SCSEP & Workforce Investment Act MOU and other requirements

Per SCSEP September 1, 2010 Federal Regulations – (Coordination With the Workforce Investment Act)

641.200 – SCSEP is a required partner under WIA and is required to follow all rules under the WIA and its regulations

641-210 – SCSEP grantees must be able to provide core services under WIA:

·  Determination of eligibility to receive services under Title 1 of WIA

·  Outreach, intake and orientation to One-Stop delivery system

·  Initial assessment of skills, aptitudes, abilities and supportive services needed

·  Job search and placement assistance, where appropriate career counseling

·  Information on employment statistics (LMI)

·  Information on program performance and program cost for certain programs

·  Information on how the local area is performing (performance measures) and performance information with respect to the One-Stop delivery system

·  Information on availability of supportive services or referral to services

·  Information regarding filing for unemployment

·  Assisting in the establishing of eligibility for certain other programs

·  Follow up services for 12 months after employment

641.220 - SCSEP or Title V funds can be used to pay wages to SCSEP participants who are receiving intensive and training services, under Title 1 of WIA, only if they are functioning in a community service assignment.

·  Arrangements to refer or enroll non eligible Title V participants to WIA must be negotiated in the MOU.

·  MOU is agreement developed and executed between the local Workforce Investment Board and the One-Stop partners

641.230 – Reciprocal arrangements between SCSEP and WIA must be outlined in the MOU regarding acceptance of either party’s assessment or IEP.

641.240(b) – The SCSEP, host agency, the WIA program, or another One-Stop partner may provide training as negotiated in the MOU, ONLY when a local Board has deemed the SCSEP participants satisfy the requirements for receiving adult intensive services under title 1 of WIA, even though they are not automatically eligible for intensive services or training.

ü  WIB agreement must cover financial arrangements, including in-kind contributions

ü  SCSEP grantees should negotiate their MOUs that will recognize and use their expertise in serving older workers as part of the One-Stop system. These arrangements or services may be negotiated as part of the SCSEP contribution to the One-Stop. SCSEP should negotiate a greater role in providing services to older workers.

Per Older Americans Act

Sec. 502 (b) (2) (H) – will use recruitment and selection methods including using the One-Stop Delivery system to assure the maximum number of individuals have the opportunity to participate in SCSEP.

Sec. 502 b (2) (N) (i) – reprocity of assessments

Sec. 502(b) (2) (O) – will provide appropriate core services and will be involved in the planning and operations of services via a MOU with the WIB.

502(b)(4)(A & B) – an assessment and IEP done by SCSEP shall satisfy the needed assessment and IEP under subtitle B of title I of WIA to qualify the SCSEP participant for intensive or training w/o further assessment or IEP.

Per SSAI Sponsor Agreement

Section X. Your will work with the public Workforce System

A.  The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 mandates the SCSEP is a partner in the One-Stop workforce delivery system. You agree to be identified as a SCSEP partner, developing a Memoranda of Understanding with local Workforce Investment Boards and One-Stop Centers, as well as coordinating linkages with other SCSEP partners in the same area. You must give us current signed copies of any Memoranda of Understanding.

B. You will develop effective partnerships with area public workforce providers, e.g. One Stops, WIBs, community colleges, other SCSEP grantees, to provide the most efficient level of services to SCSEP participants.

MOU Checklist (suggested)

For One-Stops must detail the following:

·  Reciprocity of acceptance of assessments or IEPs

·  Reiterate that SCSEP grantees will supply WIA core services

·  Referrals from SCSEP to WIA for non Title V eligible as well as those eligible that SCSEP is unable to serve

·  Duration and procedures for amending the MOU (look at dates)

·  Signatories

·  Methods of recruitment and referral

·  Define services for SCSEP participants

·  What intensive and training services are available if the WIB deems SCSEP participants eligible for intensive and training services

·  Costs of Services and Operating costs- including In-Kind.

For One-Stops may as optional also detail:

·  Could cover multiple grantees – but each grantee must sign

·  Reciprocity of Board and staff orientations

·  Credit for in-kind contribution to refer Job ready individual to One-Stop core services

·  Share local employment and job market information

·  Share UI records for data collection of those placed into unsubsidized follow-up

Updated December 13, 2010

Terry Reynolds