Meeting held on Thursday 26th January 2012

The Meeting began with prayer

1. Present: Jonathan ADKINS, Alan BAILEY; Diana CHALLIS; Lorna DALLIMORE; Keith ESSAM; David EVANS; Richard GLANVILLE; Elizabeth HARRISON; Alison HESKETH; Revd. Lesley HEWISH; Peter HODGSON; Brian KIMBER; Kevin PAINTER; John SHARP; Sue THOMAS; Don STEVENS; Revd. Canon John WRIGHT

Apologies: Pam BIRD; Ian THOMAS; Mike VAN-SLOOTS;

2. Minutes of meeting 10th November 2011 were agreed unanimously and signed as a true record, after 2 typos were manually corrected

3. Matters arising

·  Contact details for Administrator: Please note, with immediate effect, the email address is now:

·  Area for Cremated Remains: Sue Thomas has been in contact with a local blacksmith and has also been researching suitable troughs. The PCC will need to purchase a Book of Remembrance and a case for it, which will have to be situated in a suitable position inside the Church. Research is ongoing. ACTION: S Thomas

·  Theft of Lead : No further information, currently.

·  Pew Heaters : Ian Thomas and Keith Essam are to do further testing.

ACTION: I Thomas & K Essam

·  The Cross : Faculty forms have been completed and are due to be sent off. The wood has been acquired.

·  Marriage Act Direction: This has been issued by Bishop Michael.

·  Music Festival: Following correspondence with Graham Keen, it is likely that the PCC's suggestion of £2,500 per annum over 3 years [wef 2013] will be accepted.

4. Correspondence

ñ  Deanery of Cirencester: the merger of Cirencester and Fairford Deaneries has gone ahead, wef 1.12.11. The new Area Dean, Father Leonard Doolan, has been appointed.

ñ  Tetbury Town Council: on Sat 31st March 2012 the Dolphins Hall Trust committee is holding an expo to launch its fund-raising appeal for a new hall. The PCC is invited to have a stand, etc – Kevin Painter volunteered to co-ordinate this. ACTION: K Painter

ñ  a letter from Bishop Michael: (previously circulated to all PCC members) re Diocesan Mission Statement and Objectives. Revd Canon Wright is happy to pass on any comments from PCC members. Richard Glanville described it as a reasonable document.

5. Parish Administrator

Approval of handbook: Diana Sharp, after interviews with the rector and Churchwardens, has been appointed, wef 1.1.12. The Diocesan HR colleague has informed us that we need to have a Staff Handbook and a sub-committee for employment. Revd. Canon Wright suggested that members of this committee should be members of the Standing Committee. This was approved.

6. Youth Worker

Following an advertisement in a specialist newspaper, the Rector

received 2 enquiries, but no firm applications. The Diocesan Youth Officer has recently met with the Rector and Curate; Sue Thomas proposed, Peter Hodgson seconded, and it was unanimously agreed that a local newspaper advertisement should be placed, costing approx £380. It was suggested that this advertisement should also be placed in the staff-rooms of our local schools and circulated via the Chamber of Commerce. ACTION: Curate

7.  Treasurer’s Report

See attached documents:

·  currently, we are just about breaking even on the general account. It should be noted that there will be an increase of c£100pm for the Parish Share, however the result of changing electricity provider is that we will save c£2,000 in 2013 (in 2012 it will be c£1500)

·  These accounts, as presented, will be presented at the APCM, after examination by John Moules. This was proposed by Brian Kimber, seconded by Kevin Painter and unanimously agreed. Kevin Painter thanked, on behalf of the PCC, David Evans for all his hard work in stream-lining the finances and in presenting these accounts.

·  Window Appeal: Currently, the account stands at £31,172, not taking into account the Gift Aid and an outstanding grant. This means there is c£47,000 available for us to use because of grants of £16,000 due when the work is finished. The PCC wishes to express its thanks to John Saynor for his efforts in pursuing grants and in overseeing the finances of this project. ACTION: L Dallimore

8. Charitable Giving

·  Lent – Bishop’s Project / Water Aid : Although Bishop Michael has written to parishes to ask them to consider raising funds, during Lent, for medical projects in Africa, the PCC unanimously voted to continue to raise funds for Water Aid. This was proposed by Revd. Canon John Wright and seconded by Alan Bailey.

·  Ndimoyo : a cheque for £500 has been handed over. This led to discussion regarding our Annual Charity, but this will be followed up at the next PCC meeting.

·  Monthly Charities – April onwards :

APRIL/ Lent: Water Aid led by: Judith Bailey

MAY: Christian Aid led by: Alison Hesketh

JUNE : Cotswold Care Hospice led by: Barbara Ball

JULY:Mission to Seafarers led by: Diana Challis

9. Reports from Committees

·  Fabric Committee

see document circulated by Keith Essam in the meeting:

There was a lengthy discussion about on-going issues, including

- a Faculty is needed for the replacement drain pipes.

ACTION: K. Essam

-  archaeological support and guidance will be required for the replacement soak-away [see docs, colour-coded Options A, B, C] After discussion, Option C, seen as the simplest and most cost-effective, was proposed by Keith Essam, seconded by Sue Thomas and unanimously agreed. A Faculty is required to this effect.

ACTION: K. Essam

-  Keith Essam proposed, Don Stevens seconded and it was unanimously agreed that the air duct supplying the organ is sound-proofed.

-  Budget 2012/13: the estimated costs of outstanding projects each year, for the next 2 years is £15,000.

-  East Window Appeal: The outstanding money required for completion of the Project could be given from the Fabric Fund but we will have to wait on the estimates received to judge this.. Further discussion continued about the Painting: it now seems that the PCC have three options to consider, viz: sell the painting (which would raise c£3,000 - £8,0000), restore the painting (which is likely to cost c£8,000 and would have to be financed from the Fabric Fund) or do nothing and allow the painting to gently rot away. Sue Thomas's exhaustive research has shown that the painting is a copy of a Raphael painting in the Louvre, Paris, that it was painted prior to 1603, has been in the Church since 1796 and that no evidence is found of its provenance. A decision should be made as soon as possible, preferably after the PCC knows how much will be needed from the Fabric Fund for the windows.

The PCC thanked Keith Essam for his recent hard work, and in particular, for bringing all these items to this meeting.

·  Social Committee and Pastoral Committee reports were circulated prior to this meeting.

- In addition to the Soc. Comm. report a note from the Chairman: the St George's day concert will not now take place, as it falls in the school holidays. However, a similar concert will now take the form of a Jubilee Concert – to open the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations in Tetbury.

- In addition to the Past. Comm. Report: Revd. Canon Wright reported on the success of the Visiting Group. Also, TACT will be running the York Lenten course this year. Finally, the Parish Roll will be updated this year. ACTION: R Glanville

·  Stewardship Committee reports were circulated at the Meeting

-  Alan Bailey circulated the Legacy Policy that has been drawn up. *PCC members are asked to give comments [including Nil comment] to Revd. Canon Wright or Alan Bailey or Diana Challis, before the next meeting, when it should be approved. ACTION – all PCC members

-  A document “ Money Revolution” was circulated, to be read by all PCC members, who are Trustees.

10. Churchwarden’s Items

- A meeting had been held with the Archdeacon of Cheltenham at the Vicarage on 19th January, involving the 7 Churchwardens of the Benefice to discuss the situation following the retirement of Revd. Canon Wright in January 2013. It is likely that the vacancy will last approx 9 months. The Vicar of Avening and Cherington is due to retire in March/April 2013; their PCCs have asked to join the Tetbury Benefice. This is likely to be accepted, with a “House for Duty” post being offered. Further discussions between the Archdeacon and our Churchwardens will take place.

- Our Silver is currently kept in Lloyd's Bank, in Cirencester, but has recently been moved to Edinburgh resulting in charges for getting the silver out of the safe and for putting it back in addition to the cost of it being stored in the safe! Our insurance documents will be studied and enquiries will be made at other banks to ascertain a cheaper system of safe storage. ACTION: A Bailey

There being no other business, the meeting ended with The Grace at 9.35pm.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING Thursday 22nd March 2012 – 7.30 Music Room – St Mary’s Primary School