Name ______Date ______Per. _____

AS Chapters 10-12: 1789-1824

Directions: Answer on a separate sheet of paper. You do not need to use complete sentences.

Alexander Hamilton Versus Thomas Jefferson on Popular Rule (1780s-1820s) – pg. 189

1) Who do you agree with more about popular rule, Hamilton or Jefferson? Why? List three quotes from the reading that you agree with.

Hamilton Defends Assumption (1792) – pg. 196

2) Do you believe Hamilton’s argument that profits made on speculation (gambling that the certificates being purchased would increase in value) during the seven months before his assumption plan was approved were simply a product of chance? Explain.

Jefferson Versus Hamilton on the Bank (1791) – pg. 198

3) Who do you believe is correct about the Constitutionality of the National Bank? Why?

Hamilton Upholds Law Enforcement (1794) and Jefferson Deplores Undue Force (1794) – pp. 199-200

4) Who presents a more convincing argument about how best to deal with the Whiskey Rebellion? Explain.

A Federalist Cries Foul (1800), The Centinel Declares Adams the Victor (1800), and The Connecticut Courant Rejects Jefferson as a Man “of the People” (1801) – pg. 216

5) If you did not read the italicized introduction to this section do so. Though none of the three excerpts are really about slavery, they speak volumes about the attitude toward slaves and slavery held by northerners. Explain, briefly, those attitudes. Are you surprised by these statements given what you learned about northerners in 8th Grade? Explain.

Marshall Sanctions the Bank (1819) – pg. 217

6) Had Marshall not protected the Second National Bank (based on the Supremacy Clause and the Necessary and Proper (or Elastic) Clause) in McCulloch v. Maryland what do you think could have happened to the system of federalism developed in the Constitution?

Jefferson Stretches the Constitution to Buy Louisiana (1803), Representative Roger Griswold is Unhappy (1803), and Senator John Breckinridge Supports the Purchase (1803) – pp. 224-226

7) Make two lists, one of arguments made in favor of acquiring Louisiana and one of arguments opposed to the purchase.

8) The decision to allow the Louisiana Purchase was monumental and dramatically reshaped the course of U.S. history. What might have been the long term impact on the U.S. had the purchase been disallowed?

A Briton Recommends Firmness (1805) and A Briton Urges Discretion (1804) – pp. 230-231

9) Do you think the British practices described are reasonable? Explain.

10) Do you think the U.S. government should have done more to protect seamen? Why?

11) Do you think that the U.S. government was, at least in part, responsible for the developing conflict with Britain? Explain.

Tecumseh Challenges William Henry Harrison (1810) – pg. 237

12) Is Tecumseh right? Explain.

President James Madison’s Fateful War Message (1814) – pg. 242

13) List the justifications Madison gives for war.

The Hartford Convention Fulminates (1814) – pg. 248

- Just so that you know, “to fulminate” means to send out angrily.

14) Briefly summarize each of the seven proposed Constitutional amendments.

15) Do you think any of these amendments seem reasonable? Explain.

James Monroe Warns the European Powers (1823) – pg. 260

- In case you have forgotten (or have not managed to read the textbook yet), the Monroe Doctrine was actually written by Secretary of State John Quincy Adams.

16) What do you think was the primary objective of the Monroe Doctrine? Explain.

President James Madison’s Fateful War Message (1814) – pg. 242

13) List the justifications Madison gives for war.