Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in April 2011 to address underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals and their peers. The school is required to ensure that identified funding is carefully targeted to improve the life chances of designated pupils or groups of pupils.

Our current Pupil Premium allocation is based on the number of children who were on roll at Ark Dickens Primary Academy in January 2015 and who had been entitled to free school meals at any point in the previous 6 years.

In 2015/16the income for pupil premium is forecast to be £340,798 based on 262 children receiving £1300 and £300 for a service child.

ARK Dickens Primary is an inner city school in a catchment area with high levels of disadvantage. The majority of school strategies are targeted towards improvement in the attainment and progress of pupils.

Pupil Premium and Service Child funding has been allocated to the following programmes (based on full year costs): their impact is reviewed regularly.

ARK Dickens Primary Academy – Pupil Premium Strategy 2015/2016

Approach / Amount / Breakdown / Detail / Likely Impact
Additional staffing beyond 1 LSA per class throughout the school day / £47,000 / 1 x Floating TA in Foundation Stage
1 x Floating TA in KS1
1 x Floating TA in KS2 / Every class has a full time LSA. Additional LSA’s allow extra Read Write Inc (RWI) groupings, bringing ratios down to 8/9 pupils to 1 adult. They also support teachers and run small groups or interventions in the afternoon in order to narrow gaps and bring pupils back on track. / The majority of pupils will make expected or accelerated progress through the Read Write Inc programme through the 2015-16 academic year.
LSA providing speech and language support plus Nuffield deprived language programme / £16,000 / 1 x Full Time, Band 4, Learning Support Assistant (person recruited) / LSA works with pupils in Year R and Nursery, screening language development and providing ongoing tuition for those whose language development is delayed and deprived. / Pupils quickly acquire a breadth of language in line with their peers and they enter Year 1 with vocabulary closer to or in line with their peers.
Literacy/Read, Write, Inc (RWI) Leader without class responsibilities / £43,500 / 1 x Class Teacher / Key priority for the school is to ensure children reach age-related expectations in reading and writing. This member of staff will lead on two whole-school literacy curriculum initiatives – Read, Write Inc and Talk for Writing. / Consistent teaching of phonics and literacy;
87% of Yr 1 children pass phonics screening check;
85% of Yr 2 children pass the phonics screening check re-test.
Deputy Headteacher without class responsibilities / £70,000 / 1 x DHT / Continual CPD for teaching staff to improve the quality of teaching. / Quality of teaching is improved and gaps are narrowed, so that 80% of lessons are good or better.
Supernumerary teacher
Year 6 / £42,000 / 1 x Class Teacher / Working with identified Yr 6 pupils to accelerate progress in reading, writing and maths. / More pupils reach age-expected levels in reading, writing and maths combined at the end of Key Stage 2.
Pastoral Support / £27,000 / 1 x Learning Mentor / In-school support for most vulnerable pupils. Crisis management does not fall to classroom staff, with resulting impact on pupil learning. / Vulnerable children well-supported and make at least satisfactory progress.
Inclusion Manager without class responsibilities (0.6) / £30,500 / 1 x Teacher @ 0.6 / Pupils with SEND and their families are well-supported. / Gaps in progress and attainment for SEND pupils minimised.
CPD for Fresh Start / £8,000 / Staff training and associated travel costs.
In-school support days. / Fresh Start is a tailored phonics programme designed to ensure older children reach age-expected levels in reading and writing by the end of Key Stage 2.
CPD for early reading skills / Overcome legacy of low standards in reading and writing so that more children reach age-expected levels at the end of Key Stage 2.
Breakfast Club / £18,500 / 4 x LSA’s additional hours
Provision of breakfast and play equipment / Breakfast Club provided each morning from 8am – 8.40am to ensure children have a good start to the day. / Raise attendance levels and ensure children are ready for learning at the start of the day.
Homework Club / £5,500 / LSA additional hours / Additional support offered free after school for pupils who may not receive support at home. / Support and encouragement for pupils, increasing their confidence leading to increase in progress and attainment.
Home Family Link Worker / £16,000 / 1 x HFLW (0.8) / Providing a link and necessary support to families who need a variety of assistance and strategies. / Parents being supported with good parenting techniques to influence their children and improve learning, progress and attainment.
Pupil Counsellor / £3,500 / 3 hours per week x 39 weeks / Additional support for pupils / Children being emotionally supported and more ready to engage with learning.
School Minibuses / £12,500 / 2 minibuses leased from Hampshire County Council / Provision of transport throughout the year for children to take part in a range of off-site activities and visits. / All children have the opportunity to take part in a range of learning experiences which bring the curriculum to life.
Total Spend / 340,000