Computer Science Introduction

Grade: High

Subject Area: Technology

Time: 18 45min sessions

Description: Introduction to programming using scratch

Standards and Outcomes:

Computational Thinking

Describe software development methods used to solve software problems

  • Explain what computer programming is.
  • Create programs that accept input from the computer.
  • Evaluate what blocks to put together to create a working script.
  • Create if/then statements to create a working script.
  • Create a variable.
  • Create scripts that include and, or and not for simple use.
  • Create simultaneous execution of more than one script.
  • Coordinate multiple sprites and their actions that tell a story.
  • Program design and development

Topics: Introduction to Programming

Academic Language:

  • Algorithms
  • Iteration and looping
  • Conditional Statements
  • Variables
  • Boolean Logic
  • Threads
  • Synchronization

Prior Knowledge:No prior knowledge needed

Planning Notes: Knowledge of scratch is helpful, but can learn along side students

Teaching/Learning Strategies: Provided in each lesson

Assessment and Evaluation:

Formative assessment:

  • Students will give and get feedback to/from peers and teacher throughout each assignment
  • Teacher will give feedback about skills student should work on through observation

Summative assessment:

  • Students will create a final scratch project to showcase what they have learned
  • Teacher will use a rubric to assess the final project


  • Several example programs and handouts will be provided throughout the unit at varying levels
  • Video tutorials will be available throughout the unit



Lesson 1 – Scratch Introduction

Description: This lesson introduces the Scratch programming language, including the basic terms utilized in the language.


Name the basic terms used in Scratch.

  • Sprite
  • Blocks
  • Sprite Editor
  • Stage
  • Scripts

Create the beginning of a simple program in Scratch.

Outline of the Lesson:

Blog Entry (5 minutes) – What do you know about computer programming?

Scratch introductory video (10 minutes)

Show examples of scratch programs – from or previously made projects

Students to play scratch programs

Student Activities:

Complete blog entry

Watch Scratch introductory video.

Follow along with Scratch open as teacher models how to start name assignment.

Teaching/Learning Strategies

  • Explain the concept of Scratch, parts of the screen.
  • Introduce the idea of blocks.
  • Teach how to save the project

Lesson 2

Day 2 – guided practice – catwalk – move to a beat

Description: This lesson provides students an opportunity to practice using the features of Scratch outlined on Day 1 in the context of creating a simple program.

Intro to scratch PPT


  • make a new costume for the cat sprite.
  • Copy and change the costume in some small way.
  • Make a script to animate the sprite, changing costumes.
  • Add movement to the script.

Outline of the Lesson:

  • Blog Entry (5 minutes) What do you want to be able to do in scratch?
  • Intro to scratch PPT – 15 min
  • Guided practice how to make a character move – animation
  • Time to explore scratch

Teaching/Learning Strategies:

  • Teach how to make a new costume for the cat sprite.
  • Copy and change the costume in some small way.
  • Make a script to animate the sprite, changing costumes.
  • Add movement to the script.

Lesson 3

Day 3 – guided practice – controlling movement, - key moves

Description: This lesson describes the methods of moving Sprites in Scratch.


The students will be able to:

  • Explain the 3 major ways to move sprites.

Outline of the Lesson:

  • Blog Entry (5 minutes) What do you know how to do in scratch?
  • Controlling Movement Presentation (10 minutes) – guided practice with Controlling Movement PowerPoint
  • Arrow keys, changing speed
  • Finish Movement Project on own (30 min) – handout for scripts needed

Teaching/Learning Strategies:

  • Teach about x,y coordinates for starting the animation in a specific place.
  • Teach about cardinal directions and the sprite direction buttons, to have the sprite face the appropriate direction.
  • Teach how to make a stage, background scenery.
  • Teach about the sensing blocks

Lesson 4

Day 4 – Sprite Interaction

Description: This lesson shows how to make more than one sprite interact with each other.


The students will be able to:

  • Create a program that has interacting sprites

Outline of Lesson:

  • Harold the Robot or light-bot
  • Guided practice with teacher
  • Work time to create two sprite that interact

Teaching/Learning Strategies

  • Add a second character, make a new sprite and add animation/movement script, copying over script from Sprite 1 and revising.
  • Teach how to add words using “say.”
  • Teach about the waiting block
  • Teach broadcast so that the two sprites interact.
  • Teach about adding sound, voice or music.

Day 5

Game Day

Description: This lesson provides students the opportunity to choose a previous made game to copy and change make their own.


The student will be able to:

  • Create a game from existing scripts
  • Change scripts to make the games unique
  • Learn how to debug a program

Outline of lesson:

  • CSunplugged activity
  • Debug discussion
  • View available scratch games to use for creation
  • Work time

Teaching/Learning Strategies:

  • Teach about debugging a program
  • Use scratch interface to copy a working program

Day 6-8

Animation Day

Description: This lesson will introduce students to creating their own custom animation


Students will be able to:

  • Animate an animal
  • Change backgrounds
  • Create an original sprite
  • Use the broadcast block

Outline of Lesson:

  • Blog topic: What are you finding easy to do in scratch? What are you finding hard to do in scratch?
  • Present students the lesson:
  • Create a scratch program that animates an animal
  • How is the sprite going to move?
  • Must include 4 items from list:
  • Changing backgrounds
  • Changing costumes
  • More than one sprite
  • One sprite created
  • One sprite must be able to move using the arrow keys
  • One sprite must broadcast and another must receive the broadcast
  • Work time
  • Present project

Teaching/Learning Strategies:

  • Students use software development methodology to create project
  • Students will view peers programs
  • Students will have work time to create project

Day 9-14

Three Act Play with Small Groups

Description: Students will work in small groups to create a three act play. (Can be use from a play they know or made up)


The student will be able to:

  • Work cooperatively to create a scratch program
  • Describe what most block are able to do

Outline of Lesson:

  • Introduce lesson by showing students a previously made scratch play (Cinderella)
  • Discuss different ways to have conversations between sprites – wait or broadcast
  • Discuss uses of different color blocks
  • Discuss project – Activity requirements provided in handout
  • Questions and Work Time
  • Groups Present to class

Teaching/Learning Strategies

  • Students work in groups and provide ideas and knowledge for their projects
  • Discussion of different color blocks