Imperial Avenue, Wrenthorpe, Wakefield WF2 0LW



Tel: 01924 378001

Wrenthorpe: Where everyone is valued

Headteacher: Mrs. J. Coyle (Designated Senior Person for Child Protection and Safeguarding)

Tuesday 17thJanuary 2017

Dear Parents/Carers,

Wrenthorpe Pre-School will join Waterton Multi-Academy Trust

Mrs Glover (Chair of Pre-School) held a meeting on Monday 9th January with all stakeholders of the services provided by Pre-School and Early Birds and Night Owls (EBNO). The purpose of the meeting was for stakeholders to formally give their agreement to the Pre-School joining with the Trust. The meeting was very well attended (over 100 people) which demonstrates the importance of the services to our community of Wrenthorpe.

Those present at the meeting discussed many relevant questions with the Pre-School Committee before making the decision to join with the Trust; the decision to join with the Trust wasunanimous.

For those families who use the services but were unable to attend the meeting I want to reinforce to you that ALL services will remain and some will be extended:

the Pre-School will remain as a charity: the Trust will set up a subsidiary charitable company, limited by guarantee;

the admission policy will remain the same;

the Breakfast Club will continue to offer care from 7:30am – 8:55am;

the After School Club will continue to offer care from 3:20pm – 6pm;

the Holiday Club will be extended to offer children more weeks of care across the year;

the Holiday Club weeks will be set well in advance to enable parents to make plans;

the Pre-School will continue to offer wrap-around care in addition to the 15 hours entitlement of Early Years Education –from September 2017Pre-School will offer 30 hours of free child-care for families who qualify for this;

all Pre-School and EBNO staff will TUPE over to the newly formed charitable company which will be led and managed by the board of trustees.

Wrenthorpe School Governors and I are delighted by this development as it will strengthen the links which already exist between the Pre-School and the School. The Pre-School will benefit from working closely with the Trust, who has access to a wide range of Early Years expertise,in order to continue to improve the setting.

The date for conversion to Wrenthorpe Academy for the school is Monday 3rd April 2017. We will keep you informed regarding a conversion date for the Pre-School.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs J Coyle
