English IV/English IV Honors

Course Syllabus


Woodland High School

Instructor: Mrs. Lisa Looper -

Course Description

This course offers a survey of British and World Literature. Students are exposed to a variety of composition styles to prepare for college writing. Vocabulary development, research, and oral presentations are important components. Parallel reading during the course is required.

Required Texts:

Collections Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt

Honors students will need to purchase the following:

The Tenth Circle – Jodi Picoult

Things They The Carried – Tim O’Brien

The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini

Additional Texts may be required. To be determined by teacher.

Materials for this class

You will need your Chromebook for class everyday.

You will need your textbook every day.

For this class you are required to keep a binder. This binder you will need 5 tabs. It should be set up as follows:

Opening -Course Syllabus

Tab 1-Class Handouts

Tab 2- Reflections

Tab 3- Homework/Classwork

Tab 3- Writing/Research

Tab 4- Reading/Literature

You should also include blank notebook paper in your binder.You will need to bring your binder to class every day. You will also need a composition journal. DO NOT BRING A SPIRAL NOTBOOK.

Course Objectives

Through lecture, discussion, and written assignments, students will:

  • Read and comprehend a variety of literary texts in print and non-print formats
  • Read and comprehend a variety of informational texts in print and non-print formats
  • Use word analysis and vocabulary strategies to read fluently
  • Create written work that has a clear focus, sufficient detail, coherent organization, effective use of voice, and correct use of the conventions of Standard American English
  • Write for a variety of purposes and audiences
  • Access and use information from a variety of sources.


Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Prepared


1st –Warning2nd -Parent Conference3rd- Discipline referral


Positive notes and/or phone calls home, Praise, Personal pride


Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend class for 50 minutes for180 school days. Students missing more than 10 days for the year may be denied credit for the class. A student must be in class for 35 minutes to be considered present.

Tardy Policy

  • Students are expected to follow the school tardy policy as outlined in the agenda. A student must be in class 35 minutes to be considered present. Students will sign the tardy log upon entering the class.

I will follow school policy for tardiness. Please do not waste your time missing my class.

1st Tardy – Warning, 2nd Tardy – Parent Call, 3rd Tardy and afterwards – Referral

Cell Phone Policy

  • Students are expected to follow the school rules for cell phones as outlined in the student handbook. I will follow school policy for cell phones.
  • School cell phone rules are as follows:

1st offense – Cell phone will be taken and returned at the end of the school day.

2nd offense- Cell phone will be released to parent/guardian.

3rd offense - Cell phone will be turned over to the school resource officer.

I, Mrs. Lisa Looper,assumes no responsibility for any loss or theft of a cell phone or electronic device in my classroom.


  • No head phones should be used in the classroom unless indicated by me for the Chromebooks.

Late Work

  • All assignments are due at the beginning of the hour. Late work will not be accepted in this class. Either the assignment is turned in at the beginning of the hour or you will not receive credit. Please check Google Classroom EVERYDAY.

Make-Up Work Policy

  • Make-up work is the student’s responsibility. Students have 3 days to make up classwork and homework missed due to absence. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule make up work at a convenient time with me. Make up work will be scheduled after school.

Please Be Aware of the Following Circumstances:

  • If you are absent the day a test/project is announced, you must still take the test/turn in the project on the due date. Please check Google Classroomevery day as every test and major upcoming event will always be announced. If a student misses the day a test or project is due, the test/project must be turned in on the day the student returns. If a student is present when a test is assigned, he/she must take the test on the assigned day. If a student is absent for a considerable amount of time and have valid, documented proof, make-up work will be scheduled depending on the needs of both the student and the teacher.

Academic Honesty

  • Cheating in any form will result in a zero (0) on that particular assignment. Plagiarism is considered cheating.


  • Use appropriate language. If you question the appropriateness, don't say it.

Proper Dress

  • Please wear attire to school that meets the dress code. No hats, flip flops, hoods, chains, or sunglasses are allowed in the school building.

SSR Fridays

  • On most Fridays, you will be given 20 minutes of silent reading time. During this time you are to be reading a novel, newspaper, or magazine. SSR will projects will count as major grades.

Bell Work

  • Students will begin bell work upon entering the class. Bell work will be graded at the teacher’s discretion.

Turning in Work

  • All work must be headed in proper MLA format in order to be accepted. This includes homework, classwork, quizzes, reflections, or any other material written or typed.

An example of a proper MLA Heading is as follows:

First Last


Course Title

Due Date

Failure Prevention Intervention

  • During homeroom or after school, students will have the opportunity to receive tutoring or extra time with the teacher for counseling pertaining to grades, notes, papers, etc.

Grading Weights:

Tests, Projects------40%Quizzes------30%

Classwork------25%Homework, participation------5%

Grading System

90%-100%...... A80%-89%...... B

70%-79%...... C 60%-69%...... D59% and below…………...F

The contents of the syllabus may be changed at the teacher’s discretion.

Please return this form to Mrs. Looper

I have reviewed the entirety of the syllabus with my student. Both my student and I understand and agree to all the course policies.


Parent’s / Guardian’s Signature Date


Print Parent’s / Guardian’s Name


Student’s Signature Date


Print Student’s Name


Please complete the following information below. This will allow me to stay in contact with you throughout the school year. Thank you.

Parent / Guardian Home Phone: ______

Parent / Guardian Cell Phone (s)______

Parent / Guardian email ______

Please print clearly

Student Cell Phone______

Student email______

Please print clearly

Is there anything in particular about your son/daughter that will help me be a better teacher for him / her?______


Do you have any additional comments and / or questions? Please feel free to write on the back if you need more space.




