Oral Language Modifier cover sheet

Please read the attached notes before completing this form.
Examination series
Centre No
Candidate No / Candidate name
Examination for which an Oral Language Modifier was used
Awarding body / Specification title / Specification entry code / Unit/
Please write out the original question, as shown on the question paper, and indicate which words or phrases have been further re-phrased or explained.
Was the candidate awarded 25% extra time?

Please indicate the method of communication used, e.g. spoken, written, BSL.
Did the OLM register on an accredited training course?

If yes, please state the course provider.
Oral Language Modifier / Date
Name (please print)
Invigilator / Date
Name (please print)
Head of centre/Exams officer / Date
Name (please print)
To be completed by the examiner
I have read the Oral Language Modifiercover sheet.
I have marked the script in accordance with the instructions given.
Comments (if appropriate) for awarding body attention
Examiner / Date
Name (Please print)

Notes on the completion of the Oral Language Modifier cover sheet


  • Examination scripts: the form must be completed and securely attached to the front of the script, which must be sent to theawarding body/examiner in the normal way.
  • The script must be produced in accordance with the regulations in Chapter 5, section 5.11 of the JCQ publication Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments. Failure to comply may constitute malpractice which could lead to the disqualification of the candidate.
  • The information required in the boxes on this form must be correct and complete.
  • Please list on the cover sheet any re-phrasing or explaining. Where no re-phrasing or explanation took place, this must also be noted on the cover sheet.
  • The form must be signed by the Oral Language Modifier and countersigned by the head of centre/examinations officer in order for the script to be accepted.

For the June 2015 examination series, a photocopy of the completed
Oral Language Modifier cover sheet should be sent to:
29 Great Peter Street
Fax: 020 7374 4343

N.B. Where an application for the use of an Oral Language Modifier in GCSE and/or GCE qualifications is processed using Access arrangements online, the centre must generate a pre-populated Oral Language Modifier cover sheet. In such circumstances, the completed Oral Language Modifier cover sheet is the only document which needs to accompany the candidate’s script.