English Language Program

Welcome to the homepage of the Department of Family Medicine

We have teaching programs in the 1st academic year (Medical Profession), in the 2nd year (Introduction to Clinical Medicine), in the 5th year (Family Medicine Seminars) and in the 6th year (Rotation Program).

First Year

Medical Profession

Course Director: Prof. László Kalabay MD PhD

(Students have to write Professor Kalabay’s name in their lecture book!)

Institute: Department of Family Medicine

Coordinator: Péter Torzsa MD Tel: 355-8530 e-mail:

Application date: 26th January

Precondition: Only for students in the 1st year.

Duration: One semester, lectures: 6x2 hours, practices: 6x3 hours/semester

Exam: Practical mark (written exam)

Credit value: 2 credit points

Course material:

·  An overview of medical profession.

·  Formation of the consciousness of profession, personal careers.

·  The attitude of the medical doctor. Communication with colleagues and the members of the medical staff.

·  An overview of different levels of health care.

·  The organization, function activity of the clinical department and general medicine praxis.

·  Characteristics of the clinical work.

·  Overview of the scientific activity of the clinical department. Raising interest on joining to it.

Essay (written exam):

Topic: Medical profession

700 characters, type-written

Deadline: 4th May 2007

Address: Department of Family Medicine

1125 , Budapest, Kútvölgyi út 4. 1st floor

Medical profession

Practice of Family medicine


Tutor: Dr. Dani Vilmos

Date: 29.03.2007. 13. 45-15.55

Address: XI. Budapest Albertfalva u. 1.

Tel: 06-1-208-4043

GROUP 3-4.

Tutor: Dr. Decastello Alice

Date: 12.04. 2007. 13. 45-15.55

Address: VII. Budapest Wesselényi u. 11.

Tel: 06-1-3-423-573


Internal Medicine



Family Medicine



Second Year

Introduction in Clinical Medicine

Lecturer: Prof. László Kalabay MD PhD

Institute: Department of Family Medicine

Duration: One semester, practicals: 12x2.5 hours/semester

Exam: Written test (for coursework mark)

Credit value: 2 credit points

Minimum/maximum group size: 55/180

Course material:

·  Development of professional consciousness.

·  Most frequent diseases in the clinical department and the general practitioner’s office. Case reports.

·  Referral of patients. The medical consultation.

·  Communication with the patient and his/her relatives. The role of the family in the treatment of and care for acute and chronic diseases.

·  Effective cooperation with patients. Means to improve compliance.

·  The importance of disease prevention.

·  Team work in medicine.

·  Overview of the research activity at the clinical department. Raising interest in participating.

Application: Péter Torzsa MD Tel: 355-8530 e-mail:

Application date: 1st September

Precondition: Only for students in the 2nd year, following completion of the Medical Profession program

Fifth Year

Family Medicine in daily practice

In the course of the five seminars the Department of Family Medicine teaches all undergraduate medical students the various aspects of medicine which family doctors use in their daily life.

Key elements of these seminars include:

·  The structure and functioning of the Hungarian Primary Health Care System. Activity of the general practitioners.

·  The ranges of normality as they will help to recognize and anticipate deviations from normal and the earliest manifestations of disease

·  Quick diagnoses. Applying the best available evidence in investigations and and management of common conditions in family medicine.

·  The different roles of the physician and awareness of their own personal strengths and weaknesses and how it affects the Patient-Doctor relationship.

·  The appropriate selection and use of screening methods for the early detection of disease. The principles of preventative care and methods to implement appropriate screening and patient education programs

·  Assessing patients’ illness experience within their family and social context

·  Learn to manage in-hospital urgent and emergency situations in primary care.

·  Management/treatment approaches of common conditions

·  Rural medicine

·  Video communication to improve communication skills

·  Arrangement for the 2-week practice (rotation).

Sixth Year

Rotation Program

Students are allowed to spend their clinical rotation in their home or any other foreign country on the condition that they present prior to their clinical training appropriate and sufficient information about the hospital they intend to work in.

The documents should include the following information:

·  University affiliation of the hospital

·  Clinical departments functioning in the hospital

·  Clinical training programs established in the hospital

·  Number of inpatients and outpatients cared for per year

·  Letter of acceptance, name and signature of the hospital officer who is responsible for education and clinical training of students

If you would like to do your clinical rotation in a Hungarian Family Practice you have to let us know at least 1 month in advance. You have to write an E-mail to your tutor Dr. Torzsa Peter (E-mail:) and you have to write your permanent address and the date when you would like to start your 2-week rotation program.

Objectives of the course:

-to introduce you to medical care outside the hospital giving an opportunity to study the characteristics of work in a general enviroment.

- to help you to manage patients as people and as a member of a family who present with problems (not diseases) along with their physical, psychological and social points of view

- to provide an opportunity to improve your clinical skills

Structure of the course:

2 weeks =10 workdays- working together with a tutor in his office (at least 4 consulting hours/day) . Accompanying the tutor on home visits is encouraged but not required.

Topics to observe and concentrate on during the course:

- patient-doctor communication (structure and methods of interviewing)

- problem based care

- problem oriented solutions

-decision making, responsibility

- common acute problems

- complex care of patients with chronic illnesses

The following should be practised independently:

- history taking

- physical examination

- making medical record

Examine a few patients before your tutor; then observe his/her consultation with the patient and spend a few minutes after the patient has left the room, comparing notes.

The diary should contain at least 2 short case reports per working day in the form of a medical record (patient’s initials, age, sex, complaints and problems, disorders in physical status and solution/advice, therapy, referral).

During the rotation program you have to choose one of the most interesting cases and you have to make a detailed case report on it! The detailed case report should contain the basic information about the patient (patient profile: age, marital status, family, occupation, housing), the present illness or complaint, significant family or past history, the problem list, the assessment and the final solution. Please mention why you found the chosen case interesting.

At the end of the program please write a final comment and summarise your opinion and experiences gained during the course!

Your tutor have to make a short report on your work from the following aspects:

-  medical knowledge

-  pharmaceutical knowledge

-  practical abilities- physical examination

-  your attitude, interpersonal relations, communication skills

When finishing your rotation please bring your student handbook and your “index” to the Department of Family Medicine. It takes 3 days to get the mark and the signature of Professor Kalabay.