup and Jørgen Birk Mortensen).

·  The Danish Electricity Reform – Success or Failure?, submitted for publication in the Journal of Network Industries (with Anders Larsen).

·  How to play the game as the bridge between two European power markets - the case of Western Denmark, Energy Policy (34) 2006, p. 3293-3304 (with Eirik Amundsen and Bjarne Donslund).

·  Independent Regulatory Authorities in European Electricity Markets, Energy Policy (34) 2006, p. 2858-2870 (with Anders Larsen, Lene Holm Pedersen and Eva Moll Sørensen).

·  Konkurrence på det danske elmarked efter reformen i 1999, AKF Working Paper, AKF Forlag 2006.

·  Reorganisering af elsektoren efter reformen i 1999, AKF Working Paper, AKF Forlag 2006.

·  Reform af reformen – den nye ellov, Samfundsøkonomen 2005, No. 4, p. 29-32.

·  Household Choice in Competitive Retail Markets - the Nordic Experience, Proceedings, Annual IAEE (International Association for Energy Economics) International Conference, June 3-6 2005, Taipei, Taiwan.

·  The Danish Electricity Reform, Proceedings, Annual IAEE (International Association for Energy Economics) International Conference, June 3-6 2005, Taipei, Taiwan (with Anders Larsen).

·  Virkemidler i den danske elreform, AKF Working Paper, AKF Forlag 2004, Copenhagen (with Anders Larsen, Lene Holm Petersen, Eva Moll Sørensen, Jesper Munksgaard and Olaf Riper).

·  Liberalisering af energimarkeder, TemaNord: 2004:563, København : Nordisk Ministerråd.

·  Promoting Renewable Energy Technologies, Proceedings, International Conference Energy & Security in the Changing World, May 25-27 2004, Tehran, Iran,
(with Klaus Skytte).

·  Støtte til vedvarende energi?, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 2004,
(with Klaus Skytte, Stine Grenaa Jensen and Poul Erik Morthorst)

·  Competition and Market Power in Northern Europe, in Jean-Michel Glachant & Dominique Finon (eds.), Competition in European Electricity Markets, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham 2003. p. 169-192, (with Klaus Skytte).

·  Konkurrence og nye reguleringsformer på energimarkederne, in Kirsten Bregn (ed.), Økonomiske incitamenter og markeder – i offentlig organisation og regulering, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, København 2003. p. 155-76, (with Jørgen Birk Mortensen).

·  Organisation and Regulation of the Electricity Supply Industry in Denmark, Luigi De Paoli (ed.), The electricity industry in transition, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2002. p. 123-162, (with Poul Erik Grohnheit).

·  Grønne sertifikater - design og funksjon, Reports 2002/11, Statistics Norway, Oslo, (withTorstein Bye and Klaus Skytte).

·  Consumer ownership in liberalized electricity markets. The case of Denmark, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economy (73), 2002, pp. 69-88, (with Klaus Skytte).

·  Experience curves, renewable energy technologies and energy policy in Denmark, Proceedings, 25rd Annual IAEE International Conference, Aberdeen, June 2002, (with Stine G. Jensen, Jacob Lemming, Poul E. Morthorst and Klaus Skytte).

·  Liberalisering af postmarkedet - risici og muligheder for forbrugerne, TemaNord 2001:556, Nordisk Ministerråd, Konsument, København.

·  Offentlige virksomheder, in Tim Knudsen (red.), Dansk Forvaltningshistorie II, Jurist og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 2000, s. 800-826.

·  Konkurrence i elsektoren?, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 2000, (with Peter Fristrup, Jesper Munksgaard and Klaus Skytte).

·  Book review, Magnus Karlsson, The Liberalisation of Telecommunications in Sweden, Scandinavian Political Studies. Vol. 22, No. 3, 1999, pp. 277-78.

·  Utility Regulation in Denmark, Privatisation International, Utility Regulation in the EU, London 1999, p. 35-39.

·  Deregulering af offentlig virksomhed, in Kirsten Bregn (ed.), Omstilling i den offentlige sektor, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 1998.

·  Liberalisation and co-operation in Nordic electricity, Peter Vass (ed.), Network industries in Europe: Preparing for Competition, CRI (Centre for Regulated Industries), London 1998, pp. 97-106.

·  Cogeneration and taxation in a liberalized Nordic power market, Utilities Policy, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1998. pp. 23-34 (with Jesper Munksgaard).

·  Cogeneration and taxation in a liberalised Nordic power market, Danske bidrag, 17th WEC Congress, Houston, September 1998, (with Jesper Munksgaard).

·  Udviklingen på det tyske elmarked før og efter liberaliseringen, Dep. of Environment, Technology and Social Studies, Roskilde University, Forskningsrapportserien nr. 32, October 1998, (with Jørgen Bjørndalen).

·  Denmark., In: Ilka Lewington (ed), Utility Regulation 1997, p. 61-68, CRI (Centre for the Study og Regulated Industries), London 1997.

·  Cogeneration and Taxation in a Liberalised Nordic Power Market, Nordvärme, Kolding 1997, (with J. Munksgaard).

·  Miljøreguleringens organisering, In: Holm, J., Kjærgaard, B. and Pedersen, K. (eds): Miljøregulering - tværfaglige studier, Roskilde University Publisher 1997, p. 211-233, (with Bente Kjærgård and Søren Lund).

·  Energy Tariff Project - Latvia, Organization of the Natural Gas Sector, Nellemann, Nielsen & Rauschenberger, April 1996, (with C. Albertsen and F. Kjerulf).

·  Towards a Single Market in Utilities, Centre for European Policy Studies, Working Party Report No. 14, Brussels, July 1996, (with Jacques Pelkmans).

·  Konkurrence i elsektoren., Nationaløkonomisk Tidskrift, Vol 134, p. 191-205, 1996., (with P.E. Grohnheit and A. Larsen).

·  Electricity Liberalization and Export of Hydro Power from the Nordic Countries., Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy, Vol.5, no. 2, pp.285-300, December 1995, (with P.E. Grohnheit).

·  Konkurrence i energisektoren og statslig regulering, AKF rapport, Copenhagen 1955, (with Anders Larsen).

·  Competition in the Electricity Supply Industry, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 1995, (editor and author of one chapter, The Danish Electricity Supply Industry and the European Internal Market, pp. 229-50).

·  Regulering af offentlige forsyningsvirksomheder i Danmark (doctoral thesis), Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 1993.