New Build Progress

As you may be aware, there’s a great deal happening now concerning the New Build. We have had the temporary accommodation delivered and the builders are busy constructing the new playground and entrance pathway.

The Nursery and Reception classes will be in their new rooms on the 11th May and we hope the new playground will be ready just before we break for the Whit holidays.

The Nursery times will be 8.30am – 11.30am to allow the Just-4-2s Nursery to begin using our nursery classroom on the afternoon.

We hope to begin to use the New Entrance Pathway on Siddington Avenue from the 18th May

Deliveries on Cuddington Crescent

I have had numerous meetings with the builders regarding the safety of the pupils, parents and staff during the build process. There should be no deliveries to the site or vehicles leaving the site during the following; 8am – 9.30am and 2.30 – 3.30 pm. We have had a couple of contractors trying to access the site during these times. I have been assured that the builders will now have a “Gate Man” to prevent this from happening. If you do witness any vehicles trying to enter or leave during these hours please make a note of the vehicle type and registration and report it to school. Thank you to all the local residents for your patience during these construction works. We understand the inconvenience it may cause. Please contact our builders (Morgan Sindall) if you need to report any issue.

National SATs

On May 11th Our Year Six and Year Two classes will undertake their Standardised Assessment Tasks (SATs). These are undertaken across the country and give a measure to the progress of the children at 7 and 11 years old. They have been working towards these tests and we have been supporting them as much as possible in order that they achieve their best. It is especially hard for our Year Six children as these are in effect, their end of Primary School tests. As soon as these are completed, we will be undertaking transition work, in order to get them ready for their new high schools.

7th May - No Breakfast Club and Picnic Lunch Day

Due to the General Election, the community centre will be used as a polling station on the 7th May. This means there will be no Breakfast Club on that day. It will resume as normal at 8am on Friday the 8th. Solutions SK, our school meals providers, have planned a Picnic Lunch Day for the 7th May. If the weather permits we will also consider taking the children outside onto the playgrounds to enjoy their picnic lunch day. Let’s hope for sunshine!

No Dogs Please.

Please note that dogs should not be brought onto the playground before or after school, even if they appear cute!

Whole Year Attendance

Thank you to all the parents and carers who make every effort to get children in school and on time. Unfortunately, the whole school attendance figure for the Autumn and Spring terms was 93.6%. Whilst this is better than previous years, it is well below our target of 95% or above.

Please note that if your child is late after the register closes, this goes down on our attendance record as an absence from school.

A reminder school starts at 8:45am; the school gate is opened at 8:30am and closed at 8:50am.

If your child is regularly late, please consider using our breakfast club. Entrance from 8:00am until 8:30am in the community centre.

New school - New Logo - New Colours – New Motto

We now have colours with the new logo and a new School Motto will be chosen before we break for half term.

We need you feedback on the shortlist of ideas for the school motto. Mrs Paterson has been collecting ideas and we have narrowed them down to the following list:

Please email Mrs Paterson with your favourite motto from the above list to .

Note: We will not introduce the new uniform until we move into the new school in 2016.

New Lunch Arrangements

Our school meals are now being brought in from a local school and the children are eating in the school hall in two separate sittings. The kitchen and lunchtime staff have worked hard to make this a smooth transition and the children have settled well into the new routine. Please note if a child is late, we cannot always guarantee a school lunch as they have to be ordered by 9.20 am.

Only 5 Places for Extra Nursery Sessions

Due to reduced space during the build process, we now only have space for five extra Nursery children (paid sessions) in the afternoons. These places are on a first come first served basis and will need to be booked in advance.

Welcome to our New Starters

Connor – Year 6

Sohaib – Year 5

Mason, Harrison and Reiley, Manahil , Daniel – Year 2

Casey – Yr 1

Margenta – Reception

Sonny, Adam, Maahin , Suphan - Nursery

Residential Trip – Bag Packing Fund Raising - 9th May

The next Bag Packing Session to raise funds for the year 4, 5 and 6 residential is on Saturday May the 9th. Please make every effort for your child to come to this as the money will be used to pay for the exciting three day adventure holiday for the children. If we do not get enough children supporting this, we will have to ask parents for a contribution towards the costs. It has cost the school £138 per child and an extra £520 for the transport. This is probably the last year we can fund the trip for all the children, please help us cover the costs.

Super Learning Day -Forensic Science Workshop 20th May

In the last week of half term, we have a Forensic science workshop planned. More details and photos will be put on the website in due course.

Well done children for a great start to the summer term!