Ms. Beydoun’s Algebra I Syllabus 2016-2017

Teacher: Ms. Beydoun

Room: A 124

School Phone #: (313) 827-1400

Office Hours: By Appointment


iblog Website:

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

Course Description:

·  Algebra I provides a formal development of the algebraic skills and concepts necessary for students to succeed in advanced courses.In particular, the instructional program in this course provides for the use of algebraic skills in a wide range of problem-solving situations. The concept of function is emphasized throughout the course.Topics include: (1) operations with real numbers, (2) linear equations and inequalities, (3) relations and functions, (4) polynomials, (5) algebraic fractions, and (6) nonlinear equations.

District Algebra I Units of Instruction & Pacing 2016-2017

Algebra I units plan is subject to change at any time.

Required Supplies:

o  Three-Ring Blue Binder and Tabs (2-inch binder recommended)

o  1 Composition Notebooks (will be divided for Slots & Guided Notes)

o  Loose-leaf papers (Papers out of a notebook will NOT be accepted!!!)

o  Graph Papers

o  Pencils and Erasers (No PENS!!!)

o  Highlighters

o  Glue Sticks

The Ninth Grade Academy will follow PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) to promote positive student behavior.

All freshmen will be given a daily planner. The planner is a tool to help you be successful in 9th grade. Please have your planner available every day at the beginning of each class period.

Classroom Expectations:

·  Attendance is important for academic success. The high school attendance policy will be adhered to conducive to learning by all students in the class.

·  This classroom will adhere to the Three Tiers of Discipline Policy for behavior issues.

·  Consequences for unacceptable or inappropriate behavior will follow the three tiers of discipline. Refer to focus card page in the daily planner. The consequences may result in a verbal warning, parent contact, detention, community services, or referral to administration. Examples of unacceptable behavior: refer to Behavior Matrix in your planner.

It is the student’s responsibility to be present in class and on time. Any student who is not in their assigned seat when the bell rings will be marked tardy. ***Being tardy to class will result in a 0 on the bellwork (SLOT) assignment for that day***

·  Class participation is an essential component of a successful learning environment. ASK QUESTIONS! I promise that at least one other person in the class has the same question. ANSWER QUESTIONS! You are to raise your hand and wait to be called on. Your verbal input MUST RELATE TO WHAT IS BEING DISCUSSED. Obnoxious behavior will have a behavior effect on your class participation grade, despite positive input.

·  No passes are allowed during the class. No Exceptions!!

·  Every day you are expected to bring paper, pencils, and a positive learning attitude.

·  Course work will be hand written and also integrate technology, such as TI N-spire CX, PowerPoint, Promethean Board, and interactive websites.

·  Students should check the course website regularly for class news, resources, and assignments.

·  Course work includes, but is not limited to: SLOT, participation, class work, homework, puzzles, quizzes, projects, and tests.

·  It is the Fordson Way that we begin our class with SLOT. There will be a SLOT quiz every Friday.

·  Practice exams will be given at least one week before the exam. Practice exams are formative and are given to help you be successful on the exam. Please refer to the retake policy.

·  Homework will be assigned daily and must be kept in an organized manner. Whatever is not finished in class will need to be taken home. Homework will be started in class and graded at the end of the hour. Whatever is not completed will need to be finished at home.

·  All work must be shown on all assignments. Answers without supporting calculations will not be accepted. This applies to all tests and quizzes as well.

·  When a substitute teacher is in the room, classroom rules are expected to be followed.

·  Students are expected to conduct themselves honestly and with integrity in their work. All forms of cheating and plagiarism are prohibited. Per district policy, if caught cheating during anytime you will forfeit the possibility of becoming valedictorian or salutatorian.

o  Violators of this policy will be disciplined on a case by case basis and disciplinary measures may include but are not limited to, redoing assignment/test, receiving a failing grade for assignment/test, or receiving a lower/failing grade in the class.

·  Students must use their assigned calculator. All calculators must be returned before ANY student leaves the classroom. Calculators will not be provided overnight.

·  If you write on the TI N-spire CX calculator or change the settings of the calculator, you will lose usage privileges for the week. IF you are a repeat offender, you will lose calculator privileges for the semester.

·  If you damage the calculator in any way, you may be charged $200.00 to replace the calculator.

·  Food and drinks (with screw on tops) will be permitted unless this creates a

distraction in the classroom (littering, spilling, messes, etc).

Grading Policy:

Summative Assessment 80%

(Tests and Quizzes)

Formative Assessment

(Participation/Homework/Bell Work) 20%

Standards-Based Assessment:

Based on standards for the State of Michigan (HSCEs), exams will

measure what you know and don’t know. Talking during tests is not

permitted and will receive severe consequences. Respect those that are

testing as they have done so for you. The final exam is cumulative and

required by ALL students. School grading policy will determine credit

for the class.

Test Standards:

·  You are responsible for making up a test. Tests WILL NOT be excused for any reason.

·  Make-Up work must be done within each card marking period it was assigned in.

·  If you miss a test or quiz, it will have to be taken after school on a predetermined make-up day. This day will be retained for a testing atmosphere and you will not be permitted to take a test during a normal class period or any other time.

·  Retakes will be permitted only after a tutoring session has been completed. A tutoring schedule is posted in the classroom.

·  You MAY NOT borrow or share a calculator during any test or quiz.

·  During a test talking and cell phones are STRICTLY prohibited. Should you choose to talk or have a cell phone out during a test or quiz, you will receive half of your grade earned. Should this occur a second time, you will receive a 0%.

·  If you are penalized for either of these rules, a retake will not be permitted.


·  Practice and familiarity is essential in mathematic success. Skills are learned and improved through practice. You can accumulate “points” by practicing the concepts prior to an exam. Math is a building subject and practicing the fundamentals will build a solid foundation of mathematical concepts needed to proceed.

Technology to be in our classroom:

iBlog- Parents are highly advised to visit my blog to check for daily activities and assignments as well to contact me if needed.

·  To checkout or contact me on my blog, visit the following website address:

Remind App- will be used to remind you of your homework, upcoming quizzes and tests.

·  To join send a text to 81010. Write the message: First Hour: @639a2b Third Hour: @6fhgb Fourth Hour: @2b3a79 Fifth Hour: @akc7e6

IXL (Algebra I [A1] )- will be used as a weekly homework assignment based on the unit you are being taught in class (must be completed and submitted within the given time).

·  To login to IXL, visit the following website address:

Kaboot App- will be used to review for quizzes and tests.

Desmos Graphing Calculator- suggested to be downloaded.

Electronic Devices:

·  No Cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, Earbuds, etc. are to be used in the classroom.


Although technology will be a key component in our learning process, I strongly believe that phones constitute a big distraction if it is not used for educational reasons. As such, ALL students are REQUIRED to turn in their cell phones in the calculator pockets provided according to their seat number while I'm taking attendance. Phones will remain visible to you the whole hour and no one will be allowed to leave the class until everyone's cell phone has been returned which will eliminate any losses.

o  If your cell phone is not in the pocket, a phone call will be made on the spot and a meeting will be scheduled with your parents/guardians. Also, you will lose your daily participation points and will receive an infraction.

o  By signing the syllabus, both you and your parents/guardians agree with this rule.

After School Help:

·  Tutoring for the Freshmen Academy will be offered before and after school. Days/Times: TBD

·  Send me an e-mail and I will respond if the question is send daily before 9 P.M.


Fordson High School’s attendance policy:

·  At 5 absences a letter will be sent home warning as a warning of absences

·  At 10 absences a follow up letter will be sent home explaining that a student will only receive reduced credit, unless the student scores higher than 78% on the final exam.

·  4 times being tardy is the equivalent of one absence.

·  2 times being late more than 5 minutes is the equivalent of one absence.

·  Being more than 15 minutes is equivalent of being absent.

·  You are responsible for getting your missed work and notes during an absence. Collect work from the absent work shelves. Copy notes from your classmates and ASK FOR HELP.

A note to parents…As parents, we play an important role in the education of our children. We can be sure our children will get the best education possible if we have them in school every day, on time, rested and ready to learn. Please encourage your children to their best, complete their homework and classwork, respect themselves, others, and the educational process. If teachers and parents work together all our students will have a successful school year!


Sample Of Algebra I Summative Assessment Retake Form

Cut ✂------Cut ✂

Dear Parent or Guardian,

I’m Ms. Beydoun. I am your son/daughter’s Algebra I teacher. I am extremely excited to begin this school year. My goal is to help your son/daughter to be successful in Algebra I. It is important that we all do our part to guarantee success in Algebra I.

Please review the Syllabus and the Expectations in your son/daughter’s planner. I reviewed the course syllabus and PBIS with each student. A copy of the course syllabus may be found on my website. I would appreciate you and your student reviewing the syllabus and planner together then sign below to indicate that you have read and agree to comply with these policies. If you have any further questions regarding the course or the district policies, please feel free to contact me. My contact information is above. Please cut the bottom portion of this page and keep the top.

Thank you in advance for your concern and interest in your child’s education.

I have read and understand Ms. Beydoun’s Algebra I Syllabus


Student Name (Printed)


Student Signature Date Hour


Parent/Guardian Name (Printed)


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

_____( )______

Parent/Guardian Phone Number