Tables for Conducting Your Own Help Study
You don’t have to have a master’s degree in order to conduct your own study using the Ohio Study student and faculty surveys. This type of study is qualitative in nature so there is very little quantitative data. At the very least, you only need to calculate percentages, and means. If you want to do more quantitative research to compare your school with the results of the Ohio Study then the last three tables on this page are for you. You don’t need to conduct a two-sample t test for two means in order for you to compare studies, but it does add some weight to your conclusions on your study. These tables are meant for you to easily plug in your local data, and to compare it with the Ohio Study.
Ohio Survey
Blocks / Student Mean / Rank of Means / Faculty Mean / Rank of MeansBlock 1: Find & locate information / 2.5354 / 1 / 3.2100 / 2
Block 2: Use information to complete school work / 2.2508 / 3 / 2.7420 / 3
Block 3: School work in general / 2.0701 / 4 / 2.5080 / 6
Block 4: Using computers in LMC, at school, & at home / 2.5293 / 2 / 3.3081 / 1
Block 5: General reading interests / 1.9069 / 6 / 2.6553 / 4
Block 6: Outside school / 1.7723 / 7 / 2.3119 / 7
Block 7: Some general reactions (academic achievement) / 1.9656 / 5 / 2.5283 / 5
Ohio vs. Your Student Survey
Blocks(48 Survey Questions) / Ohio Student Mean / Rank of Means / Your Student Mean / Rank of Means
Block 1: Find & locate information / 2.5354 / 1
Block 2: Use information to complete school work / 2.2508 / 3
Block 3: School work in general / 2.0701 / 4
Block 4: Using computers in LMC, at school, & at home / 2.5293 / 2
Block 5: General reading interests / 1.9069 / 6
Block 6: Outside school / 1.7723 / 7
Block 7: Some general reactions (academic achievement) / 1.9656 / 5
Ohio Faculty vs. Your Faculty Survey
Blocks(48 Survey Questions) / Ohio Faculty Mean / Rank of Means / Your Faculty Mean / Rank of Means
Block 1: Find & locate information / 3.2100 / 2
Block 2: Use information to complete school work / 2.7420 / 3
Block 3: School work in general / 2.5080 / 6
Block 4: Using computers in LMC, at school, & at home / 3.3081 / 1
Block 5: General reading interests / 2.6553 / 4
Block 6: Outside school / 2.3119 / 7
Block 7: Some general reactions (academic achievement) / 2.5283 / 5
Your Survey (using Ohio Faculty survey)
Blocks / Your Student Mean / Rank of Means / Your Faculty Mean / Rank of MeansBlock 1: Find & locate information
Block 2: Use information to complete school work
Block 3: School work in general
Block 4: Using computers in LMC, at school, & at home
Block 5: General reading interests
Block 6: Outside school
Block 7: Some general reactions (academic achievement)
If you decide to look at the differences between genders in your school you’ll need to use this table to go along with your survey percentage and your “Most Helpful” percentage tables for each gender.
Your Female vs. Male Surveys
Blocks / Female Mean / Rank of Means / Male Mean / Rank of MeansBlock 1: Find & locate information
Block 2: Use information to complete school work
Block 3: School work in general
Block 4: Using computers in LMC, at school, & at home
Block 5: General reading interests
Block 6: Outside school
Block 7: Some general reactions (academic achievement)
You don’t necessarily need to calculate the standard deviation for each of your means, but you’ll need it if you conduct a two-sample t Test for two means,
Your Student Survey
Mean Scores of Each Block
1 /Number
/ Standard Deviation /Rank of Mean
(Getting Info)2 / (Using info)
3 / (Knowledge)
4 / (Computers)
5 / (Reading)
6 / (Independent)
7 / (Achievement)
Again, you only need to conduct a two-sample t test for two means if you are looking for additional quantitative significance to help support your conclusions from your analysis of the percentages and means from your study and the Ohio study.
2004 Ohio vs. Your Student Surveys
Two-Sample t Test – Comparing Two Means
Blocks1 / 2004 Ohio Number
13123 / 2004 Ohio Mean
2.5354 / Your Number / Your Mean / t Test / P (t )
2 / 13123 / 2.2508
3 / 13123 / 2.0701
4 / 13123 / 2.5295
5 / 13123 / 1.9069
6 / 13123 / 1.7723
7 / 13123 / 1.9656
Valid / 13123
2004 Ohio vs. Your Faculty Surveys
Two-Sample t Test – Comparing Two Means
Blocks1 / 2004 Ohio Number
879 / 2004 Ohio Mean
3.2103 / Your Number / Your Mean / t Test / P (t )
2 / 879 / 2.7420
3 / 879 / 2.5080
4 / 879 / 3.3081
5 / 879 / 2.6553
6 / 879 / 2.3119
7 / 879 / 2.5283
Valid / 879
Your Female vs. Male Student Surveys
Two-Sample t Test – Comparing Two Means
Blocks1 / Your Female Number / Your Female Mean / Your
Male Number / Your
Male Mean / t Test / P (t )