Friday “Early Bird” Sessions from 7:30 am - 8:20 am
Measuring Outcomes of Occupational Therapy Interventions for Children with Sensory Integration Difficulties
Roseann Schaaf, PhD, Joanne Hunt, OTD, OTR/L, Elke Van Hooydonk, OTD, OTR/L and
Patricia Faller, OTD, OTR/L
Two case reports with outcome data are presented to exemplify data collection regarding the effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions. Both children had difficulty participating in daily living activities associated with poor processing and integration of sensory information.
Short Presentation (50 minutes) Children & Youth
The Implication of Neurofeedback in Occupational Therapy Practice
Joanna Davis, MOTS, Christine Achenbach, M.Ed, OTR/L, Megan DiBernardino, MOTS,
Sarah Marcolongo, MOTS
Because neurofeedback is used to treat many of the same neurological diagnoses that occupational therapists address within practice, our study serves to provide a platform for the potential implications and possible utilization of neurofeedback in occupational therapy practice.
Short Presentation (50 minutes) Emerging practice area
A Practical Guide to Developing Evidence-based OT
Stephen Whittaker, MS, OTR/L, Ph.D., CLVT
This presentation questions the standards of evidence used by the AOTA to develop practice guidelines, proposing a research design more appropriate for OT, that is widely accepted in biomedical research, and can be done by any OT in their clinical practice.
Short Presentation (50 minutes) Research
Friday Posters from 10:30-12:20 pm
A1: Through the Lens: The Efficacy of Video Modeling for Improving Social Participation in Children with Autism
Keri Biedka, OTS, Brooke Carrabbia, OTS, Abbie Vargo, OTS, Joyce Salls, OTD, OTR/L
This poster presentation will provide current evidence on the efficacy of video modeling for improving social participation in children with autism. The poster will include a description of video modeling, outcomes of video modeling, and implications for occupational therapy practice.
Poster Presentation Children & Youth
A2: Screen Time Overtime: Should a “Screen Time Diet” be Part of Healthy, Everyday Activities and Routines for Families and their Young Children?
Sarah Jamieson, OTS, Mary Muhlenhaupt, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Published research reports that infants/toddlers consume more screen media than the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends. Explore the effect of screen media on infant/toddler behavior and learn suggestions to help families build healthy early learning environments for their young children.
Poster Presentation Children & Youth
A3: Assessing Adolescents’ Current Interests: Outcomes from the Scranton Adolescent Interest Checklist
William Lambert, MS, OTR/L, Daniella Cataldo, OTS, Stephanie Lauko, OT,S Maura Regan, OTS, Chloe Scobee, OTS, Colleen Sullivan, OTS, Nicole Trubin, OTS, Samantha Zarro, OTS
Preferred occupations and interests of adolescents will be presented to help inform current practice with recently conducted research, facilitating occupation-based, client-centered occupational therapy interventions. Additionally, participants will become familiar with the Scranton Adolescent Interest Checklist used in the study.
Poster Presentation Children & Youth
A4: Teaching iPad Operations using Applied Behavior Analysis Based Instruction with a Student with Autism
Abigail Tuttle, BS, OTS, Denise Chisholm, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
This poster describes the Applied Behavior Analysis based teaching method used to train a student with autism to communicate with an iPad. The Person-Environment-Occupational Model will be used to describe the student’s response to participation in the iPad training program.
Poster Presentation Children & Youth
A5: Occupational Therapy's Role in Community Reintegration of Prisoners
Christopher Yang, OTS, Colleen Maher, OTD, CHT, OTR/L
This poster presentation aims to identify occupational therapy’s role in community reintegration for incarcerated prisoners. This presentation synthesizes information from multiple healthcare professions to create new roles for occupational therapy in prisons and identifies where more research is needed.
Poster Presentation Community
A6: Development of an Interprofessional Geriatic Program
Stephen Kern, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA, Tarae Wadell-Terry, Ed.D.
This poster describes the development of a graduate credit bearing post-professional certificate in interprofession geriatric practice satisfying the faculty development requirement of a federal grant.
Poster Presentation Education/Field Work
A7: High-Fidelity Simulation: Translating SimMan to Real Man
Kelsey Lyons, OTS, Jessica Goldcamp, OTS, Valerie Holiga, OTS, Whitney Meeker, OTS, Jodi Schreiber MS, OTR/L
This poster reflects the current best literature on the effects of HFS in healthcare education. Also, outcomes of a before and after study were collected to determine the effects of HFS on Chatham MOT student’s confidence and critical thinking skills.
Poster Presentation Education/Field Work
A8: Aging in Place: Home Modification as an Intervention
Victoria Lee, OTS, Colleen Maher, OTR, CHT, OTD
AOTA’s emerging areas: aging in place and home modification, are becoming increasingly relevant as the population ages. The purpose of this study is to investigate if home modification, as an intervention approach, increases the independence of those aging in place.
Poster Presentation Emerging practice area
A9: The Great Outdoors: Decreasing Symptoms of PTSD Through Leisure and Social Participation
Anthony Mead, OTS, Angela Sammons, OTS, Danielle Sampieri, OTS, Janine Sisko, OTS, Amy Mattila, MBA, MS, OTR/L
After returning to civilian life, veterans living with PTSD may feel confined inside their minds and rigid surroundings, exacerbating symptoms. This poster examines how OT led leisure and social interventions can be effective methods to holistically treat this population.
Poster Presentation Emerging practice area
A10 : The Effects of Culturally Competent Occupational Therapists in Promoting Participation of Culturally Diverse Clients in Early Intervention Services
Decorntae Kpou, OTS, Colleen Maher OTR, CHT, OTD
It is essential for occupational therapists to understand how cultural competency impacts family engagement. This poster consists of a literature analysis that provides evidence on the effectiveness of culturally competent therapists in promoting family participation while receiving home based early intervention services.
Poster Presentation General/Professional
A11: Physical Activity Wellness Program and Pediatric Quality of Life
Amy Burt, MOT, OTR/L, Jessica Hughes, OTR
The Friday clinic is a physical activity wellness project that encourages students with a variety of disabilities to participate in gross motor activities. Students gain valuable developmental skills which impact quality of life, increasing participation, socialization, and confidence.
Poster Presentation Health & Wellness
A12: Lived Experience of United States Army Occupational Therapists
Kimberly Cornelissen, OTS, Courtney Gampe, OTS, Kelli Edmond, OTS, Madison Thibault, OTS, Cathy Dolhi, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
The third phase of a multiphase project, this poster presents the proposed study design and methodologies for exploring the lived experience of OTs serving in the US Army. Interview themes and the rationale for their consideration will be presented.
Poster Presentation Health & Wellness
A13: Caring for Caregivers: Parents of Children with Disabilities
Katlyn Long, OTS, Cindy Reen, OTS, Lauren Chance, OTS, Lynette Ritenour, OTS, Joyce Salls, OTD, OTR/L
Evidence shows that parents of children with disabilities who participate in support groups report increased knowledge, improved coping skills, and a greater sense of belonging and empowerment. This poster will review the best evidence and provide recommendations for OT practice.
Poster Presentation Health & Wellness
A14: Client-Centered Approach to Community Mental Health
Allison Lenherr, OTS, Shawna Gigliotti, OTS, Rondalyn Whitney, PhD, OTR/L
The program proposed reflects occupational therapy’s core values of evidenced-based, holistic and client-centered treatment. This program was field-tested with adults with mental illnesses. The activities aimed to promote community engagement and role fulfillment through occupational and social participation.
Poster Presentation Mental Health
A15: Evaluation and Self-Perceptions of Burnout Among Practicing Occupational Therapists
Randy P. McCombie, PhD, OTR/L, Kimberly Galusky Simms, MOT, OTR/L
Potential for burnout is a concern for all practicing OTs. The present study assessed indicators of burnout in occupational therapists as measured by the Maslach Burnout Inventory, focusing on emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment.
Poster Presentation Mental Health
A16: Evaluating a Low Vision Rehabilitation/Behavioral Intervention to Prevent Depressive Disorders in Older Adults with Age-related Macular Degeneration
Tracey Vause Earland, MS, OTR/L, Catherine Piersol, PhD, OTR/L
Occupational therapy plays a vital role in enabling elders with Age-related Macular Degeneration and depression risk to resume valued occupations. This poster will present preliminary findings from a randomized clinical trial testing an intervention using low vision rehab with behavioral activation.
Poster Presentation Productive Aging
A17: Preventative Care: Integrating Cognitive Intervention into Productive Aging
Alison Furman, OTS, Colleen Maher, OTD, OTR/L, CHT
As the population ages at a rapid rate, it is imperative to research preventative therapy to facilitate productive aging for older adults. Using a systematic review, preventative occupational therapy, with an emphasis on cognitive intervention, will be explored.
Poster Presentation Productive Aging
A18: Understanding Functional Visual Performance
Julie Nastasi, OTD, OTR/L, SCLV, Patricia Gelling, OTS, Gretchen Kempf, OTS, Maria Regina Licitra, OTS, Mary Poillon, OTS
This study explored the role of visual acuity and contrast sensitivity on the occupational performance of individuals with visual impairment. Findings of the study will assist occupational therapists in developing better intervention plans for individuals with visual impairment.
Poster Presentation Productive Aging
A19:FIM Scores Influencing Discharge Destination Following CVA
Amanda Acord-Vira, MOT, OTR/L, CBIS, Brandy Brown, OTD, OTR/L, Robbin Butler, OTR/L,
QErin Kaknis, OTS, Kelly Cuthbert, OTS
This study highlights the use of the Functional Independence Measure on predicting discharge destination for individuals who sustained a stroke and are receiving inpatient rehabilitation services.
Poster Presentation Rehab, Disability & Participation
A20: Mirror Therapy Intervention for Improving Participation in Desired Functional Tasks and Activities for Occupational Therapy Clients with Hemiparesis Following CVA: An Evidenced-Based Review
Verna Eschenfelder, PhD, OTR/L, Mary Cabarle, OTS
The purpose of this poster is to present the results of an evidenced-based research project that addressed the following clinical question: Does the use of Mirror Therapy Intervention improve participation in desired functional activities for clients with hemiparesis following CVA?
Poster Presentation Rehab, Disability & Participation
A21: Wounded Warriors: Coping with Limb Loss Using Animal Assisted Therapy
Samantha Mack, OTS, Colleen Maher, OTD, OTR/L, CHT
Many military members who come back home are in need of services to cope with their injuries. This poster will show that including animal assisted therapy, as an OT intervention can be beneficial in helping them cope with limb loss.
Poster Presentation Rehab, Disability & Participation
A22: Group Based Mirror Therapy
Jaun May, MOT, OTR/L
Group based mirror therapy after a stroke can serve as an adjunct to traditional inpatient OT to maximize patient outcomes. This presentation will review the rationale for mirror therapy intervention, protocols used and cost effective use of staff.
Poster Presentation Rehab, Disability & Participation
A23: Evaluating the Impact of Demographics and Contextual Factors on a Computer Training Program for Individuals with Physical Disabilities
Maria Sebastian, OTS, BSHS, DrOT Candidate, Dawn Waller, ATP, Katherine Griffiths, CTRS, Michael Strawbridge, Rochelle Mendonca, Ph.D., OTR/L
Significant gaps in research exist related to the efficacy of computer training programs and factors that impact successful program completion for individuals with disabilities. This study retrospectively examines the role demographics and context have on such programs.
Poster Presentation Rehab, Disability & Participation
A24: Guided and Directed Cues: Observations from Inpatient Rehabilitation after Stroke
Joelle Urquhart, OTS, Samantha Kozlowski OTS and Abigail Darin OTS, Elizabeth R. Skidmore PhD, OTR/L
Purpose: Individuals with cognitive impairments after stroke make fewer gains from rehabilitation. Methodology that characterizes and quantifies client-therapist interaction during clinical rehabilitation is limited. Conclusion: We developed a standardized coding scheme for reliably assessing training cues in inpatient rehabilitation.
Poster Presentation Research
A25: Sensory Smart Classrooms: Collaborating with Teachers to Enable Maximum Student Success
Chaya Strauss, OTS, Fern Silverman, EdD, OTR/L
The presentation will highlight the results of a presentation given to elementary school teachers on the topic of establishing sensory-smart classrooms and curricula, and discuss how occupational therapists can share their knowledge with other professions in order to benefit a mutual population that they work with
Poster PresentationPediatrics
A26: Minimizing Musculoskeletal Disorders in Massage Therapists
Chaya Schachter, OTS, Fern Silverman, EdD, OTR/L
Based on available evidence of the frequency of musculoskeletal disorders found in massage therapists, this presentation will demonstrate prevention strategies to reduce occupational hazards and the risk of career threatening injuries to promote effective job performance as a healthcare provider.
Poster Presentation Rehab, Disability & Participation
A27: Your Health is in your hands
Alta Fried, OTS, Fern Silverman, EdD, OTR/L, Caitlyn Foy, MS, OTR/L
This presentation will depict the physiological effects of Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome for bike riders and how it impedes their continued leisure participation. Occupational therapists play a pivotal role in early detection, prevention and administering evidence based therapeutic treatment.
Poster PresentationRehab, Disability & Participation
Friday Sessions beginning at 10:30 am
Enhancing Progress through Innovative Parent Consultation
Andrea Christner, OTD, OTR/L, Ray W. Christner, Psy.D., NCSP
This presentation highlights an approach to enhancing effective parent consultation in occupational therapy. Following a cognitive-behavioral consultation model, occupational therapists can tailor effective client-centered interventions that encourage parent involvement and progress overall functional outcomes.
Presentation (1 hour, 50 minutes) Children & Youth
OT & Museums: Strategies for Creating a Culture of Inclusion in a Community-based Setting
Fern Silverman, EdD, OTR/L, Bradford Bartley, BS, Rebecca Smith, BFA, Adrienne Kimball, MEd
Museums are community institutions serving diverse populations. This presentation describes ways that OTs can partner with museums or other organizations to promote inclusive opportunities for all. Participants will learn specific strategies to foster partnerships that promote inclusion in local community settings.
Short Presentation (50 minutes) Community
From Boardroom to Classroom
Sheryl Zellis, OT/L
Making the transition from occupational therapy practitioner in the business world to being a teacher and leader in the classroom, is challenging. With mentorship and an appetite for a new and exciting challenge, one can find this transition professionally meaningful.
Short Presentation (50 minutes) Education/Field Work
Activity Analysis 999: Using OT Process to Get on a Public Agenda
Ruth Schemm, Ed.D., OTR/L, FAOTA
This paper will focus on advocacy. Starting with a brief background on why “function” can be used as a unifying platform for occupational therapists to expand our sphere of influence and broaden support for new opportunities.
Presentation (1 hour, 50 minutes) General/Professional
Creating Behavior Change...Habits, Routines and Lifestyles!
Tina DeAngelis, EdD, OTR/L, Kimberly Mollo, MS, OTR/L
This session will explore the core tenets of the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) and its practical application to occupational therapy practice within traditional as well as emerging occupational therapy practice settings. Actual case scenarios will be presented and linked to the core concepts of the TTM revealing the use of motivational interviewing as well as practical applications for client-centered, occupation-based use.
Presentation (1 hour, 50 minutes) Mental Health
Participation in Religious Observance as an Occupation
Jaime Bassman, MS, OTR/L
'Religious observance' is listed as an IADL,yet is often overlooked. How can children and adults with disabilities access their religious institutions, with their challenging physical and sensory environments? Learn how to address occupation at the community level. Resources provided.
Presentation (1 hour, 50 minutes) Rehab, Disability & Participation
Achieving Freedom: Driving and Community Mobility with Limb Loss
Susan Touchinsky, OTR/L, SCDCM, CDRS
This seminar is geared towards the occupational therapy clinician wishing to expand currently knowledge and understanding of driving and community mobility for patients with amputations. This seminar will use the driving and community mobility spectrum and occupational therapy practice framework to define the role of the OT generalist thru the OT Driving Rehab Specialist for addressing driving and community mobility for patients with amputations. The course content will also cover the medical complexities associated with amputations both traumatic and medically necessary and the considerations necessary for return to driving, adaptive equipment choices, and longevity in community mobility engagement. The seminar will also identify current equipment resources to address the needs across the driving and community mobility spectrum and discuss current collaborative relationships with vendors and support groups available to support your patient with an amputation to support optimal engagement in driving and community mobility.
Presentation (1 hour, 50 minutes) Rehab, Disability & Participation
Evidence-based Management of Unilateral Field Loss and Spatial Neglect
Stephen Whittaker, MS, OTR/L, Ph.D, CLVT, Alex Nastaskin , MS, OTR/L, Courtney Knobl, MS, OTR/L
A protocol for evaluating and treating unilateral field loss and spatial neglect was developed from recent published evidence and refined by our case-by-case analysis of individual performance. All aspects of spatial neglect syndrome are addressed including caregiver involvement
Presentation (1 hour, 50 minutes) Rehab, Disability & Participation
Practitioner Forum: Fieldwork
Short Presentation (50 minutes)