The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party Luncheon

April 12, 2012

Centerpieces, In Honor Of and Underwriting Opportunities

Please use this form to order Mad Hatter’s centerpieces, honor someone special in the Event Day Program Book, or to help with underwriting needs for the luncheon.


Mad Hatter’s Purse Centerpieces

I would like to purchase

_____ Large Purse Centerpiece(s) at $45.00 each

I would like to purchase

_____ Small Purse Centerpiece(s) at $35.00 each

Please note that quantities are limited so pre-purchasing is recommended.

Total Quantity Ordered ______

Total Amount $ ______


In Honor Of

Honor someone special in your life by having their name listed in the Mad Hatter’s Event Day Program Book. It’s a perfect way to show your appreciation for a friend, it’s a perfect gift for a loved one, and it benefits “A Woman’s Garden”. Each “In Honor Of” is $50 min. If honoring more than one person, please list information on the back of this form.

Individual to be honored ______

Honoree’s Address ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

(Address is requested so that we can send a card notifying the Honoree should they not be able to attend the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party Luncheon.)

Total Quantity of In Honor Of to be listed in the Event Day Program Book ______

Total In Honor Of Amount $ ______


Underwriting Needs

We need your help, please be a Mad Hatter’s Sponsor. Your name(s) will be listed in the Event Day Program Book, on the “Big Screen” preceding the Fashion Presentation and on the Mad Hatter’s Underwriting Board at the Patron Party. Even if you are not able to attend the event, your help would be greatly appreciated and a wonderful way to show your support.

I, ______,

your name


We, ______,

please list your group of sponsors

will sponsor the following:

_____ Valet $1,500

_____ Platforms for Floral Designs $ 300

_____ Check In Table $ 200

_____ Tent Sponsor $8,000

_____ Event Day Program Book $1,000

_____ Entertainment $1,000

_____ Favors $1,500

_____ Table Linen & Place setting $ 150 per table

_____ Models $ 200 per model

_____ Judges and Hat Winners Awards $ 600

_____ Reception preceding Hat Judging $1,000


Payment Information

Your Name ______

Your Address ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

Phone ______email ______

_____ I have enclosed my check for $______payable to the WCDABG.


_____ Charge my payment to my: ___ VISA ___ MasterCard

Card Number ______Exp. Date ______Zip Code ______

Name as it appears on the card ______

Your signature______

Please send this completed form to Carmaleta Whiteley

2828 Hood Street #606, Dallas, TX 75269

Please return by April 4th