Student Success Committee

Minutes - May 5, 2008

3:00 - 4:30 , E-107


Diana Babayan Ruth Babeshoff Nena Baldizon-Rios Cari Cannon Theresa Buck Jennifer Coto Lisa Dela Cusack Leah Freidenrich Matan Goldstein

John Hernandez Mary Mettler Kathy Moore Aracely Mora Kay Powell Eden Quimzon Robert Waldren


KJ Saterfield Trevor Walker Alison Williams

1. Approval of Minutes of 4/21/08 Meeting
2. African American Male Summit - KJ/Trevor
3. BSI Update – Diana
4. Student Concerns - Matan / ·  Diana moved that the minutes from the 4/21/08 meeting be approved, Matan seconded. Minutes were approved.
·  KJ and Trevor attended the African American Male Summit, which was held on March 19 at Coastline Community College. This was the first year for the conference. The conference focus was how to better serve at risk students such as African American Males.
·  BSI Plan was sent to the State last week. Expenditure report is due at the end of July. Not known if future funding will continue. An e-mail was sent to ACE, OEC, English, Math and Reading and Counseling Departments regarding the BSI Team Summer 2008 Project. Mary Halvorson would like to know who is interested in the Developmental Education Program Facilitator/Coordinator position by 5/23. Alison is working on a BSI notebook. Discussion ensued regarding an Academic Senate sub-committee and/or task force to report back to this committee regarding BSI issues.
·  Matan reported on the remaining student concerns/issues:
o  There are 5 vacant seats on the “STAC” committee. Ask that faculty is informed of need for 2 faculty members. Also continue to make faculty aware of importance of reducing prices of books. Suggestion to recognize instructors that have taken the initiative to promote reducing the price of books, i.e. parking pass for semester. Rent-A-Book pilot program at SCC may be scheduled for Fall 2008. John thanked Matan for a great job he has done and the phenomenal student participation on all college committees.
o  Vista/New Microsoft Office: The library will have these programs installed Fall 2008.
o  Class Breaks: Agreement between instructor and students
o  Communication/Language Barrier: Students have 2 weeks to withdraw and/or make a decision if another class would be better for them.
o  Office Hours: Students can generally communicate with instructors prior to or after class if posted office hours are not met. Adjunct protocol needs to be reviewed. Class evaluations are another way of voicing concern. / ·  Umoja: Support program for African American Students. Research information and report back at future meeting.
·  John will check with Curtis to see if programs are installed in the computer labs.
·  John to follow-up with Linda Miskovic regarding parking issues.
·  Matan to send minutes of STAC to Julie for distribution to the Student Success Committee. Questions may be referred to Matan at
·  Matan to contact Bill regarding promotion of renting books etc. on the Bookstore website.