MENTAL HEALTH CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE of the Wisconsin Council on Mental Heath

MINUTES – August 11, 2016 Meeting

Attendees: Committee Members: Committee Chair Mishelle O’Shasky (MHC/GEP – by phone); Committee-Co-Chair Tamra Oman, DHS/WI Resource Center – by phone); Ron Jansen (consumer – by phone); Mary Delaney (Legal Action of WI); D’Angelo Capriglione (Family Service Madison); Norm Briggs (ARC); Kristi Dietz (DOC); James Kilgore (consumer); Stacey Mohr (NAMI).

Advisors: Brian Weidman (DOC); Joe Scharenbroch (DRW).

Others: Mike Derr (DHS/DMHSAS – Committee staff person); Maureen White (guest); Dana Roth (guest); Adam Oldenburg (guest).

Meeting called to order at 10:03 a.m. by Mishelle O’Shasky, Committee Chair.

·  Roll call of attendees who were present at DOC and who introduced themselves and of those who called in by phone.

·  M. O’Shasky tabled the reading of the Review of Meeting Guidelines handout.

·  No one suggested any additions to the meeting agenda. The item “DHS Update” was dropped from the agenda because Lorie Goeser was unable to attend the meeting (illness).

·  June 9, 2016 meeting minutes were reviewed. No changes were recommended. Ron Jansen moved to accept the minutes, Mary Delaney seconded the motion. Committee voted unanimously to approve the minutes.

DOC Secretary Jon Litscher:

M. O’Shasky previously invited Secretary Jon Litscher to the meeting. Sec. Litscher introduced himself at the beginning of the meeting and stated that anything the Dept. of Corrections (DOC) could do to assist with the inmate re-entry process was paramount. Sec. Litscher noted three priority areas that DOC would like to pursue: (1) Re-entry; (2) Diversion; and (3) Pay Equity. As an example of Re-entry, OARS is seeking money to expand in 5 counties and to add caseworkers in Milwaukee and Madison. He supports the concept of diversion courts that address holistic needs, including mental illness. Also, Sec. Litscher noted the need for increased salaries for psychiatric and mental health counseling workers. He echoed former Sec. Ed Wall in noting that a huge challenge for DOC is meeting the mental health needs of numerous incarcerated persons and meeting the continuum of needs. Sec. Litscher added that additional DOC funding for Re-entry Peer Specialists will not be happening now, given limited resources. Perhaps those functions can be incorporated with DCC agents, with counties providing peer specialists.

Committee Co-chair Tamra Oman noted that a key role of mentors and peer specialists is to meet with incarcerated persons during their darkest hours, which often includes the re-entry phase. We must address keeping returning individuals away from anti-social associates (which is a high predictor of criminal activities). She added that WI Resource Center uses peer specialists.

Committee Membership Workgroup:

This Workgroup did not meet since the June 2016 committee meeting, but will meet again shortly. Thus there was presently nothing to report on. Committee member Kristi Dietz stated that she would assist the workgroup.

Guest Presenter – Adam Oldenburg:

Adam Oldenburg distributed handout summarizing his work as a statewide court liaison with WI Community Services of Milwaukee. This work includes ensuring efficiency and compliance in legal proceedings for Competency Examinations, commitments to DHS for Treatment to Competency, NGI (Not Guilty by Mental Disease or Defect) Examinations, and NGI Commitments to DHS & Placement. He has served in this role for 12 years. He is currently tracking approximately 160 competency exams, 160 treatment to competencies, 160 NGI pleas, and about 50-60 petitions for release.

His role is also to ensure that state beds are being used properly. There are about 300 forensic beds among Winnebago and Mendota Mental Health Institutions, plus 14 new beds in Mendota. WI Resource Center has about 35 forensic beds. Wait times for these beds vary; there are 69 presently on an admissions list, plus others in the Outpatient Competency Restoration Program (OCRP). There was discussion among several meeting attendees on the daily cost of assessments and beds, and the circumstances under which the state would pay costs. Committee member James Kilgore, guest Dr. Maureen White and others discussed issues related to the time many persons may face waiting for a bed, many months in some instances.

Adam Oldenburg, Kristi Dietz and others noted a recently-received MacArthur diversion grant which is designed to divert persons in Milwaukee with mental illnesses away from prisons and jails and help them to obtain medication. He also mentioned that DHS has received WI Community Services’ annual report, which provides data on forensic program placements, including a breakdown per county across the state.

Development of Strategic Plan 2016-19:

Mike Derr gave a quick overview of the draft Strategic Plan language developed over two meetings by the Strategic Plan Workgroup (Derr, Mary Delaney, Ron Jansen, Brian Weidman, and Lori Yach). Discussion first focused on observations by several persons that correctional and mental health staff want to change their approaches but often don’t know how. Kristi Dietz referenced PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003) and noted that excellent resources can be found at the PREA Resource Center. Also, DOC jail inspector Greg Bucholtz wrote the PREA grant proposal and developed lesson plans for training resources. She also noted that information on LBGQT training and webinars can be found at Wiley.net and within the Dept. of Justice’s Training & Standards Bureau. Ron Jansen suggested that these resources be referenced in the Strategic Plan somehow.

Regarding the Strategic Plan’s final language, D’Angelo Capriglione and Maureen White stated that the number of priorities and tasks need to be pared down, and that tangible, measurable outcomes should be cited for each priority so that impacts can be tracked. Aaron Oldenburg stated that diversion should remain a priority, as bed shortages have become a national issue. Several outcome measures were discussed. Maureen White added that reducing the no. of beds used and reducing “recycling” of persons into corrections or readmissions into hospitals could serve as overarching themes.

Mary Delaney stated that the Plan should also continue prioritize working to ensure that disability benefits are terminated under only the narrowest of circumstances. Benefits could instead be suspended or placed on hold. Also, corrections staff should be supported and trained to work with corrections population to help them regain benefits or apply for benefits. James Kilgore felt the Plan should emphasize locking up persons less frequently. Aaron Oldenburg noted that law enforcement officers often feel like re-arresting persons is the only option they have so that the arrested can access needed resources. Stacey Mohr mentioned the Crisis Intervention Training program for law enforcement and corrections staff as a good resource for addressing that problem. Such training also addresses diversion needs and offers de-escalation alternatives, and helps make officers aware of available resources. Kristi Dietz noted that there is a difference between “diversion at the first point of contact” and “diversion within the criminal justice system.” The Strategic Plan needs to address that difference. The challenge facing system players is the lack of available diversions within the community. The MacArthur grant is designed to address this problem.

Regarding Re-entry, D’Angelo Capriglione noted this task remains a huge challenge that requires system actors to chip away at gradually. The new Plan needs to address needs in housing, employment, access to medication and other needs for persons who have been released from prisons and jails. Mike Derr asked what data does DOC track in these areas. Kristi Dietz referenced Sylvia Jackson’s program as tracking re-entry of recently released individuals.

The Strategic Planning Team will meet again to refine and finalize the Strategic Plan language prior to the committee’s Oct. meeting, which will devote most of the time on discussing the Plan.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:02 p.m., upon consensus of the committee.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Mike Derr, DHS/DMHSAS. Next meeting is Thursday, October 13, 2016 in Madison at DOC, beginning at 10 a.m.