Public Statement

Feminists in resistance to the military coup of 28th June 2009

and the events that followed

To the national and international community:
1. We reiterate our condemnation of the military-civil coup d'état of 28th June 2009, the day which has brought a setback to democracy and the institutional rule of law.
2. We denounce the violation of human rights and the actions committed by the de facto government against freedom of expression, access to information and all the other unconstitutional measures adopted by the National Congress.
3. We condemn the irresponsible intransigence and the arrogant and authoritarian attitude of the de facto government of Mr. Roberto Micheletti during the negotiation process being mediated by President Arias in Costa Rica.

4. The de facto government is responsible for the economic, political and social consequences, and as a result of this decision the isolation, and increasing threats of a possible civil war, that these de facto spokesmen for the regime are encouraging, with repression and militarization in many parts of the country.

5. We denounce and condemn any action by the Venezuelan, Cuban-American or any other country’s ultra-right, and outside political actors who are advising the regime and helping to sharpen the ideological confrontation as a result of the failure of negotiations by peaceful means, who are implementing a continental right- wing strategy to weaken Honduran democracy and democracy throughout the continent.

6. We condemn any entrance of foreign military forces to our national territory to suppress our people and to organize and execute military actions against the people and governments of the region.

7. The Feminist in Resistance, made up of various sectors and organizations of democratic women from across the country, express our firm conviction to restore constitutional order in a peaceful manner, without threats or violence,. We affirm that the peaceful and democratic way is the only mechanism to resolve the conflict in public and private life.
We demand therefore:

1. The international solidarity of all democratic governments and multilateral agencies, as well as social organizations in which international women's organizations are included, to demand the immediate restoration of the rule of law in Honduras, constitutional order and the restitution of the elected president. Also that strong measures are taken to contribute to the solution of the conflict through peaceful and democratic means.

2. We demand the immediate demilitarization of state institutions, roads and territories of the country. To cease the repression of public protect actions undertaken by social movements; the repression and persecution of their leaders, activists, and organizations; and the respect for the life and human rights of Honduran women and men.

3. We alert citizens and call on all Honduran people to demonstrate peacefully to defend our legally constituted democracy, to strengthen our links of solidarity and peace, and to stop any belligerent, militaristic actions and the use of violence in the country.

Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 23 July 2009