Graduate Education and Research / Last Updated August 15, 2015


Academic Year: / Position Number (Grad School Use Only)

Under the guidelines of the Graduate School, graduate students holding full-time assistantships and who have completed 18 or more hours in their program with a GPA of 3.5 or higher, may be approved for up to 7.5 additional hours/week of on-campus employment. All part-time GA’s are permitted up to 10 hours/week of on-campus employment, subject to approval. Part time GA’s who have completed 18 hours or more in their program with a GPA of 3.5 or higher, may have additional on-campus employment up to a maximum of 17.5 hourse/week. Permission to work additional hours is granted solely by the Dean of the Graduate School and is not guaranteed. Work supervisors responsible for this request should include a clear rationale and advisors should carefully consider a student’s other commitments before recommending approval of additional employment.

Requests must be routed to the student’s graduate academic advisor for recommendation and then to the Graduate School, SSB 310.

1.Student Information:

Student's Name: / Student’s ID #:
Email address / Phone Number

2.Assistantship Information:

Area of GA Assignment / College
Graduate Program / Advisor:

3. AssistantshipContract Term:(Check one term, only)

Fall / Spring / Summer / Full-Time (20 hr/wk) / Half-Time (10 hr/wk)

4.Type of Assistantship:

Teaching ServiceResearch

5. Additional Assignment/Rationale: (Supervisor must present compelling rationale for additional assignment)

Name of Supervisor: / Number of Hrs/Wk*:
Supervisor Email / Campus phone
Reason For Request:

* TOTAL MAY NOT EXCEED 7.5 hrs/wk above full time assistantship from ALL sources, including Part-Time Instruction.

5. Academic Advisor Recommendation (check one):

Recommended / Not Recommended
If Not Recommended, please include a brief rationale:

6.Signatures: (Numbers denote routing order)

(1) / (2)
Supervisor, Work AssignmentDate / Graduate Academic AdvisorDate
Dean, Graduate SchoolDate
