12/30/14 LHJ: Sonoma County

Deliverable Form E – 5-Year Action Plans

(For further instructions see separate document titled “Action Plan Guidelines”)

MCAH SOW Goal 3: Improve Infant Health
Problem Category / SIDS/SUID
Problem Statement(s) / Sonoma County infants die of asphyxia associated with bed-sharing and unsafe sleep environment conditions
Five Year Local Goal(s) / The number of infants who die of asphyxia has been reduced by promoting infant safe sleep and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) risk reduction education activities
Risk/Contributing Factors / Strong breastfeeding advocates who promote co-bedding as a strategy to increase breastfeeding, parents lack of knowledge and understanding of what a safe sleep environment looks like, lack of consistent messaging across disciplines, lack of funding to purchase safe cribs, residential shelters and treatment facilities lack cribs to provide a safe sleep environments for infants of shelter guests.
Best Practice Strategies/ Interventions / In 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released the policy statement, SIDS and Other Sleep-related Infant Deaths: Expansion of Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment, and an accompanying technical report. The Safe to Sleep campaign—formerly known as the Back to Sleep campaign—aims to educate parents, caregivers, and health care providers about ways to reduce the risk for SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death. The safe sleep strategies outlined in Safe to Sleep materials and publications are based on recommendations defined by the 2011 AAP recommendations. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/128/5/1030
Targeted outreach to MCAH population and other public health programs and providers. Increase knowledge of parents of newborns and childcare providers, birth hospitals/midwife
Intervention Population(s) / MCAH and other public health programs, parent educators, child care providers, health care professionals, breastfeeding advocates and parents of newborns, staff at homeless shelters and residential substance use treatment facilities, community based organizations that serve target population (such as Early Head Start, Head Start, etc)
Short and/or Intermediate Objective(s) / Inputs, including Community Partner involvement / Intervention Activities to Meet Objectives / Performance Measures
Short and/or Intermediate /
Process Description and Measure(s) including data source / Outcome Measure(s) including data source /
Fiscal Year 1: 2015-2016
By June 30, 2016, all home visiting staff will have adequate knowledge and skills to incorporate motivational interviewing technique into messaging about safe sleep environment when working with clients
MI / ·  MCAH home visiting programs and their supervisors
·  Public health staff including social workers, public health nurses and Public health assistants / Incorporate motivational interviewing skill building techniques into MCAH new hire orientation book.
Assess level of MI training for staff, establish guidelines for adequate education, ask about attending training and often they use the MI skills – developing a measure of training adequacy
Ensure all home visiting program protocols related to safe sleep environment messaging incorporate motivational interviewing techniques when appropriate.
Establish procedures to track the use of MI in providing safe sleep education
Compile materials suitable for staff trainings on use of motivational interviewing when discussing safe sleep. Curriculum to include: case studies, health education materials and related articles. / MCAH new hire orientation book will include MI skill building techniques suitable for public health staff
Home visiting protocols will incorporate procedures that support use of MI technique when providing safe sleep education to clients
Staff training materials on MI will be compiled and provided to home visiting supervisors for use with staff / MCAH Public Health staff will demonstrate increased skill using MI technique to educate clients about safe sleep
MCAH public health staff will incorporate use of MI technique when providing safe sleep education to clients
Number of MCAH home visiting staff who completed training on use of MI when discussing safe sleep/Number of MCAH home visiting staff
Fiscal Year 2: 2016-2017
By June 30, 2017,
By June 30, [20xx], [x/X] (specify targeted organization) will demonstrate increased knowledge and adopt infant safe sleep and SIDS risk reduction practices into (specify targeted organization such as WIC, homeless shelter, shelter for battered women, child birth class, faith-based organizations)
CBOs / Messaging at specific community based organizations such as Vital Stats, WIC, stores (floor talkers?) Bus campaign? Sites where target population gather
Identify barrier to providing a safe sleep information and environment, do they have the materials needed to create a safe sleep environment
Fiscal Year 3: 2017-2018
By June 30, 2018,
By June 30, [20xx], [x/X] CPSP providers will provide correct infant safe sleep and SIDS risk reduction information to all their pregnant and postpartum women / Train CPSP staff to educate Medi-Cal Moms on infant safe sleep and SIDS risk reduction
Fiscal Year 4: 2018-2019
By June 30, 2019,
By June 30, [20xx] [x/X] parents of newborns will demonstrate increased knowledge and intention to follow infant safe sleep practices and SIDS risk reduction in [number] birth hospitals
Fiscal Year 5: 2019-2020
By June 30, 2020,
By June 30, [20xx], [x/X] (specify targeted organization) will demonstrate increased knowledge and adopt infant safe sleep and SIDS risk reduction practices into (specify targeted organization such as WIC, homeless shelter, shelter for battered women, child birth class, faith-based organizations) / Messaging at specific community based organizations such as Vital Stats, WIC, stores (floor talkers?) Bus campaign? Sites where target population gather

Local Health Jurisdictions (LHJ) Needs Assessment Timeline and Deliverables Page 1 of 3