



Helping you to become a better learner

Hand in and present WB 24/4/2017

Learning Tasks: One task per week

Task / Date / Task / Why?
1 / Week beginning
16/1/2017 / My Learning so far.
Produce a poster showing all of the knowledge and skills you have developed this Year at Waseley Hills.
Tip –
You could split a page in half creating two categories ‘Knowledge – things I have learnt’ and ‘Skills’ thinks I have learnt to do better.
You could produce a mind map including each subject. / It’s always good to reflect on our learning.
This task gives you the chance to look back and think about all the knowledge and skills you have gained this year.
2 / Week beginning
23/1/2017 / Researching the 5 Rs
Research each R and use words and images to show what it means.
Make a poster showing what each of the 5Rs means
PowerPoint – create a slide show showing what each of the 5 Rs means. / This task will introduce you to all of the 5Rs and what they mean:
Posters: These will be displayed around the school.
PowerPoints: These will be shown on the school LCD screens
The winning poster will be blown up to A1
3 / Week beginning
COMPETITION / Promoting the 5 Rs
Make a poster for a specific place or club to show people how they could use the 5Rs in that environment.
This could be for anywhere. Home, a club, library, a shop, lessons, sport, youth club, particular game etc. / Let’s share our understanding of the 5Rs with others.
You must be resourceful and use reasoning to consider how the 5Rs could be applied in a different situation.
The winning poster will be blown up to A1 and presented to the club or location it was designed for.
4 / Week beginning
13/2/2016 / Your Heroes 5Rs
Select a hero (or someone you look up to – could be anyone form a cartoon character, a celebrity, or a member of your family) of your choice and research them. Show how they have used the 5Rs to become successful.
You could write this, create a news article or put your examples around a picture of them. / Seeing how other people have become successful help will help you plan a path to succeed.
You may need to complete internet research, read books or even interview someone to find out how they have met the 5Rs.
This tasks involves reasoning and a spot of reflection when linking others actions to your own.
5 / Week beginning
27/2/2017 / My One Week R tracker
Track your Rs for a week
Use the table provided to track how you meet the 5 Rs over a week. This could include at home on evenings and weekends. Write down which R you have met and an example of how you did this. / It’s amazing how many things you do in a week. This task required constant reflection and reasoning.
Record when and where you meet the 5Rs and then celebrate you successes at the end of the week.
Print the A4 sheet and put it in you planner. Track the Rs you demonstrate throughout the week
6 / Week beginning
6/3/2017 / Learning spaces at home
Where do you work at home?
Take a pictures or make a sketch of where you work at home – label it to show to good points about how this environment helps you learn (you could also label what stops you learning).
Write a paragraph explaining how you could improve this area to help you learn better (or make the changes and take another photograph) / Have you ever considered where would be the best space to work at home? This task will involve being very reflective and the resourceful and responsible to make improvements.
You can make learning more productive by having the write environment and equipment around you.
You may end up getting some more stationary and clearing an area so you can concentrate better!
7 / Week beginning
13/3/2017 / The school library
Visit the school library.
What is the school librarian’s name?
What services support learning in the library?
Complete the book review sheet on a book of your choice. / Libraries are more than just a room full of books.
This task encourages you to visit your library, ask questions and find out what goes on there. You will need to be reflective and resourceful to complete this task.
You can review a book that interests you and may find others whilst you are looking.
Extra – you could do the same for Rubery Library.
8 / 20/3/2015
Submit and present in Week beginning 24/4/2017 / Presenting on an interest – to be presented in lesson
Plan a presentation about a hobby or interest you have. This will involve:
  • Basic materials
  • Factual information
  • Practise your presentation at home – don’t just read from paper.
Remember the tips and tricks you have learnt in lesson or try to find out more from the internet or youtube, / This task will help you practise your presentation skills. It will also encourage you to reflect on your interests.
Resilience is always needed when presenting so be brave and remember the more prepared you are the better your presentation will be.

How your work will be marked

Your work will be marked on how well you have demonstrated each of the 5Rs:

Bronze / Silver / Gold

Effort – Reward Points

  • Reward points as outlined below
  • no reward issued for basic levels of effort
  • R1 ILC submitted – basic. Maximum award if late.
  • R2 Fair ILC – Reflects ability and on time.
  • R3 Good ILC – Above ability / extra effort shown
  • R4 Very Good ILC – Above ability / extra effort shown / creativity / depth
  • R5 Outstanding ILC – Exceptional performance. Far above expectation in effort and/or achievement.