Minutes October 2014

Salford Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at

Salford Village Hall

on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 at 7.30pm


N. Hill (Vice-Chairman), R. Caldin, and H. McGlynn, and Mrs C. Ross (Clerk).

1.  To note apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs McBride and Colston.

2.  To receive Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.

3.  To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 16 September 2014

The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed as a correct record.

4.  To note matters arising from the minutes

·  It was agreed to defer the nomination of The Villager Bus Service for the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service until 2015 as there had been insufficient time to do so within the 2014 deadline.

·  It was agreed to purchase approximately 1000 plain yellow and plain white daffodils for planting now in Roses Lane, with a view to planting more next year.

5.  To note and discuss financial matters

·  The second part of the precept had been received and there was £7259 in the current account, and £332 in the deposit account. Expenditure was in line with the estimated budget.

·  The external audit of the 2013-14 accounts was approved and the comments noted. Minor issues had been raised to do with expenditure under statutory powers, and the definition of income received.

·  The half-yearly audit had been carried out by Lucy Grofton.

·  A cheque for £126.55 payable to Richard Lane was approved. The Clerk would write to him expressing the Council’s appreciation The mower needed servicing and this would be discussed at the next meeting.

6.  To note the approval of planning applications and consider the Consultation 14/01436/P/FP

·  Planning applications 14/1196/P/FP and 14/1153/P/FP[1] had been approved.

·  The planning application ‘Conversion of redundant agricultural buildings to create one dwelling’ at Hirons Hill Farm, was discussed. Cllrs McBride and Colston, who were away, would be asked for their comments prior to the Council sending a response.

7.  To note the current state of the playground

Cllr Hill had done the October inspection. Cllr McBride would be asked to look at replacing the missing fence palings.

8.  To discuss the proposed World War 1 Memorial Sculpture

The stone had been erected and a prototype for the poppy sculpture had been agreed. A rough estimate had been received and Jason Sparvell would be asked to provide a formal, detailed submission. Councillors should consider what wording should be on the plaque, which would be in the same material as the poppy. The Clerk would investigate the costs and styles of the second plaque recognising the contribution of WODC, which would be put at the side of the stone.

9.  To discuss any other business

·  The death of Max Humpherston, the owner of The Black Horse, had recently occurred, and the question of making the building an Asset of Community Value was discussed[2].

·  The Clerk was asked to contact the Police Community Support Officer about dangerous parking on the Worcester Road.

10.  To note the date of the next meeting

The next meeting would be on 18 November 2014.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm.

………………………………………… ……………………

Signed Date


[1] Not 14/1219/P/FP as stated incorrectly on the agenda

[2] This subject would be on the agenda for the November meeting.