(ESE-NEWS: September)

Hello Parents,

Welcome to the first full month of the 2011-2012 school year! I am excited to be working with your son or daughter. I will be providing IEP services to them inside and outside of the Regular Education classroom as detailed in their IEP’s. If you would like to discuss in further detail about your child and/or their educational plan, please send me an e-mail or call me. I would love to hear any ideas and/or suggestions that may help me best work with your child. You may also send a note with your child to school please, address it to me. If you have not already received it, I will also be sending home a parent questionnaire. I use these questionnaires to learn more about your child, their family, their interests at home, and at school. I also learn what your expectations are for your child and tips you may have that may help me to work with your child at school. Please, check their red folder for the questionnaire.

Teacher Tip-(morning, homework, household chores, and bedtime) ROUTINES:

Adjusting to the first weeks of school is difficult for most children; children with special needs often have more difficulty preparing themselves to come to school each day with completed homework, needed supplies, and materials. I encourage you to use the following link to locate the morning routine chart that works best for you and your child. http://www.freeprintablebehaviorcharts.com/daily%20routines.htm When s/he completes each morning activity s/he can earn a smiley face. When s/he completes the chart they may earn a special daily morning reward of your choice, such as choosing the cereal to eat that morning, watching 5 minutes of their favorite morning program, choosing where they sit in the back of the car, or receiving a sticker. These are just a few examples. Please, no candy or sweet treats before school. Please, save that for an after school reward to enjoy at home.

There are also behavioral charts to help with the completion of household chores, manage bedtime routines, and to help establish good homework habits. Please, feel free to use those charts as well, as you know best what your child needs. If you need me to talk your child about home routines and behaviors please send me an e-mail or write a note. I would be happy to help support you and your child in the home environment. I would also ask that we share this responsibility when it comes to the school environment as well.

Happy-Happy Birthday-Happy-Happy-Day! We are so happy it’s your birthday because we get to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!





