A meeting was called to order by Chairman Nolan at 6:35pm on April 11, 2011 at our recreation building located in Ventnor Heights at Surrey & Balfour Avenues in accordance with the sunshine law.

Present: John Gallagher, Lori Nolan, Jan Sarnese, Bart Beck and Director Thomas.

Motion was made to approve March’s minutes by Bart Beck and seconded by John Gallagher.

Special Events Application: The Ventnor City Special Events Committee presented applications to cover the movies, concerts and national night out for the summer season that the city of Ventnor sponsor and present. This is purely a paper trail so that all departments are aware of the dates and if they need to help do anything. All dates were attached. A motion was made to approve these applications by Bart Beck and seconded by Jan Sarnese.

Director Thomas wanted on the record that recently the Shirley Mae Foundation (Gold Foundation) was in front of the rec. board to request a run and permission to use the boardwalk for a race/run on May 7, 2011. All approvals were given but they decided to end their run at a shorter distance, so now the run will turn around at Suffolk Avenue. They just wanted to let us know the route that was previously approved as been shortened, the Police Dept is aware also.

Director Thomas wanted to bring up another matter that was to be discussed at past rec. board meeting and a vote had to be taken. Director Thomas went on to say that a question was brought up to why the recreation board meetings are held here at this building and not at the municipal building. Board said they would discuss and take on a vote on moving the meetings to city hall. In the past rec board meetings ,a lot of board members were absent and director Thomas wanted to wait to have a full quorum, or at least a majority of members present. Tonight 3 board members are missing but he did poll them on phone and some did send an email to board secretary with their “vote” since they could not attend tonight’s meeting. Director Thomas didn’t want to hold off of the boards’ decision, it has been several months since that was brought up to the board and he thought the board should make a decision on this subject and board members agreed.

Bart Beck – yes to move over to the city hall – didn’t think it’s a big deal if that’s what everyone wants.

John Gallagher- yes feels same way – not a big deal

Lori Nolan- no- should stay where it has been.

Jan Sarnese- no- it’s easier if need some material from director that was unexpected, he can get easily.

A.J. Russo verbally said no to Director Thomas on the phone –he wanted to stay in rec. building it’s easier been this way for years, if director Thomas needs to grab info for a question, it’s right there and can be pulled from files.

Debbie Beirne- no wanted to stay in heights, easier for director Thomas to pull information if at a meeting a subject comes up that was unexpected to pull from his files.

Diane Birkbeck- , she did not make a comment either way when corresponding about not attending the meeting.

Vote was 4 not in favor of the move/2 yes to move and 1 vote not taken.

Motion carried to keep recreation board meeting at the rec. board building in Ventnor Heights.

Director’s report:

Little league started last night. 4 boys teams and 2 girls teams

Weather has been bad so fields are not as far along as expected for as being seeded etc.

Girl’s press box storage shed in bad shape- roof falling in and Director Thomas stated that the walls are bad as well.

Hutch Basketball- made a little profit. A little light in attendance for kindergarten and first grade sign up.

Hutch registration and receipts reviewed by John Gallagher. Motion was made to approve receipts by Lori Noland and seconded by Jan Sarnese.

No one in the public wishing to speak.

Motion to adjourn meeting by John Gallagher and seconded by Jan Sarnese. All were in favor.