Loyola University Chicago Packet for Illinois Open 2002: Urbana Renewal

By Sheilah O’Grady, Pam Mueller, J.p. Lien


1. The title character dreams of studying at the university in Christminster, but his background as an orphan raised by his working-class aunt leads him instead into a career as a stonemason. He ends up following the village schoolteacher, Phillotson, to Christminster and inadvertently sets him up with his cousin Sue, with whom he is in love. Sue does leave Phillotson for the protagonist, but returns to Phillotson after Old Father Time hangs his two half-siblings and then himself. FTP, Name this depressing Hardy novel about a certain Mr. Fawley, cousin to Sue Bridehead.

Answer: Jude the Obscure

2. Her father was Idmon of Colophon, a dyer of fleeces; she lived in the small town of Hypaepa in Lydia. It was said that the nymphs would abandon the vineyards on the slopes of Tmolus so they could go and watch her at work. Pallas Athena could find no fault in her finest work, a tapestry displaying stories of the sexual scandals of the gods, and so flew into a jealous rage. Athena slashed this woman in her face with a boxwood shuttle, and then used one of Hecate's poisons on her. FTP, name this woman that beat Athena in a weaving contest, and was then turned into a spider.

Answer: Arachne

3. A member of the Continental Congress from 1782-83, and 1786-87, he also participated in the Constitutional Convention, representing North Carolina in both. In 1790, George Washington made him governor of the western territory south of the Ohio. When Tennessee was admitted to the union in 1796, he was elected as its first senator. The county named for him there has its seat at Maryville. In 1797 it was discovered that he had made a secret deal with the British to help them capture Florida and Louisiana from the Spain. FTP, Name this man who was expelled from the Senate for this action, and later became the first elected official ever to be impeached.

Answer: William Blount

4. He explained combustion and described clearly the role of oxygen in the respiration of both animals and plants. His classification of substances is the basis of the modern distinction between chemical elements and compounds and of the system of chemical nomenclature. He was one of the first to introduce effective quantitative methods in the study of chemical reactions, work which led to his formulation of the Law of Conservation of Mass. FTP, name this French noble, who moonlighted as also a tax collector, and so was guillotined during the Reign of Terror.

Answer: Antoine Laurent Lavoisier

5. The nephew of Conchubar, he was born with the name of Setanta, but changed it after killing a watchdog and vowing to take its place. He later studied under the goddess Scathach, and upon returning form the Isle of Shadow, he became a great warrior. Chief among his feats was the defense of his home from Queen Maeve of Connaught as leader of the Red Branch. FTP, name this hero of the Knights of Ulster, whose name means “Hound of Culann”.

Answer: Cuchulainn (phonetically, coo coo lain, accept equivalents and approximations)

6. In 2000, the countries that comprise it jointly hosted the European soccer championship. It was championed by Paul-Henri Spaak, prime minister of its smallest member. It joined the ECSC in 1952, and 1958 it consituents became members of the EEC, an organization that was modeled on their example. Beginning in 1947, wages, taxes and welfare benefits were standardized between the members, and the free flow of goods, labor, and capital was established. FTP, name this union of three northern European countries which takes its name from the first letters of the names of its constituents.

Answer: Benelux

7. He worked as a journalist in the early teens, working at a journal for teachers of the deaf, as well as the magazine “Adventure”. He was a frequent contributor to Yale’s literary magazine from the time he left Sauk Centre until his graduation in 1908. His first work “Hike and the Aeroplane”, was published under the pen name of “Tom Graham”. In 1930, he became the first American author to win the Nobel Prize, largely on the strength of a work about the fictional mid-American town of Gopher Prarie. FTP, Name this author of “Arrowsmith”, “Babbitt”, and “Main Street”.

Answer: SinclairLewis

8. A frequent collaborator of Stephin Meritt, he played accordion on the Magnetic Fields 69 Love Songs CDs, but is better known now for his literary work. His “Unauthorized Autobiography” is accompanied by a note from his “representative in all legal, literary, and social matters,” Daniel Handler. More typical are works like “The Carnivorous Carnival”, and “The Wide Window”, about the orphans Sunny and Klaus Baudelaire. FTP, name this author of the “Series of Unforunate Events” saga.

Answer: Lemony Snicket (accept Daniel Handler before it is said)

9. Because the speed of light is invariant, there is no difference between the classical and relativistic descriptions of this phenomenon. Interactions with it are ten to the twentieth times stronger than those of gravity. It does not require a material medium, has an infinite range, and has energy equal to h times nu. It is made up of two orthogonal components, the e-field and the b-field, and caused by the motion of charge. FTP, name this phenomenon described in 4 equations by James Clerk Maxwell, the individual quantum of which is the photon.

Answer: electromagnetic radiation OR electromagnetic waves OR EM radiation

PROMPT on: light

10. Born in 1906 in Sucha, Austria-Hungary, he began writing for the screen in Germany in 1929. He was a roommate of Peter Lorre when he first arrived in Hollywood, and his first film was 1934’s “Bad Seed”. Although he retired from directing after 1981’s “Buddy Buddy”, he was originally slated to direct “Schindler’s List”, until Spielberg decided to do it himself. He won Best Picture and Director Oscar’s for 1960’s “The Apartment”. FTP, Name this writer, director and producer, known for “Double Indemnity”, “Sabrina”, and “Some Like it Hot”.

Answer: Billy Wilder

11. Many of his later plays are collaborations with leading actors like John Kani and Winston Ntonsha. The subject of persecution in his home country, he lived in London for several years after 1959, and not long after his return had his passport revoked for four years. The Robben Island prison is the subject of his “The Island”, while
”Sizwe Banzi is dead” deals with Appartheid “Pass Laws”. FTP, name this South African dramatist of “A Lesson from Aloes”, and“Master Harold…and the Boys”.

Answer: Harold Athol LaniganFugard

12. It often involved the use of tools like the alembic for distillation and the kerotakis for sublimation. Albertus Magnus makes mention of it in his “De Mineralibus”. Two of the more famous practitioners are the Greek Zosimus and Arabian Geber. Among its lesser known pursuits were the search for the “Panacea”, as well as for immortality drugs, and the famous “Philosopher’s Stone”. Keynes called Newton the “last of the Magicians” for his experiments in it. FTP, what is this science that tried to turn other metals into gold?

Answer: Alchemy

13. He added “Alkaline” and “Metallic” to the basic tastes of the human palette. He divided feelings into ‘pleasant or unpleasant’, ‘tense or relaxed’, and ‘excited or unexcited’, which he called his Tridimensional Theory of Feeling, included in 1893’s Physiological Psychology. In 1881 after moving from Heidelberg, he founded the first Psychological journal, called “Philsophical Studies”. FTP, Name this man who, at the University of Leipzig in 1879, established the first experimental laboratory for Psychology.

Answer: Wilhem Wundt

14. He turned on his ally Lysimachus of Thrace, who was killed at the battle of Corpedium, giving this man control of Asia Minor. Earlier, Lysimachus had helped him to defeat Antigonus I at the battle of Ipsus, giving him access to the Mediterranean. By the time of his murder by Ptolemy Ceraunus in 279 BCE, his empire extended east as far as the Oxus and Indus rivers. FTP, name this general of Alexander the Great, who established a dynasty in the Middle East.

Answer: Seleucis I or Seleucis Nicator

15. Early in his career, he took the title 'Sahib Qiran', which is symbolized by three circles in the form of a triangle. The inventor of his own namesake chess variant, he was a son of a lesser chief of the Barlas tribe. After conquering his homelands, he ventured west to Persia, east to India and then Asia Minor where he captured Bayezid I at Ankara in 1402. FTP, name this man born in 1336, 50 miles south of Samarkand, the last great Mongol conqueror.

ANSWER: Tamerlane (accept equivalents: Timour, Timur, Timur Leng, Tamburlaine, Timur the Lame)

16. In the Peruzzi Chapel he painted frescoes of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist; in the Bardi Chapel he worked on the cycle of scenes from the Life of St. Francis. Known primarily for leading art out of the flat Byzantine style which had dominated up to his time, he directed construction of Florence’s Cathedral from 1334 until his death in 1337. FTP, name this student of Cimabue, whose greatest extant works are the Arena Chapel frescoes in Padua, and the Campanile of the Duomo in Florence.

Answer: Giottodi Bondone

17. He is said to have guided the Aztecs during their migration from Aztlán. Usually represented in sculptured images as hideous, he was the object of human sacrifice, particularly of war prisoners. He was also god of the sun, and it was believed that he was born each morning from the womb of Coatlicue, goddess of earth. His temple at Tenochtitlán was a great architectural achievement of pre-Columbian America. FTP, Name this chief deity of the Aztec, who’s name means “Hummingbird on the Left”, the god of war.

Answer: Huitzilopochtli

18. In Paris in 1926 he developed a performance piece, known as his “Circus” of elaborate miniature wooden performers. That same year he painted “Firemen’s Dinner” for Constantin Brancusi. His work can be seen in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and The Blues Brothers, and has also been salvaged from the ruins of the World Trade Center. By 1930 he had found the style that would make him famous, motorized sculptures which were named by Marcel DuChamp. FTP, name this artist of Flamingo and Bent Propeller, the inventor of the stabile and the mobile.

Answer: Alexander Calder

19. Known as Borysthenes to the ancients, this river was a commercial route for the Vikings, Slavs, and Byzantines. One of the longest in Europe, it rises in the Valdai Hills, west of Moscow. It flows generally south through Belarus, then through the Ukraine, into the Black Sea. Since the construction of its namesake dam in 1932, it has been navigable for virtually its entire course. FTP, name this river which flows through Kiev.

Answer: the Dnieper (d-NEE-pur or d-NYEH-pur or equivalents)

20. They do not occur in the gametes of vertebrates, or in bacteria, but an analog of them exists in the archaebacterium Thermoplasma. First discovered in the calf Thymus , they are largely composed of alkaline amino acids like Lysine, Arginine, and Histidine. One of the most conserved proteins, they are suppressors of gene activity, and are involved in the negative supercoiling of eukaryotic DNA, thus resolving the DNA packaging problem. FTP, name these proteins which combine with DNA to form chromatin.

Answer: Histones

Bonuses by Loyola

1. In Marine Biology, organisms are classified into one of three groups according to their mode of life. Name these, FTPE:

a. (10) Those that swim or migrate freely, such as adult fishes, whales and squid.

Answer: nektonic

b. (10) Those that have little or no power of locomotion and merely drift or float in the water; usually very small or microscopic.

Answer: planktonic

c.(10) Those that live on the sea bottom; includes sessile forms, creeping organisms, and burrowing animals.

Answer: benthic

2. Name the Roman Emperor from the description FTPE.

a. (10) The army helped make him Emperor, but shortly thereafter he became ill and did things like appoint his horse to the senate.

Answer: Caligula (also accept Caius Caesar Germanicus)

b. (10) Born in Spain, he was the first non-Italian to take the throne. He partially drained the Pontine Marshes and restored the Appian Way, and at Rome he built an aqueduct, a theater, and an immense Forum.

Answer: Trajan (also accept Marcus Ulpius Trajanus)

c. (10) The last emperor of a unified Roman Empire, he also condemned Arianism, making belief in the Trinity the test of Orthodoxy in the Christian church.

Answer: Theodosius I or Theodosius the Great

3. FTPE, name these quasi-related works of literature, FTPE

a.(10) This Harper Lee novel tells the story of Scout and Jem, their father Atticus, and their reclusive neighbor Boo Radley.

Answer: To Kill a Mockingbird

b.(10) This Edward Lear nonsense poem features two characters who run away in “a pea-green boat” to be married.

Answer: The Owl and the Pussycat

c.(10) This novel takes place at a mental institution in the Northwest and features characters named Billy Bibbit and Chief Bromden.

Answer: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

4. Name the opera, FTPE.

a. (10) This Johann Strauss opera centers around a masked ball given by Prince Orlofsky. Dr. Falke dressed the part of the title role. Answer: Die Fledermaus or The Bat

b. (10) Alfredo is totally into Violetta in this Verdi work based on a Dumas novel. She’s into him, but gets consumed by TB.

Answer: La Traviataor The Fallen Woman

c. (10) Not composed by J.p.’s favorite Venetian painter, this opera is all about a druid priestess who gets dissed by her Roman boyfriend. It features the awesome aria “Casta Diva”

Answer: Norma

5. Identify the following about Plato’s Republic, FTPE.

a. (10) This man serves as the mouthpiece for Plato’s ideas, interlocuting with Plato’s brothers.

Answer: Socrates

b. (10) The Republic is set in this city, the port of Athens.

Answer: Piraeus

c. (10) This “noble lie” is Plato’s attempt to justify the class system inherent in his state. It claims that people are predestined for certain roles by their physical makeup.

Answer: The Myth of the Metals

6. 30-20-10. Name the Nobel Laureate.

(30): Due to government repression, this man, now a French citizen could neither publish his work nor travel abroad until 1979.

(20): His plays have never been performed in his country of origin and the 1989 setting of his novel Fugitives caused all of his works to be banned.

(10): This author of “Soul Mountain” won the Nobel in 2000 for “opening new paths for the Chinese novel and drama”

Answer: Gao Xingjian

7. Identify the following classes of particles, FTPE

a. (10) These are composed of a quark and an anti-quark. They were discovered by Yukawa.

Answer: Mesons

b. (10) These “light particles” are not composed of quarks, and appear to be truly elementary.

Answer: Leptons

c. (10) These are particles with half-integer spin.

Answer: Fermions

8. Identify the following dealing with Martin Luther FTPE.

a. (10) Luther was a professor in this Saxon city when he posted his 95 Theses.

Answer: Wittenberg

b. (10) This man was Holy Roman Emporer at the time

Answer: Charles V

c. (10) Luther met Charles at this 1521, and refused to recant. Its namesake edict condemned his teaching.

Answer: Diet of Worms

9. What do you put on your altar? Identify the following about things that would look really nice there, FTPE.

a. (10) This man, subject of a Hindemith opera, made the awesome Isenheim altarpiece.

Answer: Mathias Grunewald

b. (10) This altarpiece is attributed to Jan van Eyck, and his mysterious older brother Hubert.

Answer: Ghent Altarpiece

c. (10) This monk really loved the ladies, and painted the Novitiate and Barbadori Altarpieces.

Answer: Fra Lippo Lippi

10. Name the Tennyson poem from lines, FTPE.

a. (10): “A curse is on her if she stay/To look down to Camelot”

Answer: The Lady of Shalott

b. (10): “Theirs not to reason why/Theirs but to do, and die”

Answer: The Charge of the Light Brigade

c. (10): “Sunset and evening star,/And one clear call for me!”

Answer: Crossing the Bar

11. Name these persons in The Baghavad-Gita for the stated number of points.

a. (10) An avatar of Vishnu, he is both charioteer and spiritual advisor to a warrior.

Answer: Krishna

b. (10) This is the warrior prince whom Krishna is advising

Answer: Arjuna

c. (10) The father of Arjuna, he renounced the throne and retired to the Himalayas to become a hermit, starting the war of succession.

Answer: Pandu

12. Name these Hemingway novels from the supporting characters for ten points each; with the main character for five: