
5:00 am / Cycle – Stacey / 5:00 am / Target (30 min) – Stacey / 5:00 am / Cycle – Shanon
7:30 am / *Classics* – Kati / 5:30 am / Target (30 min) – Stacey / 7:30 am / *Classics* – Kati
8:30 am / Cycle (30 min) – Kati / 7:30 am / *Yoga – Fabian / 8:30 am / Cardio Party Mash Up – Jennifer
8:30 am / Power Pump – Laura / 8:30 am / Cycle – Laura/Kim Alt. / 8:30 am / Cycle (30 min) – Stephanie
9:30am / Barre Revolution-Kayti (Rm2) / 8:30am / Zumba-Amber (Rm2) / 9:30am / *Yoga-Beverly (Rm2)
10:00 am / *Fit & Fabulous* – Jennifer / 9:30 am / *Pilates – Stephanie / 10:00am / *Fit & Fabulous*-Jennifer
12:15 pm / Blue Plate Special (30 min) – Sheila / 4:30pm / Interval Blast -Stacey / 12:15pm / Blue Plate Special (30 min) – Sheila
4:30 pm / Cardio Party Mash Up – Jennifer (Rm2) / 5:00pm / Cycle (30min) Justina / 4:30pm / Power Pump-Stacey
5:00 pm / Cycle (30 min) – Stacey / 5:15pm / Zumba-Brittany(Rm2) / 5:30 pm / Zumba – Shayna
5:30 pm / Ab Lab (30 min) – Stacey / 5:30 pm / *Pilates – Justina / 5:30pm / Cycle-Lori
5:30pm / Barre Revolution –Jennifer (Rm2) / 6:00 pm / Cycle – Ellen / 6:00pm / *Yoga-Fabian(Rm2)
6:00 pm / Cycle – Lori / 6:15 pm / Zumba – Brittany (Rm2)
6:00 pm / *Yoga – Fabian
6:15 pm / Zumba Tone – Shayna (Rm2)
5:00 am / Target (30 min) – Stacey / FRIDAY / 7:30am / *Yoga-Fabian
5:30 am / Target (30 min) – Stacey / 5:00 am / Cycle – Ellen / 8:00am / Cycle-Alternating Instructors
8:30 am / Cycle – Laura/Kim Alt. / 5:15am / *Yoga-Stephanie / 9:00am / Zumba-Amber
8:30 am / Zumba – Amber (Rm2) / 7:30 am / *Yoga – Fabian (Rm2) / SUNDAY
9:30 am / *Pilates – Stephanie / 8:30 am / Cycle (30 min) – Stephanie / 4:30pm / Zumba-Alternating Instructors
4:30 pm / Stability Ball Workout– DeAnna / 8:30 am / Interval Blast – Laura
5:15 pm / Anger Management – Amber(Rm2) / 9:30am / * Yoga – Beverly
5:30 pm / Cycle – DeAnna / 12:15pm / Cardio&Core(30 min) – Sheila
6:15 pm / Zumba – Brittany (Rm2) / 5:30pm / Zumba Step & Sculpt – Brittany (Rm2)

*denotes low impact classes

Ab LabVarious abdominal exercises to work your core like never before

Anger ManagementKickboxing: Intense cardio and core strengthening exercises coupled with basic martial arts skills

Barre RevolutionDesigned to deliver full-body toning workout through mixed-methods of ballet and pilates

Blue Plate SpecialDesigned for quick total body workout achieved through aerobic and weight training in 30 minutes

Cardio Party Mash-UpBurns loads of calories by dance, kickboxing, hip hop and traditional athletic moves to popular music Classics Total body muscle toning designed to improve strength, balance and flexibility

Cardio&Core High Intensity Cardio for the first 15 min. and Core strengthening exercises for the other 15 min.

Cycle Challenging and fun workout featuring varied aerobic and anaerobic intervals on a stationary bike

Fit & FabulousLow impact, full body workout to increase energy and improve your overall well-being

Interval Blast High/low intervals using various equipment for a total body workout

Kids Fun & Games Organizedgames & exercises to get the kids active while having fun! Ages 6-13yrs.

PilatesClassic core conditioning exercises specifically selected to tone abs, arms and legs

Power PumpParticipants choose weights to work different muscle groups, focusing on reps and endurance

TargetTotal body workout with high intensity intervals using various equipment

Stability BallUsing the stability ball, and sometimes weights, for strengthening and cardiovascular benefits

YogaClass designed to improve your strength, flexibility and concentration

ZumbaFast and slow rhythms are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat and having fun

Zumba Step & Sculpt Zumba along with step & weights to increase cardio while defining and sculpting your core and legs

Zumba ToneTotal body dance workout using light weights to tone arms, core and lower body


**All classes are 45 minutes unless otherwise noted**