March 12, 2013

1. Opening Remarks by the Chairman

2. Presentation by the Country Director of the Africa Development Bank, Dr. Tonia Kandeiro.

3. Q & A

4. AOB

5. Closing

CEO Roundtable – Tanzania

Ethical Leadership for Growth and Prosperity

Minutes of the CEOrt Meeting held at the Hyatt Regency Kilimanjaro Hotel on March 12th 2013


1.  Rajesh Sajnani

2.  Nicola Colangelo

3.  Enoch Osei-Safo

4.  Mubita Akapelwa

5.  Pauline Rupia-Boateng

6.  Haruna Masebu

7.  Rosemary Harry

8.  Patrick E. Ngowi

9.  Lau Masha

10. Ali Mufuruki

11. Fredrick Aryteey

12. Mohammed Dewji

13. Nehemiah Mchechu

14. Eng. Emmanuel Taseni

15. Mark Weissing

16. Murtaza Versi

17. Sridhar Krishnan

18. Victoria Chale

19. Robert Singu

20. Leonard Mususa

21. Dipak Vassa

22. Arnold Kilewo

23. Bobby Ruprai

24. Moustafa H. Khataw

25. Bhakti Shah

26. Gratian B. Nshekanabo

27. Jayesh Shah

28. Majd Abdo

29. Amb. Ami Mpungwe

30. Anthony Grant


1.  Hamish Hamilton

2.  Francoise Merwe

3.  Martha Yeronimo

4.  Pal Oystein Stormorken

5.  Liz Lloyd

6.  Adam H. Fuller

7.  Kihara Maina

8.  Derek Hudson

9.  Russell Stuart

10.  Imran Karmli

11.  Yogesh Manek

12.  Don McLeod

13.  Steve Gannon

14.  Christopher Ford

15.  Seif A Seif

16.  Erik Westerberg

17.  Robim Goetzsche

18.  Hussein Ladha

19.  Shaffin Jamal

20.  Daniel Addo

21.  Catherine Langreney

22.  Diego Gutierrez

23.  Julius Magabe

24.  Leopold Rweyemamu

25.  Bashir Awale

26.  Dr. Alex Nguluma

27.  Mahumt A. Tenkintas

28.  Janson Huang

Absent Without Apologies

1.  Pankaj Kumarour

2.  Joseph Sheffu

3.  Jacqui Bothma

4.  Trevor Saldanha

5.  Massimo Tognetti

6.  Said Shamo

7.  Sabasaba K. Moshingi

8.  Pascal Lesoinne

9.  Nurumohmmed Hussein

10.  Basil Gadzios

11.  Parish Patel

12.  Eshak Harunani

13.  Gary Davies

14.  Jitesh Ladwa

15.  Norman Moyo

16.  Joyce Mhaville

17.  Patrick Karimi

18.  Tido Mhando

19.  Shabir Abji

20.  Paul Zephania

21.  Williiam Chiume

22.  Gaudence Temu

23.  Neville Bissett

24.  Mohammed Rweyemamu

25.  Rene Meza

26.  Richard Bell

In Attendance

1.  Dr. Tonia Kandeiro Country Director, Afdb

2.  Jacqueline Karanja Country Manager, Tell-Em Public Relations Tanzania Ltd.

3.  Nesiya Hawanga Tell-Em Public Relations Tanzania Ltd.

4.  Drake Mugabi Opennix

5.  Nancy Lazaro Enigma Productions, Secretariat



The meeting was opened at 19:35 by the Chairman Mr. Ali Mufuruki.

All present were warmly welcomed and the following newly joined members were introduced to the group:

1. Ms Bhakti Shah, Soft Tech Consultants Ltd.

2. Mr. Patrick Ngowi, Helvetic Solar Contractors Ltd.

The Chairman introduced the Guest Speaker of the evening, Ms. TONIA KANDEIRO, Country Director of Afdb and also reminded the members of the upcoming Guest Speakers:

·  April 9th Dr. Slaa, Secretary General of Chadema

·  May 14th Mr. Abdulrahman Kinana, Secretary General of CCM

They both will be speaking on the PPP (Public- Private- Partnership) policy; what works and what doesn't as well as how the policy environment can be improved through legislative initiatives and other policy interventions.


Dr. Tonia Kandeiro commenced her presentation with a short Video which gave an overview of the African Development Bank (Afdb) and where its focus lies.

This was followed by a presentation; see presentation attached.

She highlighted Afdb’s two lending windows; the Sovereign Guaranteed Operations (public sector projects through governments at concessionary terms) and the Non sovereign guaranteed operations (private sector projects at commercial terms).

The two categories comprised in the Private Sector are as follows:

•  Non-sovereign guaranteed (NSG) lending activities (assistance to private entities) in the area of Financial Intermediation, Industries & Services, PPPs & Infrastructure, and Microfinance;

•  Non-lending activities include studies, initiatives and new programs

For the Private Sector, four critical impact dimensions had to be measured before lending could occur; Strategic Alignment, Commercial Viability, Development Outcomes and Additionality and Complementarity which is the Bank’s “value added” and synergy with the effort of other development partners.

Other variables in question include the following:

·  An enterprise/project must be located and incorporated in the Regional Member Countries (RMCs) of the Bank, whether promoted by African or non-African investors.

·  An enterprise/project must be majority owned (51% +) by private sector investors, or publicly owned with strong financial standing and proven managerial autonomy

·  Projects for the establishment, expansion, diversification and modernization of productive enterprises

·  Maximum investment of 1/3 of total project cost is required.

AfDB’s Private Sector coverage includes Power, Transport, ICT, Oil and Gas, Mining, Manufacturing, Agribusiness, Hospitality, Health and Education and the Financial Sector.

She concluded her presentation by stating that that there are huge opportunities for profitable investments in Africa and African Development Bank is a partner that can help investors/project sponsors to achieve business success and ensure sustainable and equitable development.

For a more clarity refer to the attached presentation.

The AFDB website is as follows:

3.  Q & A

Dr. Tonia shared with the members that the Private Sector projects currently in their portfolio were only 2; Access Bank (Equity) and CRDB (Guarantor).

Her hope was that this engagement with the CEO Roundtable would bring awareness about the opportunities Afdb has on offer and hence breed new dialogue that will potentially lead to new private sector initiatives.

Afdb is heavily invested in Tanzania’s road construction;

·  Part of the North- South Corridor; Dodoma –Babati Road

·  The Mtwara Corridor; Tunduru- Mangaka Road

·  Improvement of the Arusha to Namanga road; an interconnection with Kenya

Again, this breakdown highlights the fact that Afdb needs to consider investment in more Private Sector inclined projects.

Post dinner meeting, Dr. Tonia Kandeiro would be reaching out to select members from the CEOrt to continue the dialogue and better understand the Private Sector needs and forge a clear and efficient way forward. A

Afdb is ready and willing to transform and walk down the road of change.

Contact details for Dr. Tonia Kandiero are as follows:

·  Tel: 2125286

·  Email:

4.  AOB

The Chairman introduced Jacqueline Karanja, Country Manger of Tell-Em Public Relations Tanzania Ltd. to the members.

Her company will be taking over the CEOrt Secretariat duties effective April 1ST, 2013 from Enigma Productions.

The Chairman thanked Enigma Productions for their 7 years of service. He welcomed Pauline Rupia-Boateng, MD of Enigma Productions to the group; as of January 2013, she has become a full fledged member of the CEOrt.


There being no other business to transact, the meeting was closed at 21:30 Hours.