
Date / Time / Place / Activity
Every Saturday and Sunday in July / 11am–4pm / Tidbinbilla Road,
Entry fees apply / EXPLORE THE SANCTUARY
Come and meet a volunteer interpreter who will help you discover the natural wonders of the Sanctuary.
No bookings required. Enquiries: 6205 1233
14July / 1pm – 2pm / Googong South
London Bridge Homestead entrance gates / LONDON BRIDGE HOMESTEAD
Come and see inside the historic homestead and discover where the early settlers worked and lived in the 1800s. It is a 3.4 kilometre return walk with moderate fitness required. Bring water,sturdy footwear and be prepared for extremes of weather.
No bookings required. Enquiries: 6207 2779
Every Saturday
in July / 1:30 pm – 2 pm / Tidbinbilla Road,
Tidbinbilla / Corroboree Frogs
Hear the story of the critically endangered Corroboree Frog and how the captive breeding program at Tidbinbilla is trying to save this iconic species from extinction. Meet the Ranger at the Visitor Centre.
No booking required. Enquiries: 62051233
Every Sunday in July / 3 pm – 3.45 pm / Tidbinbilla Road,
Entry fees apply / PLATYPUS PURSUITS
Have you ever seen a platypus in the wild? Take a walk with a Ranger through Tidbinbilla’s wetlands in search of this elusive animal. It is a great way to spend a relaxing afternoon. Meet the Ranger at The Sanctuary main entrance. Bring your binoculars.
No bookings required. Enquiries: 6205 1233
9 and 16 July / 11am –12.30pm / Tidbinbilla Road,
Entry fees apply / BILLY TEA AND DAMPER
Enjoy a traditional Aussie bush experience. Cook damper on an open fire and wash it down with real billy tea. Bring your own bowl. Meet at the Visitor Centre. $5 per head.
Bookings essential on 6205 1233.
10 and 17 July / 11am –12 noon / Tidbinbilla Road,
Entry fees apply / ABORIGINAL ART FOR KIDS
Join our Aboriginal Rangers for this fascinating and fun activity. Hear their stories, watch their demonstrations and then paint your very own souvenir. Meet at the visitor centre.
$5 per head.
Bookings essential on 6205 1233.
7 and 21 July,
10 and17 July / 10 am – 10.45 am / Tidbinbilla Road,
Get kids excited about being out in nature—come andlisten to Australian bush stories at the Tidbinbilla Visitor Centre.Learn about our wonderful local wildlife and plants through stories and activities.This activity is aimed at pre-school and early primary school aged children. No entry fee applies if just visiting the Visitor Centre.
No bookings required. Enquiries: 6205 1233

For further information contact Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 or visit or