God’s People Gather

Please observe prayerful silence when the prelude begins.


PRELUDE “I Know That My Redeemer Liveth” James Denton



We Praise the Lord

*CALL TO WORSHIP (Psalm 119:17-20, 24)

L: Be good to Your servant while I live, that I may obey Your Word.

P: Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your Law.

L: I am a stranger on earth; do not hide Your commands from me.

P: My soul is consumed with longing for Your laws at all times. Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors.

*Hymn of Praise: 324 “Open My Eyes That I May See”


Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession:

Almighty God, in raising Jesus from the grave, You shattered the power of sin and death. We confess that we remain captive to doubt and fear, bound by the ways that lead to death. We overlook the poor and the hungry, and pass by those who mourn; we are deaf to the cries of the oppressed, and indifferent to calls for peace; we despise the weak and abuse the earth You

made. Forgive us, God of mercy. Help us to trust in Your power to change our lives and make us new, that we may know the joy of life abundant, given in Jesus Christ, the risen Lord. Amen. (Silent Confession)

Assurance of Pardon

*Response of Praise: 579 “Gloria Patri”

Passing the Peace

L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

P: And also with you.

Hear God’s Word



THE EPISTLE: 1 John 1:1-2:2 (pg. 1228)

SPECIAL MUSIC (8:15) “ Hallelujah” Debbie Keller

CHORAL ANTHEM (10:45) Chancel Choir

THE GOSPEL: John 20:19-31 (pg. 1088)

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord! People: Thanks Be to God!

SERMON Breath, Belief, Blessing Rev. David C. Smith

*Hymn of Response: 399 “We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight”


(from 1 Corinthians 15, John 20, and Revelation 22)

This is the good news in which we stand, by which we are saved, if we hold it fast: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared first to the women, then to Peter, and to the twelve, and then to more than 500 witnesses. He is our Lord and our God, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

The Disciples Give Thanks


Offertory “There Is a Redeemer” Melody Green

*Doxology: 592 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”

*Prayer of Dedication


PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE The Lord’s Prayer (pg. 16)

We Go Forth To Serve


*Hymn of Commitment: 316 “Breathe on Me, Breath of God”


POSTLUDE “Rejoice, The Lord Is King” James Mansfield

*Please stand, if able

Worship Leaders Pastor: Rev. David C. Smith

Greeters & Ushers: (8:15am) Betty Edkin & Elaine Cressman

Greeters: (10:45am) Neil & Donna Bixler

Ushers: (10:45am) P. Hoff, G. Dunkleberger, S. Means, M. Crist

Liturgist: (8:15am) Doc Shearer (10:45am) Winnie Kremser

Organist: Debbie Keller Choir Director: Denny Carpenter

Children’s Choir: Gretchen Carpenter

This Week at MPC

Sunday, April 12th

8:15am Worship Service (S)

9:15am Coffee Fellowship (FH)

9:30am Sunday School (C)

10:45am Worship Service (S)

5:30pm FISH Youth Group (MCEC)

Monday, April 13th (Food Pantry/Shep. of the Sts. Delivery)

8:30am Prayer Group (MCEC)

Tuesday, April 14tt (bulletin announcements due)

6:15pm-8:00pm Bond of Peace (MCEC)

Wednesday, April 15th

6:00pm Trustee Meeting (MCEC)

6:30pm-8:30pm District 48 AA Meeting (FH)

Thursday, April 16th

6:15pm-8:15pm AA Meeting (FH)

7:00pm Choir Practice

Friday, April 17th Office Closed

Noon Retiree Luncheon (FH)

6:00pm-8:00pm Girl Scout Meeting (FH)

Saturday, April 18th

10:00am-Noon Reading of Minutes (FH)

Sunday, April 19th

8:15am Worship Service (S)

9:15am Coffee Fellowship (FH)

9:30am Sunday School (C)

10:45am Worship Service (S)

5:00pm FISH Youth Group (MCEC)

6:30pm Spring Covered Dish (FH)

S – Sanctuary C – Classroom FH- Fellowship Hall MCEC–Mendenhall

N – Nursery K-Kitchen

Last Week's Attendance: Sunrise - 9 8:15am – 68 10:45am – 204

Pastor’s Office (570) 368-4747

Church Office: Mon-Thur 9:00 – noon (570) 368-1595

E-mail: Website: www.montourpres.org

Listen to David's sermons at: http://www.youtube.com/user/montourpc

Announcements for the week of April 12, 2015

Welcome to the Montoursville Presbyterian Church

Visitors: please complete a Visitor Card found in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. If you are looking for a church home or membership, please see the Pastor, an Usher, or call the office.

To assist with your worship experience, we offer:

Personal hearing devices - please see an usher

Large print hymnals - in the Narthex

Handicap/family restroom - off the far end of Fellowship Hall

Worship Bags for children - in a basket in the Narthex

Nursery care for children, ages up to 5 yrs old.

Our nursery staff members are:

Deb Rupert, Mary Strein, Michelle Beggs and Gaetan Casella.

Retiree Luncheon: The next luncheon will be April 17th at noon in Fellowship Hall. If you would like to help, please see Faye Konkle or Judy Shimp.

Spring Covered Dish Dinner: April 19th at 6:30 in Fellowship Hall. All are invited to attend this event for fun and fellowship.

Please bring a dish to share.

West Branch Chorale presents: “Get Happy” Today at 3:00pm at Pleasant View Wesleyan Church, Muncy and on Sunday, April 19th at 3:00pm at Faith United Methodist Church, Montoursville.

Upcoming FISH Youth Group Activities

April 12 Bible Study & games at MCEC
April 19 Swimming Party at the home of Doc & Kay Shearer.

The fun begins at 5:00 pm. Please bring your swimsuit and a towel. Families are invited :-)

May 3 Save the date for a fun FISH activity, details to follow
May 10 Youth Sunday

Save the Date

The Mothers and Others Banquet sponsored by the Men's Club will be Monday, May 11th at 6:00pm. It should be around an hour and a half. A great meal will be served and will be followed by an outstanding show presented by “Ever After Costume Entertainment” All children are encuoraged to wear their favorite costume (princess, pirate, etc) There will be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway. We need a count so we know how much food to prepare. A free will donation will be accepted.

The Fishing Derby will be on May 23rd from 9:00am to Noon at Don Nibert's farm. Light lunch with hot dogs will be served. We will have extra rods and bait.

The Presbyterian Women of The Presbyterian of Northumberland Spring Gathering

April 25th at Watsontown First Presbyterian Church

9:30 Registration.

The guest speaker is Anita Thies. “Let Laughter Lighten the Load” There will be a car pool from the Presbytery office.

Please call Patty Beggs at 570-368-3906 for more information.

Ushers and Greeters for April 19th and April 26th

(8:15am) Ushers and Greeters: Joe Lapinski and Carl Fulton

(10:45am) Greeters: Jim and Nancy Bergen

Ushers: B. Messersmith, R. Gilbert, K. Klepper, S. Mathias

Lighting of the Christ Candle

April 19 – Jackie & Joe Lapinski

April 26 – Denise & Carl Fulton

May 3 – Lois & Skip Hungerford

May 10 – Paula Lewis, Chelsea Wert & Ava Dinan

May 17 – Rachael & Ron McCloskey

Prayer List

Illness, recovery and support: Rosie Auten, Harriett Bernier,

Marge Bieber, Colin Butler, Diane Chesnut, Bob Cillo, Sherry Delany, Jonathan Deprenda family, Josh Dinges, Audrey Dochter, Maggie Fenderson, Emma Fox, Ed Fry, Pearl Fulton, Richard Haas, Dean Haney, Terry Hess, Lois Hungerford, Larry Konour, Sandy Kurtz, Susan Lantz, Miriam Logan, Michael Mariano, Nancy McCarty, Darlene Melfi, Crystal Miller, Carol Peace, Priscilla and Frank Purcell, Patsy Schmalhofer, Sandy Shimmel, Bob Shimp Sr., Al Starr, Ray Stiner, Joe Terpolilli, Stella Wallmer, Donna Wheeland,

Joys: Brittany Wheeland's Teach for America assignment in Oklahoma, Nancy McCarty back in church

Grief: Family and friends of Ann Johnston

Military: Ryan Burns, Joe Cardone, Capt. Brady Cillo,

Quentin Cummings, Maj. Laurie Fontaine, Ben Hepburn,

Ethan Jones, Sgt. J Patrick Lawracy, David McCollin, Paul Wenner

Others: Nthemba Church (Sister church in Africa), Ministries of MPC, Peace in the World, Camp Krislund, General Assembly Moderator, Heath Rada,