Parties and Government in the USA

POLI-D-537 – 5 ects – Emilie van Haute

List of readings

If your name does not appear on the list, please contact the professor

Journal articles are available via the e-journals of the library (downloads from a university computer on CIBLE or via EZ Proxy).

Books are available at the university library (reference between brackets).

Week 4: The American Party System (Deadline to be on the blog: Friday October 14)


Aldrich J.H., Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Political Parties in America, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1995, pp.68-156. (4NIV 324.273.ALDR)

Lionel HENRY

Brady D.W., “A Reevaluation of Realignments in American Politics: Evidence from the House of Representatives”, American Political Science Review, 1985, vol.79, n°1, pp.28-49.

Sinclair B.D., “Party Realignment and the Transformation of the Political Agenda: The House of Representatives”, American Political Science Review, 1977, vol.71, n°3, pp.940-953.

Valentino N.A., Sears D.O., “Old Times There Are Not Forgotten: Race and Partisan Realignment in the Contemporary South”, American Journal of Political Science, 2005, vol.49, n°3, pp.672-688.

Marie-Catherine WAVREILLE

Nardulli P.F., “The Concept of a Critical realignment. Electoral Behavior, and Political Change”, American Political Science Review, 1995, vol.89, n°1, pp.10-22.

Aldrich J.H., “Political Parties in a Critical Era”, American Politics Research, 1999, vol.27, n°9, pp.9-32.

Key V.O. Jr, “A Theory of Critical Elections”, Journal of Politics, 1955, vol.17, n°1, pp.3-18.

Emilien PAULIS

Rapoport R.B., “Winning isn’t Everything: Third Parties and the American Two-Party System”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.222-242. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Schattschneider E.E., Party Government. American Government in Action, New Brunswick, London, Transaction Publishers, 2004, pp.65-98. (4NIV 324.273.SCHA)

Shafiqullah SHAKIR

Brewer M.D., “The Evolution and Alteration of American Party Coalitions”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.121-142. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Green J.C., “The Part Faithful: Religion and Party Politics in America”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.143-161. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Shea D.M., “The Road Less Taken: New Directions in American Party Politics”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.204-221. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Week 5: Party Organizations (Deadline to be on the blog: Friday October 21)


Paddock J., State and National Parties and American Democracy, New York Peter Lang, 2005, pp.11-51. (4NIV 324.273.PADD)

Schattschneider E.E., Party Government. American Government in Action, New Brunswick, London, Transaction Publishers, 2004, pp.129-169. (4NIV 324.273.SCHA)


Schlesinger J.A., “The New American Political Party”, American Political Science Review, 1985, vol.79, n°4, pp.1152-1169.

Gibson J.L. et al, “Assessing Party Organizational Strength”, American Journal of Political Science, 1983, vol.27, n°2, pp.193-222.

Wright G.C., “State Parties Research: The Quest for Strong, Competitive State Parties”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.403-422. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)


Stone W.J., “Activists, Influence, and Representation in American Elections”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.285-302. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Shafer B.E., “The Pure Partisan Institution: National Party Convention”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.264-284. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Herrnson P.S., “The Evolution of National Party Organizations”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.245-263. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)


Reiter H.L., “Factional Persistence within Parties in the United States”, Party Politics, 2004, 10, pp.251-271.

Grofman B., Merrill S., Brunell T.L., Koetzle W., “The Potential Electoral Disadvantages of a Catch-All Party: Ideological Variance among Republicans and Democrats in the 50 US States”, Party Politics, 1999, 5/2, pp.199-210.

Dark T. III, “The Rise of a Global Party: American Party Organization Abroad”, Party Politics, 2003, 9/2, pp.241-255.


La Raja R.J., “Party Nominating Procedures and Recruitment”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.165-184. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Paddock J., State and National Parties and American Democracy, New York Peter Lang, 2005, pp.53-79. (4NIV 324.273.PADD)

Magleby D.B., “Political Parties and Consultants”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.303-319. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Weronika GARBACZ

Rohde D.W., “What a Difference Twenty-Five Years Makes: Changing Perspectives on Parties and Leaders in the US House”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Milkis S.M., Rhodes J.H., “The President, Party Politics, and Constitutional Development”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Silbey J.H., “American Political Parties. History, Voters, Critical Elections, and Party Systems”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.97-120. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Gamzegul KINALI

Schwartz M.A., “Interactions Between Social Movements and US Political Parties”, Party Politics, 2010, vol.16, n°5, pp.587-607.

Medvi S. K., “Old Democrats in New Clothing? An Ideological Analysis of a Democratic Party Faction”, Party Politics, 2007, vol.13, n°5, pp. 587-609.

Farmer R., Fender R., “eParties: Democratic and Republican State Parties in 2000”, Party Politics, 2005, vol.11, n°1, pp. 47-58.

Sanbonmatsu K., “The Legislative Party and Candidate Recruitment in the American States”, Party Politics, 2006, vol.12, n°2, pp.233-256.

Natalie Jane KHRAINO

Brunell T.L., Koetzle W., “A Divided-Government-Based Explanation for the Decline of Resignations from the US Senate, 1834-1996”, Party Politics, 1999, 5/4, pp.497-505.

Allen N., Brox B.J., “The Roots of Third Party Voting: The 2000 Nader Campaign in Historical Perspective”, Party Politics, 2005, 11/5, pp.623-637.

Reiter H.L., “Factional Persistence within Parties in the United States”, Party Politics, 2004, 10, pp.251-271.

Week 6: Ideology, Issues, and Polarization (Deadline to be on the blog: Friday October 28)


Gerring J., Party Ideologies in America, 1828-1996, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp.3-54. (4NIV 324.273.GERR)

Paddock J., State and National Parties and American Democracy, New York Peter Lang, 2005, pp.109-133 & 197-202. (4NIV 324.273.PADD)

Haroun ATILA

Aldrich J.H., Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Political Parties in America, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1995, pp.163-193. (4NIV 324.273.ALDR)

Paddock J., State and National Parties and American Democracy, New York Peter Lang, 2005, pp.81-108 & 193-195. (4NIV 324.273.PADD)


Gerring J., Party Ideologies in America, 1828-1996, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp.57-124. (4NIV 324.273.GERR)

Gerring J., Party Ideologies in America, 1828-1996, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp.161-186. (4NIV 324.273.GERR)


Gerring J., Party Ideologies in America, 1828-1996, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp.125-158. (4NIV 324.273.GERR)

Gerring J., Party Ideologies in America, 1828-1996, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp.187-231. (4NIV 324.273.GERR)

Gerring J., Party Ideologies in America, 1828-1996, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp.232-253. (4NIV 324.273.GERR)


Brewer M.D., Party Images in the American Electorate, New York, Routledge, 2009. (4NIV 324.273.BREW)

Raluca Miruna PAUN

Democratic Party, The 2008 Democratic National Platform. Renewing America’s Promise, 2008 (available on the UV)

Republican Party, 2008 Republican Platform, 2008 (available at

Diana Buksa

Stone W.J., Rapoport R.B., Schneider M.B., “Party members in a three-party election”, Party Politics, 2004, 10/4, pp.445-469.

Herrera R., “The Origins of Opinion of American Party Activists”, Party Politics, 1999, 5/2, pp.237-252.

Josefson J., “An Exploration of the Stability of Partisan Stereotypes in the United States”, Party Politics, 2000, 6/2, pp.285-304.

Ilaria BASSI

Gerring J., Party Ideologies in America, 1828-1996, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp.125-158. (4NIV 324.273.GERR)

Gerring J., Party Ideologies in America, 1828-1996, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp.187-231. (4NIV 324.273.GERR)

Gerring J., Party Ideologies in America, 1828-1996, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp.232-253. (4NIV 324.273.GERR)

Week 7: Presidential Elections: Nomination & Process (Deadline to be on the blog: Friday November 4)


Bartels L.M., “Candidate Choice and the Dynamics of the Presidential Nominating Process”, American Journal of Political Science, 1987, vol.31, n°1, pp.1-30.

Mayer W.G., “How Parties Nominate Presidents”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.185-203. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Steger W.P., “Who Wins Nominations and Why? An Updated Forecast of the Presidential Primary Vote”, Political Research Quarterly, 2007, vol.60, pp.91-99.


Berggren D.J., “Two Parties, Two Types of Nominees, Two Paths to Winning a Presidential Nomination, 1972-2004”, Presidential Studies Quarterly, 2007, vol.37, pp.203-227.

Norrander B., “Primary Elections”, in Leighley J.E. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.514-530. (4NIV 324.973.LEIG)

Burden B.C., “United States Senators as Presidential Candidates”, Political Science Quarterly, 2002, vol.117, pp.81-102.


Kenny L.W., Lotnia B., “Evidence on the Importance of Spatial Voting Models in Presidential Nominations and Elections”, Public Choice, 2005, vol.123, pp.439-462.

Meinke S.R., Staton J.K., Wuhs S.T., “State Delegate Selection Rules for Presidential Nominations, 1972-2000”, Journal of Politics, 2006, vol.68, pp.180-193.

Holbrook T., “Forecasting US presidential Elections”, in Leighley J.E. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.346-371. (4NIV 324.973.LEIG)


Abramson P.R. et al, “’Sophisticated’ Voting in the 1988 Presidential Primaries”, American Political Science Review, 1992, vol.86, n°1, pp.55-69.

Norrander B., “Presidential Nomination Politics in the Post-Reform Era”, Political Research Quarterly, 1996, vol.49, pp.875-915.


Petrocik J.R., “Issue Ownership in Presidential Elections, with a 1980 Case Study”, American Journal of Political Science, 1996, vol.40, pp.825-850.

Norrander B., “Ideological Representativeness of Presidential Primary Voters”, American Journal of Political Science, 1989, vol.33, n°3, pp.570-587.

Atkeson L.R., “Divisive Primaries and General Election Outcomes: Another Look at Presidential Campaigns”, American Journal of Political Science, 1998, vol.42, pp.256-271.


Ahn T.K., Huckfeldt R., Mayer A.K., Ryan J.B., “Politics, Expertise, and Interdependence within Electorates”, in Leighley J.E. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.278-299. (4NIV 324.973.LEIG)

Sanbonmatsu K., “Organizing American Politics, Organizing Gender”, in Leighley J.E. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.415-432. (4NIV 324.973.LEIG)

Goldstein K.M., Holleque M., “Getting Up Off the Canvass: Rethinking the Study of Mobilization”, in Leighley J.E. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.577-594. (4NIV 324.973.LEIG)

Ludmila BULGAR

McSweeney D., “The Front-Runner Falls: The Failure of Howard Dean”, Party Politics, 2007, 13/1, pp.109-126.

Hanson G.S., “Out of Cash: US Presidential Pre-Nominations”, Party Politics, 2000, 6/1, pp.47-59.

Gibson R., Margolis M., Resnick D., Ward S.J., “Election Campaigning on the WWW in the USA and UK: A Comparative Analysis”, Party Politics, 2003, 9/1, pp.47-75.


Wattenberg M.P., “Why Clinton Won and Dukakis Lost: An Analysis of the Candidate-centered Nature of American Party Politics”, Party Politics, 1995, ½, pp.245-260.

Cover A.D., Pinney N., Serra G., “Voting Behavior in the US House and Senate: Regional Shifts and Contemporary Changes in Party Coalitions”, Party Politics, 1997, 3/2, pp.221-241.

Kolodny R., Dwyre D., “Party-Orchestrated Activities for Legislative Party Goals: Campaigns for Majorities in the US House of Representatives in the 1990s”, Party Politics, 1998, 4/3, pp.275-295.

Week 11: Congressional Elections (Deadline to be on the blog: Friday December 2)


Rohde D.W., “What Difference Twenty-Five Years Makes: Changing Perspectives on Parties and Leaders in the US House”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.323-338. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Sinclair B., “Partisan Models and the Search for Party Effects in the US Senate”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.339-357. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Brady D.W., “Party Coalitions in the US Congress: Intra- v. Interparty”, in Maisel L.S., Berry J.M., The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.358-376. (4NIV 324.4.MAIS)

Rachel Tsimba MATONDO

Burden B.C., “Local and National Forces in Congressional Elections”, in Leighley J.E. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.453-470. (4NIV 324.973.LEIG)

Grofman B., Brunell T.L., “Redistricting”, in Leighley J.E. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.649-666. (4NIV 324.973.LEIG)

Djupe P.A., Peterson D.A.M., “The Impact of Negative Campaigning: Evidence from the 1998 Senatorial Primaries”, Political research Quarterly, 2002, vol.55, pp.845-860.

Andra Roxana BANEA

Adams G.D., Squire P., “Incumbent Vulnerability and Challenger Emergence in Senate Elections”, Political Behavior, 1997, vol.19, pp.97-111.

Bullock C.S., “Redistricting and Congressional Stability, 1962-1972”, Journal of Politics, 1975, vol.37, pp.569-575.

Cover A.D., “One Good Term Deserves Another: The Advantage of Incumbency in Congressional Elections”, American Journal of Political Science, 1977, vol.21, pp.523-541.

Green D.P., Krasno J.S., “Salvation for the Spendthrift Incumbent: Reestimating the Effects of Campaign Spending in House Elections”, American Journal of Political Science, 1988, vol.32, pp.884-907.


Coleman J.J., “The Importance of Being Republican: Forecasting Party Fortunes in House Midterm Elections”, Journal of Politics, 1997, vol.59, pp.497-519.

Kernell S., “Presidential Popularity and Negative Voting: An Alternative Explanation of the Midterm Congressional Decline of the President’s Party”, American Political Science Review, 1977, vol.71, pp.44-66.