Social Marketing in Action

Thursday 17th June, 2010-Midday for registration

Stobart Stadium, Halton, Lowerhouse Lane, Widnes, Cheshire


Purpose of the session

To share best practice in social marketing by showcasing a range of social marketing projects from across Cheshire & Merseyside and to disseminate the evaluation for the “Drink a little less, see a better you” social marketing pilot and shape the next steps for the programme.

Who should attend?

Social marketing and communications colleagues, health promotion/improvement specialists, public health practitioners, SHA partners, local authorities, voluntary sector and academia


  1. To share expertise in social marketing by sharing examples and learningfrom across Cheshire & Merseyside.
  2. To disseminate learning from the ChaMPs alcohol social marketing pilot and consult on the next steps
  3. To encourage collaborative working in social marketing and public health campaigns across Cheshire & Merseyside.


12 noon / Registration, lunch and networking
1.00 p.m. / Introduction by Chair
Martin McEwan
Director of Communications and Engagement, NHS Wirral
1.10 pm / Get checked – an early detection cancer campaign in Halton & St Helens
Anna Nygaard, Head of Marketing and Health Improvement, NHS Halton & St Helens
1.30 p.m. / Your reason, your way – a stop smoking social marketing campaign in Wirral
Kim Ozano,Senior Health Improvement Advisor,NHS Wirral
1.50 p.m. / North Mersey Diabetes social marketing project – a collaborative intervention to increase uptake of retinal screening across Merseyside
Phil Morris- Head of Social Marketing, NHS Knowsley
2.10 pm / Update from the National Social Marketing Centre (NSMC)
Patrick Ladbury, Communications Manager, National Social Marketing Centre
2.30 pm / Refreshments
2.45 pm / Drink a little less, see a better you – a sub-regional social marketing programme to reduce alcohol harm in men – background to the programme
Tracey Lambert, Communications and Social Marketing Manager, ChaMPs
2.55 p.m. / Drink a little less, see a better you – evaluation of the pilot
Miranda Thurston, Director of the Centre for Public Health Research, University of Chester
3.20 p.m. / Group work
4.00 pm / “Quick fire” feedback – 3 mins each
4.15 p.m. / Summary by Chair
An overview of the day
4.30 p.m. / Evaluation and close

Today’s presentations and a summary of the group work will be available on the ChaMPs websitefollowing the event at

Programme is subject to change

Please note photographs will be taken at the event.