The Office for Health and Medical Research (OHMR) is providing funding to health and medical researchers, companies and organisations to attend BIO2014 International Convention in June 2014.


23-26 June 2014

San Diego, CA, USA

Hosted in the city of San Diego, the BIO2014 International Convention provides opportunities for networking, business development and information sharing around the current topics within the biotechnology space.

NSW individuals, small to medium enterprises , public and private hospitals, medical research institutes, universities, other public sector research organisations are eligible to apply. BIO2014 is providing the opportunity to showcase specialty health and medical research products or services, and clinical trials support on the Australian Pavilion. The convention provides an opportunity to see the latest developments in the biotech industries and a chance to network with investors, potential collaborators and industry partners.

Started in 1993, BIO has steadily been growing to become the world's largest biotechnology conference and in 2013 featured more than 1,700 exhibitors and hosted more than 15,000 people with representatives from 60 countries. The event features keynotes and sessions from key policy makers, scientists and CEOs and also hosts the BIO Business Forum, network sessions and the world's largest biotechnology exhibition — the BIO Exhibition.

The Office for Health and Medical Research may provide up to AUD$5,000 support for researchers, companies, organisations and/or individuals to exhibit, participate or attend BI02014. More information can be found below in 'Eligible Activities’

Eligible funded activities may include:

Ø  Sample modification and freight costs to meet specific market costs

Ø  Market specific product modifications

Ø  Costs for translations of technical documentation, training manuals

Ø  Preparation of marketing materials tailored to the market

Ø  Drafting of legal agreements

Ø  Engagement of Austrade/Consultant for market research

Ø  Engagement of Consultants for development of a market entry plan

Ø  Business networking events;

Ø  Market specific marketing material

Ø  Exhibition costs

Ø  Business matching

PLEASE NOTE: Applicants are required to meet their own costs including airfares, accommodation, ground transport, meals and personal expenses.

PLEASE NOTE that all applications are assessed on a competitive basis and priority will be given to applicants with a focus on medical devices.

Please complete all sections (if applicable) of the Application Form.

Application forms can be submitted by 5PM, TUESDAY 29 APRIL 2014 by either:

(a)  electronically to OR

(b)  in hard copy by mail to:

Anne O’Neill

Associate Director

Office for Health and Medical Research

NSW Ministry of Health

73 Miller St North Sydney 2060

Phone: 02 9391 9459


The information contained in this form is needed by the Office for Health and Medical Research to obtain information about your business and your objectives in participating in this mission. The information is treated as

Commercial-in-confidence and will only be used within the Office for Health and Medical Research to assess your requirements and measure the outcomes from participation in the convention.

The establishment of the Office for Health and Medical Research (OHMR) was a 2011 NSW Government election commitment. The OHMR plays a crucial role in supporting the State’s leading health and medical research efforts. OHMR helps support the broad range of outstanding health and medical research effort being carried out in NSW.

OHMR works with the health and medical research communities, the higher education sector and business to promote growth and innovation in research to achieve better health, environmental and economic outcomes for the people of NSW.

A1. Please indicate if you are applying as a:

-  a company/organisation Yes / No

-  an individual Yes / No

Organisation or Individual Name:
Trading Name
(if different):
Organisation's Structure:
Is the organisation registered for GST? / Yes / No / ABN:
Year established:
Website URL:
Head Office Location:
Street Address :
Suburb: / Post Code:
Postal Address:
(if different)
Suburb: / Post Code:
CEO / Managing director:
Contact's Name: / Position:
Contact's Phone: / Mobile:
Contact's Email:
B1. For Financial Year Ended / 30/6/2013
(last financial year)
1.  Employees
2.  Sales (inc Export Sales) / $
3.  Export Sales / $
4.  Export Market (for above sales)

1 = the number of full-time employees plus the full-time equivalent of employees working part-time.

2 = gross sales less discounts and returns.

3 = gross export sales (ex Australia) less discounts and returns on export sales.

B2. For Financial Year Ended:
Which target market/sector is your business/organisation/research project looking to collaborate with?
Market 1 / Market 2 / Market 3
B3. How did you hear about BIO2014?

C1. What Products/Services technologies do you intend promoting at BIO2014?

You should provide more information at Part F or attach (including electronically) information such as brochures describing each product or service, its applications, unique properties, competitive advantage, etc. This will help our in-market service provider to represent your product or service accurately and favourably to contacts in the market.

C2. Please indicate your business objective/s for this mission by numbering them in order of priority (1, 2, 3 etc)

Market research / product testing
Identifying new customers or end users
Identifying an agent or representative in the market
Identifying a distributor in the market
Identifying a joint venture partner in the market
Make immediate sales (as a new exporter to the market)
Grow exports (as an existing exporter to the market)
Support existing office, agent, distributor, etc
Other (please specify):

C3. Please indicate how you intend to achieve these objectives

Example: use business matching services by Austrade to identify potential clients

C4. Have you collaborated (actively worked together on a project) with this/these market/s in the past two years? (please circle)

Yes / No (No, but I regularly communicate with these markets)


C5. Do you have an existing office, agent, distributor or other business partner in the market or, if not located in the market, who is responsible for your business interests in the market (please circle)

Yes / No - It would be useful to explore identifying potential agents in these markets

If Yes, please give full name and contact details below.

Contact Details:

C6. How will your attendance at BIO 2014 add value to your health and medical research activity in




Organisation representatives on the mission:

Primary Contact / 2 / 3
Direct Phone:

It is a requirement of joining this opportunity that participants attend all business appointments made for them and be present at all official networking receptions and briefings organised for the benefit of the convention attendants.

It is a requirement of participation in this opportunity, that the company/individual provide OHMR with a completed Participant's Report at its conclusion detailing the results achieved or anticipated as a result of the participation, including an itemised list of grant expenditure.

By agreeing to participate in this program the company agrees to periodic contact by OHMR for up to two years following attendance at the convention, Exhibition or Independent Market Visit to track outcomes over time.

Disclaimer: I/we acknowledge that OHMR accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by any individual or company arising from or in any way connected with acts, incidents and occurrences happening in the lead up to, during or after the mission, exhibition or market visit to any registrant whether such acts, omissions, incidents and occurrences occur in Australia and the nominated mission, exhibition or market visit or at any points in between. I hereby hold harmless OHMR and its officers in respect to any claim which I/we may have arising in any way from my/our registration or participation as a member of a OHMR grant recipient or Independent Visit to the nominated market or exhibition.

OHMR makes no representation that any meetings arranged by or on behalf of OHMR are guaranteed to take place. Registrants are reminded that each visit or exhibition participant should take out travel and other insurances that he or she may deem necessary to cover them for any accident, ill health, loss or damage which may occur during the visit.

Cancellation: OHMR may cancel or defer attendance or exhibition for any reason. OHMR shall not be held responsible for any claim or action should the opportunity not proceed as scheduled. While OHMR does not impose a participation fee, it reserves the right to levy a cancellation fee on any company, who having reconfirmed their participation, later withdraws from attendance at BIO2014 without just cause.

The application is to be signed by the CEO or his/her nominee.

In completing this application, I confirm that I am/my company is seeking financial assistance from the OHMR under the NSW Government's BIO 2014 Conference assistance, if provided, will assist my company to participate in BIO 2014 International Convention.

I acknowledge that I am aware of the participant obligations as stated above and that this application form is accurate and complete.


This form will be forwarded by OHMR to an independent contractor who will provide a number of "in-market" services in the targeted country. For this event, the in-market service provider is AusBiotech.

The personal information you provide to OHMR is protected by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW). The provision of your personal information is voluntary, but is necessary to determine your suitability for participation in the convention. Your personal information may also be used to send you our newsletters, other business related brochures, organise special business related workshops and events. OHMR will not disclose the personal information contained in this application form to any other organisation other than AusBiotech, the in-market service provider. If you would like to have access to your personal information, please call Ms Anne O’Neill, Associate Director, OHMR on (02) 9391 9459.

Please attach (including electronically) or add below any additional information about your firm and its products/services that would help to identify your target audience and/or meet your business objectives on this mission.

You may want to include information such as:

Ø  Company philosophy

Ø  Company background- Please refer to CV

Ø  Major achievements to date- In CV

Ø  Competitive advantage- in technology marketing documents

Ø  Detailed product/service descriptions and information