18th Floor
Portland House
Bressenden House
London SW1E 5RS
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Meeting Title: National User Steering GroupDate & Time: 7th December 11am-4pm / Meeting Chair: Keith Foster
Meeting Contact Details: Zara Gross
Present / Ruth Bridgeman
Zara Gross
John Chapman
Pat Roberts
John Lancaster
Tim Jackson
Keith Foster
Julie Oldroyd
Gerry Shenton
Patt Jupp
Mille Forde
Naira Mnatsakonova
Dave Ardron
Debbie Wright
Apologies / Catriona Calvert
Donna Mckenzie
James Heasman
Joan White
Hugh Butcher
Jeanette Smalley
Colin Sloane
Bill Savage
Evadney Gordon Hill
Pat Mortimer
Olga Janssen
Minutes of Last Meeting / 21st September 2010
These were agreed as a correct record. Changes were made to Apologies section.
Matters Arising
National Report/Update / Ruth has been asked that the minutes of the NUSG are uploaded on CQuINS as swiftly as possible, so that they are easily accessible to all of the group and potential NUSG candidates. In relation to the database, James Heasman and George Foy had a meeting to discuss the development of the database and when it is likely to go live. We have more of an idea as to the content of the database, which is especially important in relation to potential reviewers and the core team.Therefore each core member; lead clinician, lead nurse and patient reviewers will be tagged with significant codes which will make the process of finding a particular reviewer easier and more efficient for the zonal teams. The database will also have a function in which it will be able to link with sharepoint in relation to the visit schedule for each individual zone. This will be an agenda item for the next NUSG Meeting with the intention ofdemonstrating the database to the group in March. The database will be live and ready for next year’s review process.
ZAG Update: The central zone’s ZAG meeting was cancelled, this is not good practice and needs to be resolved.
The North Zone experienced a full team session; the next planned ZAG will be in February. There is always a good attendance and also it has strong links with commissioners.
The London Zone also had good attendance at their Zonal Advisory Group Meeting; the number of clinicians recruited per network was also discussed at the meeting with positive outcomes. Sally Edwards was received well at the meeting and everyone believes she is doing a good job as Executive Director for the London Zone.
The South Zone ZAG continues to be represented by patient reps, with Carolyn Morris still attending the East of England as a representative.
The next reviewer training is on the 21 January 2011. The EV process has found inconsistencies with regards to the patient panel numbers.
Ruth discussed the up and coming Marketing Meeting that will take place on the 28th January 2011. The members of this meeting will consist of Ruth, Julia Hill, James Heasman, Lisa Cunnington, Lorraine Winship, Naira Mnatsakanova and a representative from Cynergy. The meeting will cover how peer review can be optimised to the maximum. A leaflet will be produced that will highlight the benefits of peer review, which will aid in the recruitment of user reviewers as we are aware that a review had to be cancelled in the central zone due to the lack of suitable available reviewers.
The relationship with CQC is continuing to develop. A letter from Cynthia Bower and Prof. Sir Mike Richards is being drafted and will be sent out to all teams who fall below 50% in their peer review visits. Last year’s immediate risks have also been sent to CQC; discussions are taking place in relation to unannounced visits, following one that took place at Basildon Hospital earlier in the year.
The TYA measures have been written, along with Brain and CNS and Sarcoma and are just waiting for Gateway to give the go ahead for these to go out to consultation.
Clinical lines of enquiry will be written for Colorectal, Head and Neck, UGI and Gynaecology.
The Zonal Teams have a heavy workload at the moment with working on their EV’s and confirming their review schedule with Ruth by the end of December. / RB
Agenda Item 2: NCIN Paper Dave Ardron / Dave presented slides in relation to the consumer liaison group. This presentation gave the group a broader understanding of the work that NCIN and NCRN do including the pilot studies that are taking place in relation to Lung and UGI and many of the clinical reference groups. Dave also brought our attention to the NCIN conference that takes place annually, Chris Carrigan is eager for more patients to attend this. Zara to send out next date. /
Agenda Item 3: Reducing the Burden on Peer Review / Stephen Parsons has been told that NCAT faces a 33% cut to the budget with 12% cut to peer review budget. This may cause an issue in relation to staffing issues (2 million pounds is spent on staff). We aim to reduce the burden of peer review to services by 40%. This will be by reducing the amount of measures we have and the amount of visits that take place. A paper has been drafted and this will be discussed with the Executive Meeting. The proposals will be brought to the Clinical Outcomes Group to be confirmed.
Agenda Item 4: Feedback from User Reviewers / Keith Foster presented an analysis from the User Reviewer Workshop that took place on the 2nd November 2010. The workshop was well received with 60 user reviewers and NCPR staff attending. Keith is looking into more detail of the discussion sessions and is aiming to circulate a report to all members of the NUSG before this being published on the CQuINS website. /
Agenda Item 5: Group Work / As there was poor attendance at the meeting, this will be an agenda item for the NUSG meeting in March.
Agenda Item 6: Group Feedback / As there was poor attendance at the meeting, this will be an agenda item for the NUSG meeting in March.
Agenda Item 7: Planning next Meeting’s agenda, AOB & evaluation of next meeting / Tim and Zara are to meet to discuss the minutes of this meeting, Tim is also meeting Keith and Julie to discuss the agenda of the next NUSG meeting. It was agreed that fewer items on the agenda will continue as it is more discussion friendly and will also minimise agenda items being missed because of time limitations.
Agenda Item 8:Future Agenda Items / Pragmatic-Olga to send out draft to proof readers to read over Christmas.
Membership of the NUSG-new reviewers
Accessibility of peer review reports
Group Work
Any Other Business / Zara will produce at schedule of attendance at NUSG meetings for 2010/2011. Zara will also look at the Honorarium forms and whether a statement should be included with regards to whether these will have an impact on individuals who are receiving state benefits. / ZG
Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting: 15th March 2011 Location tbc