Millbrook School Friday Newsletter 22nd March 2013


Dear parents,

Years three and four play

The children in years three and four are putting on a production of “The Giant Slayer”. There will be two performances on Wednesday 27th March at 2pm and 6.30pm. In order to comply with Health and Safety Regulations we are only able to offer each family, in the two classes, 2 tickets for each performance. The tickets have been available to collect from the school office since Monday 18th March. Any spare tickets can be collected from the school office on Monday 25th March from 3 o’clock. All the children in school will have had the opportunity to watch the performance during the school day prior to the final productions and they will not be allowed in the hall during the evening. No pre-school children will be admitted to either performance as they may disturb the young actors. Two of our nursery staff will run a crèche during the afternoon and evening. If you require a place in the crèche you must book one, in advance, at the office so that we can ensure that we have sufficient staff in there.

Lemon Jelly

The children who attend the Lemon Jelly drama club will be putting on a performance for their parents on Tuesday starting promptly at 4pm.

Years four, five and six violin concert

On Thursday 28thMarch Years four, five and six will be performing their end of year violin concert. The concert will start at 9.30am. Please complete the slip below if you will be attending so that we can put out the correct amount of chairs.

Outstanding monies

Please could all dinner money, swimming money, breakfast club money and any other outstanding money be paid as soon as possible so that all the money can be banked before the end of the term . All money should be paidto the office no later than the morning of Thursday 28th March.

After school clubs

The after school clubs have now finished for this term. A letter will be sent out informing you of the clubs that will take place next term.

Red Nose Day

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Red Nose charity event. The sale of cakes and the donations for the wearing of pyjamas and onesies raised £295. A cheque has now been sent off to the charity.

Year six Kingswood

Thank you to all the parents who have kept up to date with their Kingswood payments. We should have received £200 per child by 25th February. The final balance, which includes the cost of the coach, must be paid no later than Friday 19th April. Places may be withdrawn if payments are not made on time.

Positive Person SEAL

Reception / Codie Abbot / Gracie Nickolds
Year one / Farin Qubanzada / Sydney Power
Year two / Natasha Yaxley / Lleah Wheeler
Year three / Harry Herd / Emily Salisbury
Year four / Bradley Bolton / Phoebe Robinson
Year five / Chloe Hannan / Sam Tyrrell
Year six / James Allen / Gatsha Madaka
Lunch time / Ben Eveleigh, Chloe Hannan

The school closes at 1.15pm on Thursday 28thMarch and the children return to school on Tuesday 16th April.

We wish you all a happy and peaceful Easter break. There will be no newsletter next week.


Wednesday 27th March 2pm and 6.30pm years 3 and 4 play

Wednesday 27th March 3.15 Easter Craft workshop

Thursday 28th March 9.15 years 4, 5 and 6 violin performance

Easter: School closes at 1.15pm on Thursday 28th March

Children return to school on Tuesday 16th April

Thursday 25th April Friends school disco for KS1 and KS2

Thursday 2nd May School is closed for Council elections

School closes for half term break Friday 24th May at 3.15pm

Children return to school on Tuesday 4th June

School closes for summer break Tuesday 23rd July at 1.15pm

Tuesday 3rd September children return to school

Yours sincerely

Mrs C Townson

Years 4, 5 and 6 Violin Concert – Thursday 28th March 9.30am.

I would like to reserve ______seats for the Violin Concert

Child’s Name: ______

Parents Signature: ______