Social Policies of The United Church of Canada

Policy Title: / Heritage Grains (2003-08-10-GC38-025)
GC Number & Year: / 38th General Council, 2003
Subcategories / Environment and Ecology/Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
Keywords /
Biotechnology, genetics, seed, seeds, patent

Social Policies of the United Church of Canada

[Heritage Grains]

That, having heard Petition #42, the 38th General Council request the United Nations through UNESCO:

1. to declare that heritage seeds are protected as a world heritage;

2. to take the necessary steps to invalidate all patents on such seeds;

3. to see that reparation is made for harm caused by such patents to the peoples whose seeds have been pirated.

GC38 2003 ROP, p. 68


Title: Heritage Grains
Submitted by: Saskatchewan Conference
Original Source: Grasslands Pastoral Charge
Presbytery Action: Concurrence
Conference Action: Concurrence
Financial Implications: Unknown
Source of Funding: General Council
Staffing Implications: Personnel to prepare and submit a petition to UNESCO

WHEREAS in Article 2:14 of the Basis of Union we are reminded that justice making is not an option, it is a requirement; and

WHEREAS Section 27 –3b of the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS) gives companies the legal status to protect their patents in member countries under the World Trade Organization, but fails to protect the rights of indigenous peoples in relation to their traditional knowledge and staple foods; and

WHEREAS every year in Asia, Africa and Latin America 39 million men, women and children die of starvation; and

WHEREAS allowing such staple foods as corn, rice, beans and potatoes to be patented will increase the numbers of persons who have inadequate access to food; and

WHEREAS it is within the mandate of the United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to protect the social and cultural heritage of the earth’s indigenous peoples; and

WHEREAS seeds which have been handed down for generations are part of a people’s cultural heritage;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Grasslands Pastoral Charge, through Chinook Presbytery and Saskatchewan Conference, petition the 38th General Council to request the United Nations through UNESCO:

1.  to declare that heritage seeds are protected as a world heritage;

2.  to take the necessary steps to invalidate all patents on such seeds;

3.  to see that reparation is made for harm caused by such patents to the peoples whose seeds have been pirated.

GC38 2003 ROP, p. 335