PRESENT: The Town Mayor Councillor Allan Knox in the Chair;

The Deputy Town Mayor, Councillor Kevin Horkin;

Councillors Valerie Cooper, Pam Dowson, Susan Knox , Simon

O’Rourke, Mary Robinson and Alan Yearing.

The Town Clerk.

APOLOGIES: apologies for absence, together with reasons, were received from

Councillors Ruth Moores and Jim Shervey .

RESOLVED: That the apologies be accepted.

410.13 ANNUAL MEETING - 7 MAY, 2013.

Consideration was given to the Agenda for the Annual Meeting of the Town

Council to be held on 7 May 2013..

RESOLVED: That the agenda for the Annual Meeting be as follows:-

Item 1 - Election of Town Mayor – 2013/2014

Councillor Mary Robinson to propose and

Councillor Pam Dowson to second –

“ That Councillor Kevin Horkin be and is hereby elected as Town

Mayor for the ensuing Municipal Year”

Item 2 - Election of Deputy Town Mayor – 2013/2014

Councillor Alan Yearing to propose and

Councillor Susan Knox to second -

“ That Councillor Valerie Cooper be and is hereby elected as Deputy

Town Mayor for the ensuing Municipal Year”

Item 3 - Election of Town Council Leader –2013/2014

Councillor Simon O’Rourke to propose and

Councillor Allan Knox to second –

“That Councillor Mary Robinson be and is hereby elected as Town

Council Leader for the ensuing Municipal Year”.

Item 4 - Apologies for absence

The Town Clerk reported that at this point in time no apologies had

been received for the Annual Meeting.

Item 5 - Appointment of Committees – 2013/2014

Councillor Mary Robinson to propose and

Councillor Alan Yearing to second –

“ That appointments to Committees for the ensuing Municipal Year

be made in accordance with Appendix A to these Minutes”.

Item 6 - Appointments to Outside Bodies – 2013/2014

Councillor Mary Robinson to propose and

Councillor Alan Yearing to second –

“ That appointments to Outside Bodies for the ensuing Municipal

Year be made in accordance with Appendix B to these Minutes”

Item 7 – Approval of Minutes

Councillor Kevin Horkin to propose and –

Councillor Valerie Cooper to second -

“ That the Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on the 4 March

2013, the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee

held on the 8 April, 2013 previously circulated be approved and the

recommendations contained therein be adopted.

Item 8 - Mayor’s “At Home” Functions 2014

Councillor Kevin Horkin to propose and –

Councillor Valerie Cooper to second -

“That the Town Mayor’s “At Home” functions for the ensuing

Municipal Year be held on dates to be determined by the Town

Mayor “


Consideration was given to planning applications for weeks ended 12 and 19

April 2013.

RESOLVED: That no objections be raised to any of the following

applications submitted numbered 3/2013/0283; 0224; 0327; 00328; 00348;

0363; 0354 and 0355


The Town Clerk submitted the Town Council’s various account balances

as at 31 March, 2013 together with Actual/Estimated Income and

Expenditure for March and April 2013 as follows:-

Balances As at 31 March 2013

1. Business Base Rate Tracker 44,879.72

2. Business Premium Account 614.06

3. Current Account 12,252.16

4. Petty Cash Imprest 100,00


Mar 13 April 13

£ £

Actual/ Estimated Income 6,702.20 100,000.00

Actual / Estimated Expenditure 4,865.82 5,000.00

RESOLVED: That the Account balances be approved.


The Town Clerk reported the receipt of a letter from Ian Dixon who was conducting a campaign on behalf of the Fair Trade Foundation whose aim is to get as many civic leaders as possible to sign a declaration making a commitment to Fair Trade beyond 2015.

RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be authorised to make arrangements

for the Town Mayor to sign the Declaration on behalf of the Town


The meeting finished at 7.40 pm

