Mrs. Malone’s
Classroom Expectations

Respect for Classmates / Teacher / Classroom

Use only appropriate language (no name calling or put downs) in class when talking with peers and the teacher.
Speak at the appropriate times using proper language and voice.
Support your peers by never laughing at them when they voice their opinion….. instead encourage diversity in your class.

Have respect for yourself by doing your own work (be honest).

Food, drinks, and gum are not allowed in class.

Electronic equipment is not allowed, including playing games on graphing calculators.

Cell phones need to be turned off or put on silent mode during class time!!

Text messaging during class is prohibited.

The area behind the teacher demo table and behind my desk is restricted to adults only.

Ladies- please do not put on make-up or comb your hair in class….this needs to be done in the bathroom during your own time!


“Failure to prepare is preparing to fail”

Come to class prepared (notebook, textbook, pencil, paper, completed homework)

Be ready to work hard everyday of the term

Be willing to participate in classroom discussions and activities

Turn in all assignments complete and on time

Arrive to class on time and come to class regularly

Be responsible for your own actions and accept the consequences

Give the teacher your full attention

Do your best and your knowledge will be your reward!

Last but not least... all students will remain in their seats until the bell rings ( I dismiss you not the bell!)


Follow the lab safety guidelines (given during lab I) but here are a few general classroom safety guidelines…

Obey safety rules, clean up lab stations, and do not write on desks.

Wear shoes at all times. Wear eye protection during labs (Lab points will be deducted for non-compliance).

This room is also used for conducting labs so…..No food, drinks, or gum. Do not sell candy in class.

Do not mishandle or abuse equipment (including computers). You will be charged for the breakage of any equipment.

It goes without saying, but... Vandalism of school property, school equipment, and/or the property of other persons will not be tolerated. It will result in an after school detention which will be spent cleaning or repairing the vandalized area or objects. If the damage is not repairable, the student will be financially responsible for the damage.

Stay on task (most accidents happen because people are not paying attention)

What happens if these expectations are not met?…

You will receive:

a verbal warning

a call home to parents

after school detention (1.5 hrs. to 2 hrs spent in my room cleaning or working on science homework)

a conference with me, you, and your parents

a referral to the principals office

You have choices…make the right ones! Every decision you make has a consequence so think very hard about your choices before you act. You will be held accountable for your actions. I expect the best from you and I look forward to embarking on this science journey!

“Everyone has the ability and the right to learn”